Hungry Planet: What The World Eats


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
What's on family dinner tables around the globe? Photographs by Peter Menzel from the book "Hungry Planet"


An interesting essay at what people eat throughout the world. Looking at some countries' food shows how close to starvation they are. And, also shows why there are so many Fatties here in the USA.

Read more: Hungry Planet: What The World Eats |
Excellent book - I've got his book Material World, which is a real eye opener :)
That was one of the best slide shows I've seen lately - thanks for putting it up!

^Republicans think they are well fed, and that if they only got off their lazy bums and found a job, they'd be rolling in money!
The Italians seem to eat a lot of fresh fruit and breads. Healthy foods.

Mexicans like their fruit and vegies but they ruin it with litre after litre of Coke!

The Brits eat a lot of shit, too.

Us Aussies love our meat and veg.

AMERICANS!!! What is that shit you call pizza? That ain't a damned pizza.

Canadians like eating polar bear? WTF??? You sick bastards!

Greenland isn't much better - polar bear, AND seal? What kind of sick fucks kill polar bears and seals to eat?

Feel sorry for the family from Chad - the food they have isn't enough to feed me for a week, let alone a family of six!
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We were in line at the grocery checkout when I glanced behind and noticed an Hispanic couple with a cart filled with half the food that we had. And I remember thinking that they will end up eating twice as healthier than us at half the cost.
^Republicans think they are well fed, and that if they only got off their lazy bums and found a job, they'd be rolling in money!

Why do you have to be so ignorant as to turn this into a political diatribe? :mad:

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