Hunter Biden and Voter Fraud evidence!!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Dear Trump supporters,

After watching FOX News and reading your posts here, it seems you folks have a stockpile of evidence regarding high crimes by Hunter and Joe Biden, as well as massive voter fraud in the 2020 election, which brings up an important question:

Why can't you win any court cases with your "evidence"

Of the 15 court cases of voter fraud Donald Trump has brought to date, none have passed legal muster with even the most Conservative of judges. Regarding Hunter Biden - All he may be guilty of is failing to disclose his financial records in a paternity suit (not exactly a hanging offence)

If I may suggest, you folks on the Trump side are a bit like the little boy who cried "wolf!" too many times. After awhile people will stop listening to you. :bye1:

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Dear Trump supporters,

After watching FOX News and reading your posts here, it seems you folks have a stockpile of evidence regarding high crimes by Hunter and Joe Biden, as well as massive voter fraud in the 2020 election, which brings up an important question:

Why can't you win any court cases with your "evidence"

Of the 15 court cases of voter fraud Donald Trump has brought to date, none have passed legal muster with even the most Conservative of judges. Regarding Hunter Biden - All he may be guilty of is failing to disclose his financial records in a paternity suit (not exactly a hanging offence)

If I may suggest, you folks on the Trump side are a bit like the little boy who cried "wolf!" too many times. After awhile people will stop listening to you. :bye1:

Corrupt judges and deep state judicial scumbags. But there are many ways to skin a cat.
If the courts refuse to uphold the rule of law and are obviously compromised, blackmailed or so blinded by their own hatred of Trump that they can’t issue an honest ruling, Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act.
The Navy court martialed Hunter Biden. Lieutenant junior grade Biden got reduced to E-1, Dishonorable Discharge. kicked out, forfeiture of pay and other stuff. That punishment is reserved for stealing money and other high crimes.
Fox News is finished
Trump TV will be unleashed and make billions

I am sure it will. Yea I think the MSM in general has been finished for a long time. It seems the only ones that watch it are people in nursing homes. :D Or people that think the shadows are real.
Biden is a corrupt , dirty , POS !!
Will never acknowledge this bum as president

I can't figure out who I hate worse, The Bush's, Clintons, Obama or Biden. it's a toss up.:D
The Clintons by far !!

I don't know, Daddy Bush seemed to be the most evil of them all. With all the MK Ultra but sure the Clintons were involved with that also. Try reading the book by Cathy Obrien called Tranceformation of America.

Full book here:

Biden is a corrupt , dirty , POS !!
Will never acknowledge this bum as president

I can't figure out who I hate worse, The Bush's, Clintons, Obama or Biden. it's a toss up.:D
The Clintons by far !!

I don't know, Daddy Bush seemed to be the most evil of them all. With all the MK Ultra but sure the Clintons were involved with that also. Try reading the book by Cathy Obrien called Tranceformation of America.

Full book here:

Hillary and Bill used the fake Clinton foundation as a “pay for play scam “ to rake in hundreds of millions for themselves and friends
Trump has not filed 15 cases, WTF are you talking about? Most of the cases you're referring to were filed by 3rd parties, and were dismissed for lack of standing, not lack of evidence. Trump has, I believe, 3 or 4 pending cases and a couple more on the way according to Lin Wood and Sidney Powell. None of those have been involuntarily dismissed, and they are not yet at the evidentiary stage. Keep your pants on. Everyone will know soon enough whether or not the cases have sufficient evidentiary merit. Nobody on either side should be doing a touchdown dance yet.
Biden is a corrupt , dirty , POS !!
Will never acknowledge this bum as president

I can't figure out who I hate worse, The Bush's, Clintons, Obama or Biden. it's a toss up.:D
The Clintons by far !!

I don't know, Daddy Bush seemed to be the most evil of them all. With all the MK Ultra but sure the Clintons were involved with that also. Try reading the book by Cathy Obrien called Tranceformation of America.

Full book here:

Hillary and Bill used the fake Clinton foundation as a “pay for play scam “ to rake in hundreds of millions for themselves and friends

That is true.
There is absolutely no evidence that any judge is corrupt. None. All of the Hunter Biden stuff was known before Nov. 3. Moreover, Hunter Biden was never on the ballot. Claims that the election was rigged were being made long before Nov. 3, so the people making them must have had the evidence much in advance of the election, but was not produced in court. The trumpsters' claims are bogus.
There is absolutely no evidence that any judge is corrupt. None. All of the Hunter Biden stuff was known before Nov. 3. Moreover, Hunter Biden was never on the ballot. Claims that the election was rigged were being made long before Nov. 3, so the people making them must have had the evidence much in advance of the election, but was not produced in court. The trumpsters' claims are bogus.

Are you seriously that ignorant? :D
Biden is a corrupt , dirty , POS !!
Will never acknowledge this bum as president

I can't figure out who I hate worse, The Bush's, Clintons, Obama or Biden. it's a toss up.:D

Much hate I sense in you. Hatha Yoga and meditation have brought unbalanced lives back into balance for centuries my friend. :bye1:

You are right Bill.. :D I guess I should have used the term dislike. After all we are all one, right. You are me and I am you.
Hate ?? I hate the USA !!
Fake media of polyps with fake glasses
Big tech and dirty scum bag lawyers run the nation
Most folks don’t even speak English
Rampant crime and guns everywhere
Most Americans dress like someone in a mental hospital
We have zero culture or ethics of any kind
Just film yourself having sex in a trash can on Instagram and make millions

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