Hunter Biden’s China connections plagued by ethics questions and national security concerns

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
...a spotlight has been cast on Hunter Biden's ventures not only in Ukraine, but in China, while Joe was vice president. Republicans are demanding that he testify on his work before Congress.

For almost six years, the Hunter Biden China-connected firm has moved more than $2.5B into various automotive, technology, energy, and mining endeavors. Analysts point to the “ethical challenges” of Hunter doing such deals in China while his father was in the White House.

“At a time when the Obama administration was trying to pivot to Asia, a policy that ultimately fell flat, one has to at least stop and think what connections between policy and personal interests were there,” said Harry Kazianis, senior director for the Center for the National Interest. “ While chances are Hunter Biden was doing what a lot of family members of famous politicians do – cash in on their name – it looks dirty.”

Biden served as one of nine directors of the private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST – better known as BHR Partners – 80% mandated by shareholders in the Chinese government, according to the WSJ.

The firm was registered less than two weeks after Biden flew with his then-vice president father and his daughter on Air Force Two for official business in China in December 2013, but his lawyer has previously stated that talks were in place months earlier.

China’s central bank, the Bank of China in conjunction with Rosemount Seneca – the firm Biden founded in 2009 with John Kerry’s stepson Christopher Heinz and family friend Devon Archer – set up the $1 billion investment joint venture called Bohai Harvest RST. ........the “T” refers to the Thornton Group, a Mass-based consulting company established by James Bulger, the nephew of infamous mob boss James “Whitey” Bulger.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Let’s understand....a VP is not a free agent. Everything he does reflects on his boss, the President.

Ergo Joe Biden (and Hunter) could not have engaged in these foreign activities without Obama’s approval.
The deals that the firm did were no different than any other PE firm in China, and none of them had any national security issues.

But it is a very fair point that Hunter Biden had absolutely no experience as a PE professional, and knew nothing of China. It is the same criticism that he knew nothing about a natural gas utility and the Ukraine. Yet he was a partner in a Chinese PE firm, and sat on the board of a Ukrainian utility company.

The only reason why Hunter Biden was appointed to both those positions was because of his last name. There is no evidence that any corruption was involved. But it certainly reinforces the notion that the ruling elite in this country and their families use their connections to enrich themselves solely because of their status.

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