Hundreds of thousands rally in Iran against Trump, chant 'Death to America': TV

Hundreds of thousands rally in Iran against Trump, chant 'Death to America': TV

Iranians want to kill America because we don't want them to kill us.

Is that Iranian Snowflake Logic?

They are the new left, along with Chucky Shmucky, and the rest of them.

We need have a little patience. Remember how young this Presidency is. He doesn't even have his whole cabinet in, and look how far he has gone. Yes, have patience! There are a lot of things 2 branches of government can do to a 3rd. Do not be surprised if everything changes quickly-)
Iran is dangerous because nationalist xenophobes, who think their religion should be the law, are the ones in power there.
Isn't it Ironic, dontcha think?

Snowflakes say ban from Iran is unconstitutional because they are not a threat.

Then Iranians chant. "Death to America."

Video of the demonstration should be used in court to bolster the argument for the ban.
Islam does not believe in Separation of Church and State.

So I've got to ask, why Liberals and the Democrat Party are allied with Islam...

The only reason I can think they make natural allies is that they are both committed to the destruction of America.

The only problem though for liberals using Islam as a weapon against their own country is that when they accomplish their goal, Islam will then turn on them and destroy them.
Muslim Scum wishing death to their neighbors, and all of America while eating our food, living in our houses and attending our schools and Liberals Cheering them on.

The Mules The Liberal Dem Party is using to undermine our laws, weaken this country and tear it down will turn right around and kick Lefty in the face the second they have the upper hand.

And even if we wanted to have pity on them and save them from their deserved fate we won't be able to because by thrat time it will be every man for himself.
I have a plan...

Let's immigrate them! Then, after giving them all the love in the world they will start acting peacefully.
The idiotic left doesn't understand that Islam has "always" been at war with non-Islamic nations. Wherever a Muslim nation borders a non-Muslim nation, there is bloodshed.
The idiotic left doesn't understand that Islam has "always" been at war with non-Islamic nations. Wherever a Muslim nation borders a non-Muslim nation, there is bloodshed.

They declared war on The US 225 years ago.

Thomas Jefferson formed The Marines and built The US Navy and had to go to war with them in Tripoli because of constant unprovoked aggression by Islam.

Our first hostage crisis was with Islam and The Barbary pirates when they held 300 Americans hostage when Jefferson was President.

They demanded a got paid millions in ransom for years because America was not in a position to resist them. But Jefferson quietly built our Navy and formed the Marines & unleashed Hell upon the demon hoards terrorizing the Mediterranean.

Violence is the only language Islam understands, and it is the only way to negotiate with them by dealing out more death and violence than they themselves can tolerate.

Islam is bound by the Koran to stay in a constant state of war with Non Islamic nations and commanded to subjugate & dominate all Nations until the entire globe is filled with Islam and Islam only.
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Iran is dangerous because nationalist xenophobes, who think their religion should be the law, are the ones in power there.

Isn't it interesting how the far left dung hates religious theocratic americans - but loves religious theocratic iranians?
The idiotic left doesn't understand that Islam has "always" been at war with non-Islamic nations. Wherever a Muslim nation borders a non-Muslim nation, there is bloodshed.

They declared war on The US 225 years ago.

Thomas Jefferson formed The Marines and built The US Navy and had to go to war with them in Tripoli because of constant unprovoked aggression by Islam.

Our first hostage crisis was with Islam and The Barbary pirates when they held 300 Americans hostage when Jefferson was President.

Islam is bound by the Koran to stay in a constant state of war with. On Islamic nations and commanded to subjugate, dominate all Nations until the entire globe is filled with Islam and Islam only.
I'm aware of the history of Islam and Tripoli. Sadly, due to a combination of poor quality teaching in primary schools, coupled with Marxist colleges, we have ignorant former and present students who think that Islam is a benign victim.
I'm aware of the history of Islam and Tripoli. Sadly, due to a combination of poor quality teaching in primary schools, coupled with Marxist colleges, we have ignorant former and present students who think that Islam is a benign victim.

Colleges have also been packed with filth like ra-shit-i khalidi, who despise people are educated and knowledgeable about the mideast.

Next time you see some leftist c-nt complaining about Israel's alleged mistreatment of the fakestinians, ask them about what the muslims have done to the yazidi, maronites, coptics, assyrians, chaldeans, maneachans, zoroastrians, azeri and bahai. When the fucking ape shakes their head like "who are they"? tell them to get a fucking education.

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