Hundreds of ‘Refugees’ Caught with Images of ISIS Flags, Severed Heads on Their Cell Phones


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Of course, the left will say they aren't in our country so we needn't worry. We all know our vetting process will keep out radicals. Some people in San Bernardino might disagree with that.

More ISIS animals looking to kill some infidels. But, but, they are just innocent refugees and complaining they aren't being vetted properly is bigotry. The left wants us to trust them until they kill. The same left that pretends that gun control will save lives isn't interested in taking common sense precautions to save lives. We actually should have control over who is allowed to enter the country. The lack of concern over ISIS animals coming here proves that nothing in their agenda is about the safety of people and it's all about their agenda.

To get an idea of how much concern some leftists have regarding ISIS, look at Chris "Tingles" Matthews. He wants us to have more respect for ISIS members.

Now he's upset because Republicans are calling ISIS members 'animals.' He says it dehumanizes them and that they should be called 'bad people' instead.

So, don't insult those who have no moral compass and who enjoy the brutal slaughter of innocent people. There was no sign of human beings in those who burned people alive, tossed gay people off rooftops, beheaded people, beat and stoned women to death for minor infractions and now who kill babies and children with Down's Syndrome and other defects.

A liberal here once defended ISIS by saying they were angry at past wars. Tell me how it's a matter of getting even with the enemy infidels when they brutally torture and murder their own over the smallest reasons.

Now, even as ISIS members are among the refugees and spreading their hate by recruiting those refugees, Matthews is wanting everyone to use more respectful terms in describing them. No, Mr. Tingly Leg, they are animals. And those who defend anything they do are just plain stupid.

ISIS animals poisoning and suffocating babies and children with birth defects.
You DO realize that one of the shooters in San Bernadino was a US citizen, right?

You also realize that the female shooter didn't come here as a refugee, she came here under a FIANCEE VISA.

The screenings for refugees is much more stringent than what they do for people coming here to marry US citizens.
You DO realize that one of the shooters in San Bernadino was a US citizen, right?

You also realize that the female shooter didn't come here as a refugee, she came here under a FIANCEE VISA.

The screenings for refugees is much more stringent than what they do for people coming here to marry US citizens.

The guy was Muslim and for all we know, his parents raised him to be radical. The fact that he was a citizen just proves that it doesn't matter about citizenship. Radical Islam is a disease and perhaps Muslims are more easily radicalized that previously thought. Those who knew him said he changed dramatically after visiting a Muslim country, but Obama's administration would call it profiling to look harder at people like him. As for fiancée visas, they should be just as strict as they are with any other person wanting to come here. A person entering the country should be vetted regardless of the reason. They didn't even check the information she provided to them or they would have known she used a fake address. Bottom line is that they don't do their jobs and it's easy to get stuff by them. With thousands of refugees, the chance of more similar mistakes are highly likely. The refugees are harder to vet because there may be no records, so I bet they take them at their word. When the terrorist woman went through the process, it would have been so easy to double check the information she provided. If they fuck something that easy up, how are they going to have a clue who any of these refugees really are?

Second, the refugees in other countries have ISIS shit on their phones so we know ISIS members or ISIS sympathizers are definitely among them.

If it really takes two year to vet them, why are we bothering? If they need help, why aren't we sending aid there instead of relocating them? Too much about this makes no sense at all. ISIS wants to spread their people around and this is the perfect opportunity. We should just send aid and not risk the safety of Americans.

Matthews still has some loyal viewers and it's scary to think that some people want ISIS treated with more respect.

I hope the animals are all destroyed. I don't care about offending ISIS pukes.

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