Hunter is broke so he gives his "paintings" to his kid instead of child support...

It is hilarious!

Do you think rightwinger would reject the gift of a Picasso painting and choose instead a Hunter painting?

I don't think so.:nono: :04:
Hunter paints by blowing through a straw. In for cocaine, out for watercolor.
Since when are drug induced finger paintings considered currency?
Nostra fell for a parody article.
Gee dumbfuck, maybe do a little research and you won’t look like a moron defending Crackhead Hunter.....

And you can’t even cry about the sources moron.
We were discussing the parody article you fell for. You showed the two links that have nothing to do with the lie about paintings being used instead of cash.
We were discussing the parody article you fell for. You showed the two links that have nothing to do with the lie about paintings being used instead of cash.
Moving the goalposts now. I know you’re embarrassed that you made yourself look stupid again. You should be used to that. Crackhead Hunter the Deadbeat Dad surely appreciates you defending him so much.
I take care of my responsibilities dead beat hunter isn't and a piece of shit that you are is defending him
I have no reason to defend him. Just because I say he paid his tax bill, or that his paintings sell? Sure you're harping on the wrong guy.
I call you the BigRedDummy for a reason. That's the truth.
What a LOSER! All the money he made and he is broke? Did he put it up his nose?

Here is one of the paintings of Jill (they don't get along, not his biological mother)

I wish he'd give me one of his worthless paintings so I can sell it to leftards before they become worthless.
I have no reason to defend him. Just because I say he paid his tax bill, or that his paintings sell? Sure you're harping on the wrong guy.
I call you the BigRedDummy for a reason. That's the truth.
Okfail you don't have a clue what you are talking about

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