Hunter Biden The Unknown Facts

there was no abuse of power to start with,,,
That's not the question. I'll rephrase it for you. If something is found to pin on the Biden's do you think it justifies Trump's actions? Can you answer that without being a dipshit?

somethings already been found and the dems are hard at work trying to cover it up,,,
OK first of all since any evidence found is of unknown origin and has passed through the hands of someone not an official of the state department it is questionable at best. You've watched cop shows, evidence collection and custody makes all the difference.

Second, even if the Bidens are guilty as sin it does nothing to justify Trump's actions for which he is being impeached.

his oath of office justifies it,,,

and its clear you dont know any of the facts of the case,,,

What case? A bundle of of manufactured rumors and overblown conspiracy theories is not a "case" in the sense of an official investigation.
You have just described the Steele dossier bought and paid for by her majesty HRC.
Brennan is now the focus of a criminal investigation. Just the beginning.

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