Hungarian legislator passes Law baning Homosexual, LGBT propoganda to be taught to children.

It's not propaganda. It's fact. These people exist. You're coming from some bullshit religious angle.
There is nothing to indicate they sexual assault kids any more than pastors and priests etc as you suggest.
What are you doing about that?
It's your filthy religion and you hypocrits thinking freedom is only allowed by you.
It's not propaganda. It's fact. These people exist. You're coming from some bullshit religious angle.
There is nothing to indicate they sexual assault kids any more than pastors and priests etc as you suggest.
What are you doing about that?
It's your filthy religion and you hypocrits thinking freedom is only allowed by you.
I have nothing to do with this new law. In Jamaica homosexuality is illegal, you can get 10 years in prison if caught. Lets face it , Homosexuality is an abnormality. Its not normal ,nor is it accepted in many parts of the world. The pope has condemed it. Many religions don't allow.Its considered a perversion. Most societies just don't accept it If you think its ok or normal your in a minority in the world. Don't go to Jamaica preaching what you are preaching.!!
It's not propaganda. It's fact. These people exist. You're coming from some bullshit religious angle.
There is nothing to indicate they sexual assault kids any more than pastors and priests etc as you suggest.
What are you doing about that?
It's your filthy religion and you hypocrits thinking freedom is only allowed by you.
I have nothing to do with this new law. In Jamaica homosexuality is illegal, you can get 10 years in prison if caught. Lets face it , Homosexuality is an abnormality. Its not normal ,nor is it accepted in many parts of the world. The pope has condemed it. Many religions don't allow.Its considered a perversion. Most societies just don't accept it If you think its ok or normal your in a minority in the world. Don't go to Jamaica preaching what you are preaching.!!

Most civilized countries really don't go for homosexuality. Zambia, Guinea, Sudan, Uganda all don't approve of it.
Hungarian legislator passes a law banning Homosexuality and LGBT propoganda to be taught to children. The European Union filed a protest to this new law. Hungarians say they want to protect their children.
so are you posting this from Brazil?......
Sexual orientation is a characteristic that a person is born with. This persecution of LGBT+ people has got to stop. I don't know why straight men are so sexually insecure that they have to scapegoat people based on an innate characteristic.

This has nothing to do with so-called "morals." Actually, in terms of sex, there is no such thing as "morals" in that there is no single standard that society imposes on every person.

For example, trump has been flagrantly immoral for all of his adult life, bragging about it, but no supposedly "Christian" clergy has come after him for it, some even campaign for him and now insist that he is the "rightful" president, and people calling themselves "Christians" follow him blindly.

At the same time, girls are, and have been subjected to a flood of sexual propaganda since infancy. Catholic girls get all the "Virgin Mary" crap, fundie Protestant girls get "purity culture." Then we meet the "Christian" boys, so hot to trot who apparently have never heard of this "morality" and that "God is watching." They obviously don't think that their bodies are "temples of the Lord."

So what is this horrible LGBT+ "propaganda"?

So where is the respect that Jesus taught must be shown to all persons? So where is the humility that is to be expected of Christians?
Now all we have to do is send our children to school in Hungary to get a normal education. They also kicked Soros out of their lives. They are much smarter than we are. We need a "stop Soros law" too.

Yeah, let's teach our kids to be normal. We could have "smack the fag in the face" classes, literally bring a gay kid in, and get all the others to beat him up daily. It'll make them "real men".
It's not propaganda. It's fact. These people exist. You're coming from some bullshit religious angle.
There is nothing to indicate they sexual assault kids any more than pastors and priests etc as you suggest.
What are you doing about that?
It's your filthy religion and you hypocrits thinking freedom is only allowed by you.
They were under the yoke of communism. They they see how LGBT communities in the West have a stranglehold on power and are not going to be controlled again.
Now all we have to do is send our children to school in Hungary to get a normal education. They also kicked Soros out of their lives. They are much smarter than we are. We need a "stop Soros law" too.

Yeah, let's teach our kids to be normal. We could have "smack the fag in the face" classes, literally bring a gay kid in, and get all the others to beat him up daily. It'll make them "real men".
Or we could leave the bullshit at home and have math and science classes like the rest of the world....
Now all we have to do is send our children to school in Hungary to get a normal education. They also kicked Soros out of their lives. They are much smarter than we are. We need a "stop Soros law" too.
Damn those Sunday Schools!
You know what we used to teach gays and lesbians in school? Math and Science, just like the rest of us.
It's not propaganda. It's fact. These people exist. You're coming from some bullshit religious angle.
There is nothing to indicate they sexual assault kids any more than pastors and priests etc as you suggest.
What are you doing about that?
It's your filthy religion and you hypocrits thinking freedom is only allowed by you.

There is a clear line between Acceptance and Awareness vs. Indoctrination. I’m all for schools to teach the former. No indoctrination.
Most people don't think very much about Hungary in their day-to-days, but it is teetering on the edge of a super-authoritarian classically-fascist takeover, right in the heart of Europe. Viktor Orban is a scary dude.

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