Hurricane Irma


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Going to be a whopper 5...

AP: Miami homeless detained, put in shelters against their will

Associated Press
5:07 PM, Sep 8, 2017

MIAMI (AP) — On what is likely the last clear day in Florida before Hurricane Irma's monster wind and rain, social workers and police officers are giving Miami's estimated 1,100 homeless people a stark choice: Come willingly to a storm shelter, or be held against their will for a mental health evaluation.

With the outer edge of the storm approaching Friday, these officials — backed by a psychiatrist and observed by an Associated Press team — rolled through chillingly empty downtown streets as dawn broke over Biscayne Bay, searching for reluctant stragglers sleeping in waterfront parks.

"We're going out and every single homeless person who is unwilling to come off the street, we are likely going to involuntarily Baker Act them," said Ron Book, chairman of the Miami-Dade Homeless Trust.


AP: Miami homeless detained, put in shelters against their will
Harvey and Irma, Married 75 Years, Marvel at the Storms Bearing Their Names

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Harvey and Irma Schluter have been married for 75 years. He turned 104 in July; she will be 93 in November.

They vividly remember many of the major events of the 20th century, from her first time spotting an airplane, during the Great Depression, to his wonder at watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. In a recent phone interview, Mrs. Schluter even recalled the weather near her home in Spokane, Wash., on the day that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. (Cool and cloudy.)

But never before have they seen two major hurricanes bearing their names threaten the United States.

“I don’t know how they’ve done that, to have a Harvey and Irma,” Mrs. Schluter said Wednesday. “I don’t know how that worked out.”


Harvey and Irma, Married 75 Years, Marvel at the Storms Bearing Their Names
Going to be a whopper 5...

AP: Miami homeless detained, put in shelters against their will

Associated Press
5:07 PM, Sep 8, 2017

MIAMI (AP) — On what is likely the last clear day in Florida before Hurricane Irma's monster wind and rain, social workers and police officers are giving Miami's estimated 1,100 homeless people a stark choice: Come willingly to a storm shelter, or be held against their will for a mental health evaluation.

With the outer edge of the storm approaching Friday, these officials — backed by a psychiatrist and observed by an Associated Press team — rolled through chillingly empty downtown streets as dawn broke over Biscayne Bay, searching for reluctant stragglers sleeping in waterfront parks.

"We're going out and every single homeless person who is unwilling to come off the street, we are likely going to involuntarily Baker Act them," said Ron Book, chairman of the Miami-Dade Homeless Trust.


AP: Miami homeless detained, put in shelters against their will

Be safe!!!! American_Jihad Hope it doesn't turn my way. I got enough of Harvey.
Congratulations, jihad! you've posted a thread without using the word 'libtard'. Or was that an oversight?

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