Zone1 Hundreds of newspapers drop 'Dilbert' comic strip after racist tirade from creator Scott Adams

The trigger for Adamsā€™s Feb. 22 rant was a recent Rasmussen Reports poll that asked a thousand American adults whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement, ā€œItā€™s okay to be white.ā€ Fifty-three percent of black respondents agreed, 26 percent disagreed, and 21 percent said they werenā€™t sure. In other words, black respondents were twice as likely to agree as to disagree.

But Adams contorted the numbers to make the poll look worse. He added the not-sure responses (21 percent) to the disagree responses (26 percent) and concludedā€”in highly misleading languageā€”that ā€œnearly half of that team doesnā€™t think Iā€™m okay to be white.ā€
On Monday, Adams broadened this point to Republicans and Trump supporters. He suggested that black people would be wise to avoid anti-black racism by staying away from white people who wore MAGA hats. Then, addressing his white viewers, he reconsidered that advice. ā€œMost of you, if youā€™re Trump supporters, you say, ā€˜But wait, weā€™re not racists, donā€™t do that,ā€™ā€™ he reflected. ā€œAnd I agree.ā€ Reversing himself, he concluded that conservatives werenā€™t racists and that ā€œRepublicans are actually a pretty good group to live around.ā€

If youā€™re white, why not give black people the same chance to disprove your suspicions?
In his original rant, Adams didnā€™t just complain about black hostility to whites. He added:

Iā€™m also really sick of seeing video after video of black Americans beating up non-black citizens. You know, I realize itā€™s anecdotal, and it doesnā€™t give me a full picture of whatā€™s happening. But every damn day, I look out at social media, and thereā€™s some black person beating the shit out of some white person. Iā€™m kind of over it. Iā€™m over it. So I quit.
Five days later, Adams cited these videos as a reason why black people should fear white neighborhoods:

Thereā€™s so many videos going around of black people beating up non-black people. . . . Wouldnā€™t you agreeā€”those of you who are black, who are watching thisā€”wouldnā€™t you agree thatā€™s bad for you? That itā€™s like programming white people to have a view thatā€™s not representative? So wouldnā€™t you say that the problem is people being programmed with bad thoughts? . . . Wouldnā€™t you think twice before you moved into a neighborhood that you thought had been programmed with that frame of mind?
Well, yes. The fear and anger stoked by circulation of these incendiary, unrepresentative videos does make it more likely that black people will worry about white people, and vice versa. Thatā€™s one reason why Adams ought to stop hyping these videos and ask himself, instead, how he ended up in a social-media circle where such videos appear every day. Heā€™s contributing to the racial animus that he then invokes as a rationale for segregation
In his original rant, Adams didnā€™t just complain about black hostility to whites. He added:

Five days later, Adams cited these videos as a reason why black people should fear white neighborhoods:

Well, yes. The fear and anger stoked by circulation of these incendiary, unrepresentative videos does make it more likely that black people will worry about white people, and vice versa. Thatā€™s one reason why Adams ought to stop hyping these videos and ask himself, instead, how he ended up in a social-media circle where such videos appear every day. Heā€™s contributing to the racial animus that he then invokes as a rationale for segregation
I think Scott Adams needs a woman.
I realize you have been programmed to post this, but how is it racist to say "It's o.k. to be white"?

Is it NOT o.k. to be white in Woketopia?

better question is, why is your white fragility so high you need the affirmation that "It's okay to be white".

Let me help you out.

I tend to stay clear of blacks today whenever I can.
Well, of course! I even avoid them in line at the grocery store. If it's a clerk, she'll make mistakes. If it's another customer, she'll have a long, tedious "issue" which usually boils down to her not having enough money for what she wants to buy. And of course there is all the purse-snatching and car-jacking: and I'm talking about the best supermarkets in the county! I carefully zip up my purse and put it under the cart seat to avoid the black purse-snatchers.
And isnā€™t supporting the elimination of race-based affirmative action policies designed to give blacks an advantage over whites just that? How is objecting to racist decisions, and that would be those that use skin color as a factor, racist? It seems the opposite is true: those who support race-based policies designed to give an advantage to blacks over the other two races are essentially saying that blacks arenā€™t as capable as whites and Asians and special set-asides have to be provided.

But what compensates for the advantages white people already have in that they own most of the levers of power.

I've had one case in my life where a black person was given a job before me based on affirmative action. (Both gender and race). I've had one case where a woman was given a promotion before me because of affirmative action and gender.

I've had dozens of situations where I had to deal with white people who got positions because they were related to the boss, having sex with the boss, or was a drinking buddy of the boss... and those people are INFINITELY worse to deal with professionally. At least the Affirmative Action hire has to try to prove themselves. The nepotism hires are balls of ineptitude you have to navigate around.

Iā€™ve said that before - specifically, the need to focus on reducing the illegitimacy rate and to stay in school - and for that Iā€™ve been called racist.

As you should be. The fact you use an outdated term like "illegitimacy" to start with is a problem. No one is illegitimate.
Then you ignore the fact that 34% of white people are born out of wedlock, and a fairly large number of them get divorced before kids are grown.
I love the comic strip Dilbert. I guess I should look up Scott Adams website; maybe he'll keep it going there and it will be promulgated widely via the Internet. Newspapers are so "yesterday" anyway. We cannot get papers delivered here anymore, and we took two for years, but no one will deliver now.
The fact you use an outdated term like "illegitimacy" to start with is a problem. No one is illegitimate.
Then you ignore the fact that 34% of white people are born out of wedlock, and a fairly large number of them get divorced before kids are grown.
Illegitimate children are all illegitimate. Words have meaning, you know.
This ridiculous meme has been used before to promote your point. Again, I will point out the reality. All three are thieves. The ball players and concessions EARN their living from paying customers and your meme is promoting the theft of their efforts. I wonder if Labron James would support giving his salary away and playing for free in the interest of equity. This type of thinking is what leads to the belief that everyone should get everything for free. That is communism.

Um, not seeing how these three kids watching a game are cheating the concession sellers as they aren't buying concessions. And if they were watching the game on TV, they'd be watching it for "Free" as well.

Oh, yeah, "Eek" communism.

The other problem I have with that meme is that it shows that there is a systemic barrier holding blacks back, and there isnā€™t.

You're kidding, right? No sadly, you aren't.

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