Hunter Biden

so has trump,,,but we see what happened with that,,,

I hope I'm wrong and our VP didnt use his office to enrich his family

but if your wrong he did,,,

but its funny how most of his families wealth came from government business
There’s zero evidence to support any allegation of wrongdoing against Joe Biden and extensive evidence that is exculpatory (which you consistently ignore).

That’s why it’s a witch hunt.

You keep hitching your wagon to sketchy Ukrainians and pumping Russian disinformation.

to say that only means you are either ignorant or are dismissing clear evidence because it goes far beyond just ukraine

It’s a discussion about Ukraine, one which you have attempted to deflect from, when it’s been convenient.

I’ve been extremely well informed on the issue. So far I’ve done a lot more educating of you than vice versa. Your “clear evidence” is often highly misleading, uncorroborated allegations from questionable sources, Russian disinformation, or just invented (still waiting for you to provide any details of a source claiming to corroborate Shokin’s investigation into money laundering).

None of your “clear evidence” stands up to even the slightest scrutiny.

maybe you need to check the title of the thread AGAIN,,,

its about hunter and he goes FARRRRRRRR beyond just ukraine,,,

one of my biggest reasons for thinking something isnt kosher is the constant resistance to it from mindless drones like you,,
if its just a witch hunt then what are you worried about if theres nothing to find???

I resist bullshit narratives built on lies. That’s what this has been all along. It’s the mindless drones that have been pushing this narrative.

They post videos with fundamental factual errors that they didn’t notice or didn’t care to look up. They don’t worry about the reliability of their sources. They use anything that fits the preconceived narrative. They ignore (this is fundamental) any contradictory information.

Which is how people like Shokin become the victim in all this.

I think your just scared,,,
There’s zero evidence to support any allegation of wrongdoing against Joe Biden and extensive evidence that is exculpatory (which you consistently ignore).

That’s why it’s a witch hunt.

You keep hitching your wagon to sketchy Ukrainians and pumping Russian disinformation.

to say that only means you are either ignorant or are dismissing clear evidence because it goes far beyond just ukraine

It’s a discussion about Ukraine, one which you have attempted to deflect from, when it’s been convenient.

I’ve been extremely well informed on the issue. So far I’ve done a lot more educating of you than vice versa. Your “clear evidence” is often highly misleading, uncorroborated allegations from questionable sources, Russian disinformation, or just invented (still waiting for you to provide any details of a source claiming to corroborate Shokin’s investigation into money laundering).

None of your “clear evidence” stands up to even the slightest scrutiny.

maybe you need to check the title of the thread AGAIN,,,

its about hunter and he goes FARRRRRRRR beyond just ukraine,,,

one of my biggest reasons for thinking something isnt kosher is the constant resistance to it from mindless drones like you,,
if its just a witch hunt then what are you worried about if theres nothing to find???

I resist bullshit narratives built on lies. That’s what this has been all along. It’s the mindless drones that have been pushing this narrative.

They post videos with fundamental factual errors that they didn’t notice or didn’t care to look up. They don’t worry about the reliability of their sources. They use anything that fits the preconceived narrative. They ignore (this is fundamental) any contradictory information.

Which is how people like Shokin become the victim in all this.

I think your just scared,,,

Since when has the right wing let facts stop their narratives?

You don’t want an investigation. You want an outcome.
to say that only means you are either ignorant or are dismissing clear evidence because it goes far beyond just ukraine

It’s a discussion about Ukraine, one which you have attempted to deflect from, when it’s been convenient.

I’ve been extremely well informed on the issue. So far I’ve done a lot more educating of you than vice versa. Your “clear evidence” is often highly misleading, uncorroborated allegations from questionable sources, Russian disinformation, or just invented (still waiting for you to provide any details of a source claiming to corroborate Shokin’s investigation into money laundering).

None of your “clear evidence” stands up to even the slightest scrutiny.

maybe you need to check the title of the thread AGAIN,,,

its about hunter and he goes FARRRRRRRR beyond just ukraine,,,

one of my biggest reasons for thinking something isnt kosher is the constant resistance to it from mindless drones like you,,
if its just a witch hunt then what are you worried about if theres nothing to find???

I resist bullshit narratives built on lies. That’s what this has been all along. It’s the mindless drones that have been pushing this narrative.

They post videos with fundamental factual errors that they didn’t notice or didn’t care to look up. They don’t worry about the reliability of their sources. They use anything that fits the preconceived narrative. They ignore (this is fundamental) any contradictory information.

Which is how people like Shokin become the victim in all this.

I think your just scared,,,

Since when has the right wing let facts stop their narratives?

You don’t want an investigation. You want an outcome.

I'm not right wing and your comment stinks of fear,,,
By getting drug addict Hunter Biden a sweet 83K a month gig on Burisma that had no experience in the oil and gas industry.....way to go, Sleepy Pedo broom sweeps clean, eh, fawn?

Oh, delusional dale? Show how Joe got Hunter that job...

Better yet, tell me how Hunter Biden got a cushy 80K a month salary with a seat on Burisma without his connections to "Slow Joe" and if you are going to HONESTLY claim that Hunter Biden procured that position based on his vast experience and expertise on Ukrainian gas and oil negotiations? You will have just given me enough cannon fodder to bust on you for years to come, dumb ass.

I challenge you to back your bullshit claim that Joe got Hunter that job and instead of proving it, you ask me a question. Thanks for conceding you're a brain-dead loser so quick, delusional dale. Saved me time.


Nepotism, lil faun........Burisma higher ups looked at Hunter Biden, discounted his relationship to his pappy Joe Biden and said to themselves "That Hunter Biden has had some drug issues, has no experience in gas and oil, he isn't a Ukrainian citizen....but I see real potential in that young man.....let us hire him and with a starting salary of 83K per month....we will stick him in the mail room to get his feet wet".....that scenario would only make sense to a dipshit like you. (snicker)

Fawn, every time I think that you can't lower the bar for utter stupidity and lack of common sense? I'll be damned if you don't go and lower it.............WOOO-FAAH!

You brain-dead, dildo. I never said Hinter was qualified for that position. Nor did I ever deny he got that job because he was the son of a VP. What I do deny is that his father got him that job, which was your idiotic claim and which you failed miserably to prove. By all accounts, his friend, Devon Archer, who was already serving on that same board, got him that job.

Are you ever not a delusional conspiracy freak?

Ever?? :eusa_doh:

STFU, lil fawn, you are the bitter clinger that defended Liz "Pocahontas" Warren to the very end of her fairy tale of belonging to an indigenous tribe that qualified her as being of "minority status"....remember? defended it like a little captain going down with his little dinghy that sprung a leak. You REALLY believe that political favors were not done ( unbeknownst to Jesuit Joe Biden) and that the inquiry into the Burisma money laundering scam where kickbacks were given to high ranking politicians that signed off on humanitarian aid after the 2014 coup d'etat is just a "witch hunt"???? Go and pull your bullshit spew on someone are not talking your way out of this one.

You are like the little kid whose dog just killed the neighbor's chickens and even though the dog has blood and feathers stuck to his muzzle? The kid will declare that his dog is completely innocent and never left the yard. You lost what tiny bit of credibility you MIGHT have had over 18 months ago, dipshit.

You lied, troll, and got caught. You said...

"so you see nothing wrong with joe threatening a person that wanted to vote for him????"

The only person Biden threatened was the full of shit liar I quoted, whose threat was not played in that video.

Thanks for proving you're full of shit, just like th guy who lied in Biden's face.

that was true and if you watched it you would know that,,,
No, that was a lie. The guy Biden threatened never said he wanted to vote for Biden.

You lied and then you lied again when you falsely claimed that wasn't the person Biden threatened.
I can’t see the conversation you’re having but it sounds like it’s with ProgHunter. A little advice. Engaging with him is a waste of time... life is better when he is on ignore.

OH NO!!!
say it aint so,,

slade has ignored me,,,what a travesty of,,,well something

one down two to go and then we can have an honest thread on the facts surrounding hunter and the biden crime family,,,

Don't worry, Hunter, if Slade has you on ignore, you must be saying something intelligent worth reading!
I’m starting to ignore people who repeat lies, can’t explain themselves, avoid questions, and who can’t engage like a grown ups. It is a very nice thing as trolls like them are nothing but a waste of time.

My favorite people to debate with are those who have different opinions than myself, but they need to do it in an earnest and honest way.

I gave Prog so many chances to simply engage in a smart talk like a grown up but He couldn’t hang. I don’t think either of us misses the other. Win win
It’s a discussion about Ukraine, one which you have attempted to deflect from, when it’s been convenient.

I’ve been extremely well informed on the issue. So far I’ve done a lot more educating of you than vice versa. Your “clear evidence” is often highly misleading, uncorroborated allegations from questionable sources, Russian disinformation, or just invented (still waiting for you to provide any details of a source claiming to corroborate Shokin’s investigation into money laundering).

None of your “clear evidence” stands up to even the slightest scrutiny.

maybe you need to check the title of the thread AGAIN,,,

its about hunter and he goes FARRRRRRRR beyond just ukraine,,,

one of my biggest reasons for thinking something isnt kosher is the constant resistance to it from mindless drones like you,,
if its just a witch hunt then what are you worried about if theres nothing to find???

I resist bullshit narratives built on lies. That’s what this has been all along. It’s the mindless drones that have been pushing this narrative.

They post videos with fundamental factual errors that they didn’t notice or didn’t care to look up. They don’t worry about the reliability of their sources. They use anything that fits the preconceived narrative. They ignore (this is fundamental) any contradictory information.

Which is how people like Shokin become the victim in all this.

I think your just scared,,,

Since when has the right wing let facts stop their narratives?

You don’t want an investigation. You want an outcome.

I'm not right wing and your comment stinks of fear,,,

Sure buddy. You just repeat the narrative unquestioningly because you’re such an independent, right?
maybe you need to check the title of the thread AGAIN,,,

its about hunter and he goes FARRRRRRRR beyond just ukraine,,,

one of my biggest reasons for thinking something isnt kosher is the constant resistance to it from mindless drones like you,,
if its just a witch hunt then what are you worried about if theres nothing to find???

I resist bullshit narratives built on lies. That’s what this has been all along. It’s the mindless drones that have been pushing this narrative.

They post videos with fundamental factual errors that they didn’t notice or didn’t care to look up. They don’t worry about the reliability of their sources. They use anything that fits the preconceived narrative. They ignore (this is fundamental) any contradictory information.

Which is how people like Shokin become the victim in all this.

I think your just scared,,,

Since when has the right wing let facts stop their narratives?

You don’t want an investigation. You want an outcome.

I'm not right wing and your comment stinks of fear,,,

Sure buddy. You just repeat the narrative unquestioningly because you’re such an independent, right?

you dont even know what the right is in this country,,,

and your just mad cause your scared

and I've done nothing but ask questions,,,your the one that settled for what youve been told to think,,,
I resist bullshit narratives built on lies. That’s what this has been all along. It’s the mindless drones that have been pushing this narrative.

They post videos with fundamental factual errors that they didn’t notice or didn’t care to look up. They don’t worry about the reliability of their sources. They use anything that fits the preconceived narrative. They ignore (this is fundamental) any contradictory information.

Which is how people like Shokin become the victim in all this.

I think your just scared,,,

Since when has the right wing let facts stop their narratives?

You don’t want an investigation. You want an outcome.

I'm not right wing and your comment stinks of fear,,,

Sure buddy. You just repeat the narrative unquestioningly because you’re such an independent, right?

you dont even know what the right is in this country,,,

and your just mad cause your scared

and I've done nothing but ask questions,,,your the one that settled for what youve been told to think,,,

Oh please. You’ve done a lot more than ask questions.
I think your just scared,,,

Since when has the right wing let facts stop their narratives?

You don’t want an investigation. You want an outcome.

I'm not right wing and your comment stinks of fear,,,

Sure buddy. You just repeat the narrative unquestioningly because you’re such an independent, right?

you dont even know what the right is in this country,,,

and your just mad cause your scared

and I've done nothing but ask questions,,,your the one that settled for what youve been told to think,,,

Oh please. You’ve done a lot more than ask questions.

and youve done nothing but toe the party line,,,
Since when has the right wing let facts stop their narratives?

You don’t want an investigation. You want an outcome.

I'm not right wing and your comment stinks of fear,,,

Sure buddy. You just repeat the narrative unquestioningly because you’re such an independent, right?

you dont even know what the right is in this country,,,

and your just mad cause your scared

and I've done nothing but ask questions,,,your the one that settled for what youve been told to think,,,

Oh please. You’ve done a lot more than ask questions.

and youve done nothing but toe the party line,,,

I’ve sourced everything that I’ve been asked. I’ve used testimony from first hand accounts, contemporaneous reporting, and facts.

You post Glenn Beck, questionable internet sites and highly dubious sources (if you post any sources at all, still waiting for any details on who corroborated Shokin).
I'm not right wing and your comment stinks of fear,,,

Sure buddy. You just repeat the narrative unquestioningly because you’re such an independent, right?

you dont even know what the right is in this country,,,

and your just mad cause your scared

and I've done nothing but ask questions,,,your the one that settled for what youve been told to think,,,

Oh please. You’ve done a lot more than ask questions.

and youve done nothing but toe the party line,,,

I’ve sourced everything that I’ve been asked. I’ve used testimony from first hand accounts, contemporaneous reporting, and facts.

You post Glenn Beck, questionable internet sites and highly dubious sources (if you post any sources at all, still waiting for any details on who corroborated Shokin).

is that fear I smell???

did you ever figure out what the right is in this country ,

and again as I said this goes far beyond just ukraine and your admission that doesnt matter to you tells me youre a useful drone
that was true and if you watched it you would know that,,,
No, that was a lie. The guy Biden threatened never said he wanted to vote for Biden.

You lied and then you lied again when you falsely claimed that wasn't the person Biden threatened.
I can’t see the conversation you’re having but it sounds like it’s with ProgHunter. A little advice. Engaging with him is a waste of time... life is better when he is on ignore.

OH NO!!!
say it aint so,,

slade has ignored me,,,what a travesty of,,,well something

one down two to go and then we can have an honest thread on the facts surrounding hunter and the biden crime family,,,

Don't worry, Hunter, if Slade has you on ignore, you must be saying something intelligent worth reading!
I’m starting to ignore people who repeat lies, can’t explain themselves, avoid questions, and who can’t engage like a grown ups. It is a very nice thing as trolls like them are nothing but a waste of time.

My favorite people to debate with are those who have different opinions than myself, but they need to do it in an earnest and honest way.

I gave Prog so many chances to simply engage in a smart talk like a grown up but He couldn’t hang. I don’t think either of us misses the other. Win win

dont worry he always tells people he ignored them but never does,,,
Sure buddy. You just repeat the narrative unquestioningly because you’re such an independent, right?

you dont even know what the right is in this country,,,

and your just mad cause your scared

and I've done nothing but ask questions,,,your the one that settled for what youve been told to think,,,

Oh please. You’ve done a lot more than ask questions.

and youve done nothing but toe the party line,,,

I’ve sourced everything that I’ve been asked. I’ve used testimony from first hand accounts, contemporaneous reporting, and facts.

You post Glenn Beck, questionable internet sites and highly dubious sources (if you post any sources at all, still waiting for any details on who corroborated Shokin).

is that fear I smell???

did you ever figure out what the right is in this country ,

and again as I said this goes far beyond just ukraine and your admission that doesnt matter to you tells me youre a useful drone
You’re only claiming it goes well beyond Ukraine because you’re Ukraine story fell apart ages ago and you don’t have a response for it.

So on to the next narrative!
you dont even know what the right is in this country,,,

and your just mad cause your scared

and I've done nothing but ask questions,,,your the one that settled for what youve been told to think,,,

Oh please. You’ve done a lot more than ask questions.

and youve done nothing but toe the party line,,,

I’ve sourced everything that I’ve been asked. I’ve used testimony from first hand accounts, contemporaneous reporting, and facts.

You post Glenn Beck, questionable internet sites and highly dubious sources (if you post any sources at all, still waiting for any details on who corroborated Shokin).

is that fear I smell???

did you ever figure out what the right is in this country ,

and again as I said this goes far beyond just ukraine and your admission that doesnt matter to you tells me youre a useful drone
You’re only claiming it goes well beyond Ukraine because you’re Ukraine story fell apart ages ago and you don’t have a response for it.

So on to the next narrative!

thats not true based on my postings of all of the other issues including china and also my questioning of them,,
its you that has openly said you dont care about them and only focus on ukraine
Oh please. You’ve done a lot more than ask questions.

and youve done nothing but toe the party line,,,

I’ve sourced everything that I’ve been asked. I’ve used testimony from first hand accounts, contemporaneous reporting, and facts.

You post Glenn Beck, questionable internet sites and highly dubious sources (if you post any sources at all, still waiting for any details on who corroborated Shokin).

is that fear I smell???

did you ever figure out what the right is in this country ,

and again as I said this goes far beyond just ukraine and your admission that doesnt matter to you tells me youre a useful drone
You’re only claiming it goes well beyond Ukraine because you’re Ukraine story fell apart ages ago and you don’t have a response for it.

So on to the next narrative!

thats not true based on my postings of all of the other issues including china and also my questioning of them,,
its you that has openly said you dont care about them and only focus on ukraine

You’re just trying to change the subject. Ukraine fell apart so you’re retreating to the next thing.

Time and time again I set you straight on Ukraine and you just stay silent.
and youve done nothing but toe the party line,,,

I’ve sourced everything that I’ve been asked. I’ve used testimony from first hand accounts, contemporaneous reporting, and facts.

You post Glenn Beck, questionable internet sites and highly dubious sources (if you post any sources at all, still waiting for any details on who corroborated Shokin).

is that fear I smell???

did you ever figure out what the right is in this country ,

and again as I said this goes far beyond just ukraine and your admission that doesnt matter to you tells me youre a useful drone
You’re only claiming it goes well beyond Ukraine because you’re Ukraine story fell apart ages ago and you don’t have a response for it.

So on to the next narrative!

thats not true based on my postings of all of the other issues including china and also my questioning of them,,
its you that has openly said you dont care about them and only focus on ukraine

You’re just trying to change the subject. Ukraine fell apart so you’re retreating to the next thing.

Time and time again I set you straight on Ukraine and you just stay silent.

it fell apart in your mind long before it started,,,
please dont speak for me it shows your fear,,,
I’ve sourced everything that I’ve been asked. I’ve used testimony from first hand accounts, contemporaneous reporting, and facts.

You post Glenn Beck, questionable internet sites and highly dubious sources (if you post any sources at all, still waiting for any details on who corroborated Shokin).

is that fear I smell???

did you ever figure out what the right is in this country ,

and again as I said this goes far beyond just ukraine and your admission that doesnt matter to you tells me youre a useful drone
You’re only claiming it goes well beyond Ukraine because you’re Ukraine story fell apart ages ago and you don’t have a response for it.

So on to the next narrative!

thats not true based on my postings of all of the other issues including china and also my questioning of them,,
its you that has openly said you dont care about them and only focus on ukraine

You’re just trying to change the subject. Ukraine fell apart so you’re retreating to the next thing.

Time and time again I set you straight on Ukraine and you just stay silent.

it fell apart in your mind long before it started,,,
please dont speak for me it shows your fear,,,

It fell apart as soon as it faced the slightest bit of scrutiny.

That’s why the narrative is constantly shifting.
is that fear I smell???

did you ever figure out what the right is in this country ,

and again as I said this goes far beyond just ukraine and your admission that doesnt matter to you tells me youre a useful drone
You’re only claiming it goes well beyond Ukraine because you’re Ukraine story fell apart ages ago and you don’t have a response for it.

So on to the next narrative!

thats not true based on my postings of all of the other issues including china and also my questioning of them,,
its you that has openly said you dont care about them and only focus on ukraine

You’re just trying to change the subject. Ukraine fell apart so you’re retreating to the next thing.

Time and time again I set you straight on Ukraine and you just stay silent.

it fell apart in your mind long before it started,,,
please dont speak for me it shows your fear,,,

It fell apart as soon as it faced the slightest bit of scrutiny.

That’s why the narrative is constantly shifting.

then thank you for keeping it alive and well with your pathetic denials,,,
You’re only claiming it goes well beyond Ukraine because you’re Ukraine story fell apart ages ago and you don’t have a response for it.

So on to the next narrative!

thats not true based on my postings of all of the other issues including china and also my questioning of them,,
its you that has openly said you dont care about them and only focus on ukraine

You’re just trying to change the subject. Ukraine fell apart so you’re retreating to the next thing.

Time and time again I set you straight on Ukraine and you just stay silent.

it fell apart in your mind long before it started,,,
please dont speak for me it shows your fear,,,

It fell apart as soon as it faced the slightest bit of scrutiny.

That’s why the narrative is constantly shifting.

then thank you for keeping it alive and well with your pathetic denials,,,

My responses are well documented (unlike yours) and you’re lack of rebuttal speaks volume.
thats not true based on my postings of all of the other issues including china and also my questioning of them,,
its you that has openly said you dont care about them and only focus on ukraine

You’re just trying to change the subject. Ukraine fell apart so you’re retreating to the next thing.

Time and time again I set you straight on Ukraine and you just stay silent.

it fell apart in your mind long before it started,,,
please dont speak for me it shows your fear,,,

It fell apart as soon as it faced the slightest bit of scrutiny.

That’s why the narrative is constantly shifting.

then thank you for keeping it alive and well with your pathetic denials,,,

My responses are well documented (unlike yours) and you’re lack of rebuttal speaks volume.

thank you for keeping this alive,,,

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