Hungry Children in Calcutta.


Mar 12, 2012
"Kali estimates that there must be about 50,000 street children in Calcutta. They live anywhere they can: on the streets, on railway platforms, under bridges, inside sewage pipes laid out for construction. They go around doing odd jobs, anything that will help them survive. They are often found begging, or else picking through the huge piles of garbage that dot the city, looking for things that will have value in the recycling market. As they wander about trying to eke a living from their harsh environment, they are drawn into a world of crime, and many are physically and sexually abused by the adult representatives of Calcutta's vast nether world."

Untitled Document

every once i awhile i read about hungry children in israel. are you people so heartless that you don't even care about children in other parts of the world.
The Situation
Thailand is a source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking. It is a destination-side hub of exploitation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, for both sex and labor exploitation.

Migrants, ethnic minorities, and stateless people in Thailand are at a greater risk of being trafficked than Thai nationals, and experience withholding of travel documents, migrant registration cards, and work permits by employers. Thai men who migrate for low-skilled contract work and agricultural labor are subjected to conditions of forced labor and debt bondage as well. | Thailand

seems like we will ust ignore this as well. what thee hell is wrong with you people? don't you even care that things like this go on.
what else is new? they call it KOLKATA now It is a
VERY densely populated city in WEST BENGAL
The people are ethnic BENGALIS and speak a distinct
language which they share with the people of EAST BENGAL--
BANGLA DESH who are also ethnic bengalis. Kolkata
has always been a city full of impoverished people but
the situation became far worse when the hindus who
survived genocide in East PAKISTAN aka EAST BENGAL,
NOW BANGLA DESH-----in 1971 fled the new BANGLA DESH
and ended up in the gutters of Calcutta now KOLKATA

FROM ISLAMIC OPPRESSION Somehow they seem not be
considered refugees because they are CITIZENS OF INDIA so they
are not entitled to the free oil and rice ---etc that the well fed
GAZANS enjoy (at the expense of the USA)

The kids now alive and rummaging in the garbage
of Kolkata are the lucky ones-----aid to the fleeing
children in 1971 was blocked by the west pakistani
army and tens of thousands dropped dead of starvation
in their tracks (just one of the many genocides comitted
by the ISA-RESPECTERS ----in recent years) There
were pictures back then----in the news----but sherri did not
save them because there was not a single jew in sight.
I never met a jew with origin from either east or west bengal
but there is no question that the ZIONIST CONTROLLED
CIA created the 1971 civil war between east and west
pakistan-----I know because a WEST PAKISTANI MUSLIM
told me so
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The Situation
Thailand is a source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking. It is a destination-side hub of exploitation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, for both sex and labor exploitation.

Migrants, ethnic minorities, and stateless people in Thailand are at a greater risk of being trafficked than Thai nationals, and experience withholding of travel documents, migrant registration cards, and work permits by employers. Thai men who migrate for low-skilled contract work and agricultural labor are subjected to conditions of forced labor and debt bondage as well. | Thailand

seems like we will ust ignore this as well. what thee hell is wrong with you people? don't you even care that things like this go on.

Poster children for birth control :thup:
I figure this latest off-topic misplaced rant 'thread' is just another instance of sealie trying to grandstand... He seems to get very upset if there's nobody willing to fight with him, poor l'il wee critter.
"Kali estimates that there must be about 50,000 street children in Calcutta. They live anywhere they can: on the streets, on railway platforms, under bridges, inside sewage pipes laid out for construction. They go around doing odd jobs, anything that will help them survive. They are often found begging, or else picking through the huge piles of garbage that dot the city, looking for things that will have value in the recycling market. As they wander about trying to eke a living from their harsh environment, they are drawn into a world of crime, and many are physically and sexually abused by the adult representatives of Calcutta's vast nether world."

Untitled Document

every once i awhile i read about hungry children in israel. are you people so heartless that you don't even care about children in other parts of the world.

it's the fault of those Jooooooos! As stated before, it's learned behavior
I figure this latest off-topic misplaced rant 'thread' is just another instance of sealie trying to grandstand... He seems to get very upset if there's nobody willing to fight with him, poor l'il wee critter. sure aren't thinking if you think i can't find anything to fight with people about. actually, i don't like fighting at all anyway.

i guess we could discuss the EU's concern about the israeli unust treatment of palestinian political prisoners and prisoners of war, or the demographic time bomb...the irish in the north are very adept at that business.

i am ust accomodating hoss by showing that people do care about other things, even though his only concern is about some muslim pickin' the pocker of a bible thumper at the casbah in bumfuck egypt. it seems like he thinks only pro-palestinians don't care about other things. now, we see it is jews/zionists who are not so different.

shall we move on to the indigenous tribes of the amazon and why jewish people/zionists don't care a damn if they are wiped out?
I figure this latest off-topic misplaced rant 'thread' is just another instance of sealie trying to grandstand... He seems to get very upset if there's nobody willing to fight with him, poor l'il wee critter. sure aren't thinking if you think i can't find anything to fight with people about. actually, i don't like fighting at all anyway.

i guess we could discuss the EU's concern about the israeli unust treatment of palestinian political prisoners and prisoners of war, or the demographic time bomb...the irish in the north are very adept at that business.

i am ust accomodating hoss by showing that people do care about other things, even though his only concern is about some muslim pickin' the pocker of a bible thumper at the casbah in bumfuck egypt. it seems like he thinks only pro-palestinians don't care about other things. now, we see it is jews/zionists who are not so different.

shall we move on to the indigenous tribes of the amazon and why jewish people/zionists don't care a damn if they are wiped out?

Ooooooooh, is that sealie trying to be all tough now? We're supposed to be sooooooooo! skeered of his displeasure, aren't we?

You go right on posting your silly little excuses for attacking others here, sealie : it does appear you've got a small talent for that kind of thing......

I stopped giving you any credence after you posted that I could, but wouldn't, make another poster stop posting things you didn't like.

I figure it's unhealthy to take seriously the words of someone who's so obviously estranged from facts and reality as all that.
Deach---when was the first time you REMEMBER
hearing the word "SHEEENY"???

told you already. i was about 60. i was tired of jewish posters calling me a drunk, papist paddy and the like so i looked up slurs for jewish people and they had plenty. "sheeny" seem the least offensive to me.

try it, i will show you how it works...insult my religion, ethnicity, parentage, everything i hold dear, and i will show you how it works.
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I figure this latest off-topic misplaced rant 'thread' is just another instance of sealie trying to grandstand... He seems to get very upset if there's nobody willing to fight with him, poor l'il wee critter. sure aren't thinking if you think i can't find anything to fight with people about. actually, i don't like fighting at all anyway.

i guess we could discuss the EU's concern about the israeli unust treatment of palestinian political prisoners and prisoners of war, or the demographic time bomb...the irish in the north are very adept at that business.

i am ust accomodating hoss by showing that people do care about other things, even though his only concern is about some muslim pickin' the pocker of a bible thumper at the casbah in bumfuck egypt. it seems like he thinks only pro-palestinians don't care about other things. now, we see it is jews/zionists who are not so different.

shall we move on to the indigenous tribes of the amazon and why jewish people/zionists don't care a damn if they are wiped out?

Ooooooooh, is that sealie trying to be all tough now? We're supposed to be sooooooooo! skeered of his displeasure, aren't we?

You go right on posting your silly little excuses for attacking others here, sealie : it does appear you've got a small talent for that kind of thing......

I stopped giving you any credence after you posted that I could, but wouldn't, make another poster stop posting things you didn't like.

I figure it's unhealthy to take seriously the words of someone who's so obviously estranged from facts and reality as all that.

lolol...i'm not acting tough at all. i am just illustrating the behaviour of one of your zionists and his ridiculous responses. he does this in almost every one of his posts. at least i have confined mine to a thread.

i think, annika can attest to my ability to "act tough". i am sure she remembers my brief descriptive pose on kristallnacht.

as for "could...wouldn't..." what i meant was that it was possible for you to stop certain jews from making racist statements, but would not even try while it is completely beyond my ken or influence to do so. it is just like ews will never be able to stop hilston. he loves ruffling your feathers. i can get rid off him, given the right conditions, although saying it here doesn't help.

also, be careful...hoss is on some trip accusing me of being some svengali of imposters or something. one would have to be cool as a cucumber and an evil genius to pull off what he fantacises, but check your blue font because while he is on this roll, ya don't want him to accuse you of being caturday.

and im a gonna kick yer is that for tough.
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Sealie, you haven't explained how you imagine it's even possible for me to stop anyone else from posting whatever they wish.

It's either got to be the person or the points they can make: which of the two are you supposing I should be relying upon?

You appear to be suggesting I can influence others in ways that you aren't capable. Interesting.
Sealie, you haven't explained how you imagine it's even possible for me to stop anyone else from posting whatever they wish.

It's either got to be the person or the points they can make: which of the two are you supposing I should be relying upon?

You appear to be suggesting I can influence others in ways that you aren't capable. Interesting.

what i am saying is that you, as a jew, probably will have more influence on iRosie or roudy than i as a ctholic would have, particularly if you align with other ews and obect to their behaviour.

caturday and other catholics may listen to me because i am catholic.

it depends on the ethnicity/connection of course and how tight the particular group is.

i am not saying that is right or wrong, i am saying that is what is. this is also what is, like it or not, but rose is a representative of ews and so are you. that is an important part. people notice. it enhances your credibility. there was a certain instance recently where you and lipush were two jewish posters for a response i made and i think you know what it was. that elevated judaism and the jewish people in my eyes.

that is all i am saying.
WOW. Do you truly imagine that's how it is, that everyone - or even 'most' - posters first consider 'who' is posting an idea? Not how I work or how I expect others to work.

Then there is the nausea-inducing moment when I realized you were *yet again* referring to some kind of 'association' between the 'Zionist' posters here which you assume is closer than with others. I know that to be total nonsense, but I doubt you'll ever allow yourself to hear that message because I'm a Jew...... and yet, who'd know better that the idea is nonfactual and inaccurate?

Yanno, it's not one of the things which brings me pleasure in life, enduring the attempts to communicate with folks who've got that subtext going....the one about my 'ethnicity' and some 'agenda'.
WOW. Do you truly imagine that's how it is, that everyone - or even 'most' - posters first consider 'who' is posting an idea? Not how I work or how I expect others to work.

Then there is the nausea-inducing moment when I realized you were *yet again* referring to some kind of 'association' between the 'Zionist' posters here which you assume is closer than with others. I know that to be total nonsense, but I doubt you'll ever allow yourself to hear that message because I'm a Jew...... and yet, who'd know better that the idea is nonfactual and inaccurate?

Yanno, it's not one of the things which brings me pleasure in life, enduring the attempts to communicate with folks who've got that subtext going....the one about my 'ethnicity' and some 'agenda'.

don't twist my words. i said nothing of the kind.

i think i have more influence on BIK, caturday, others more than you. i have noticed much more disagreement and criticism among the pro-palestinian posters than i have among the zionist posters. ima is a good example, and not at all unlike irose.

i have also taken the side of zionist posters against pro-palestinian posters.. so you can say what you want about me or imagine that i am saying something i am not. i really can't do anything about that.
how did we get from starving children to jews?

irose or proudvet. i was getting ready to move on to the japanese whaling industry and endangered species.
Not funny, rehab. Request a transfer of your post to wherever it is that India should be discussed or I will.

Thanks ahead of time.

'go right ahead. i was just making a point to a person whose only arguments consist of accusing people of not caring what occurs in tibet or hong kong of the missouri breaks.

he is pretending he is not reading this, and i am sure it is a futile attempt to keep ot on track, but absolutely, it should be moved. i will try to have it pulled entirely myself if it is still here tomorrow.
WOW. Do you truly imagine that's how it is, that everyone - or even 'most' - posters first consider 'who' is posting an idea? Not how I work or how I expect others to work.

Then there is the nausea-inducing moment when I realized you were *yet again* referring to some kind of 'association' between the 'Zionist' posters here which you assume is closer than with others. I know that to be total nonsense, but I doubt you'll ever allow yourself to hear that message because I'm a Jew...... and yet, who'd know better that the idea is nonfactual and inaccurate?

Yanno, it's not one of the things which brings me pleasure in life, enduring the attempts to communicate with folks who've got that subtext going....the one about my 'ethnicity' and some 'agenda'.

don't twist my words. i said nothing of the kind.

i think i have more influence on BIK, caturday, others more than you. i have noticed much more disagreement and criticism among the pro-palestinian posters than i have among the zionist posters. ima is a good example, and not at all unlike irose.

i have also taken the side of zionist posters against pro-palestinian posters.. so you can say what you want about me or imagine that i am saying something i am not. i really can't do anything about that.

What a cutesy way of noting that some of the 'pro-Palestinian' posters are simply Nazi-sucking slime. 'Present company' excepted, of course.

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