Hurricane's and Climate change / Global Warming

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
For 12 years the U.S. has been spared the devastating effects of a monster hurricane hitting our shores. The liberal left media claimed because of climate change / global warming the numbers of hurricanes has decreased.

We have recently been hit by one in Texas, and will possibly be struck again in a few days by a second hurricane. Now the liberal left media says that climate change / global warming has increased the potential for hurricane activity.

So when are you lefty libs gonna make up your minds? ...... :dunno:
The great thing for the global warming doomsday folks is that every major storm that hits any coast will be the most devastating in history but the reason for that is that at no time in history have coastal cities been as densely populated and developed as they are right now.
snows USED TO BE A LOT DEEPER--------I remember when the snow was OVER MY HEAD-----way over my head-------I remember that clearly,--- seeing snow OVER MY HEAD-----when I was four years old. The trees
were a lot taller then, too
It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. That said, human activities may have already caused changes that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observational limitations, or are not yet confidently modeled

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. That said, human activities may have already caused changes that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observational limitations, or are not yet confidently modeled

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

human activities did it
For 12 years the U.S. has been spared the devastating effects of a monster hurricane hitting our shores. The liberal left media claimed because of climate change / global warming the numbers of hurricanes has decreased.

We have recently been hit by one in Texas, and will possibly be struck again in a few days by a second hurricane. Now the liberal left media says that climate change / global warming has increased the potential for hurricane activity.

So when are you lefty libs gonna make up your minds? ...... :dunno:

My Theory of Manmade Global Warming, which is 100% Accurate states, "The EnviroMarxist Moonbat AGW Cult will point to the top Weather story as proof of their failed theory"

It fits the behavior in your OP perfectly
It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. That said, human activities may have already caused changes that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observational limitations, or are not yet confidently modeled

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Or maybe it's as simple as the data set being suspect, like not having a static number of reporting weather stations, or having some sophisticated stations mixed with some that are rudimentary?

Weather Stations Disappearing Worldwide

Fewer in cold countries like Canada and Russia would explain why the suspected data set shows warming.
It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. That said, human activities may have already caused changes that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observational limitations, or are not yet confidently modeled

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

human activities did it
Your solution would be?

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It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. That said, human activities may have already caused changes that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observational limitations, or are not yet confidently modeled

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

human activities did it

Did what? Grow four feet?
The liberal left media claimed because of climate change / global warming the numbers of hurricanes has decreased.
Waite just a minute there Slick, your MessiahRushie has been claiming that the Libs have been saying that the number of hurricanes would INCREASE due to global warming.
You deniers need to get your lies better coordinated!!!
Hey, Man Made Global Warming simply went on a 12 year break. A sabbatical if you will. Took some time off, went bar hopping with its close buddies; 911 Inside Job, Fake Moon Landing, and Alien Autopsy.
I can personally verify that the climate has changed over my lifetime. I've lived in Alaska for over 40 years, and also have ties to Alaska Natives. The ones who live traditionally and subsistence hunt tell us all that the sun rises and sets in a different spot when the ice breaks up, the animals are coming earlier, leaving later, etc.

I know that our best science on the sun shows that it has cycles of warmer and cooler output. We were in a hotter sun time during the global warming scare, now we're entering a cooler period and the planet is cooling. I also know that the crust is moving, the tilt of the earth is changing, and we are still coming off the climate effects of the last ice age.

At this point in time, we do not have any /hard/ evidence to say that man is the be all and end all cause of climate change, what we have is a possibility that we are the cause, or at least part of the cause. I agree that we should shift to non-fossil fuel, however, I do not agree that it needs to be done immediately. We have time to phase out fossil fuels without destroying the economy and we have time to perfect green energy methods so they actually work - rather than just "seeming" to work on the surface.

This is not an issue that a thin veneer of "fix" is adequate for; we need to build green energy on a solid foundation of true functionality across the board rather that just "yeah that looks good."
Waite just a minute there Slick, your MessiahRushie has been claiming that the Libs have been saying that the number of hurricanes would INCREASE due to global warming.
What makes you think I care about some radio show guy I don't listen to has to say on the subject? ..... :dunno:
It's the newest theory from the loony left - Delayed Onset Global Warming.

Beat that deniers!!!

Its no wonder people are confused about this Climate Matter. Its the Rules made up by the Pinheads and Loons that are problematic.

Here they are, as near as I can tell:

1) If its too Hot; that's Global Warming, and it is very bad.

2) If its too Cold, that's Climate Change, and it is just as bad as Global Warming.

3) If there is to much rain, or tool little rain; or too many fires, or not enough fires; or too many hurricanes or tornadoes, or too few---all that is also caused by either Global Warming or Climate Change...the Pinheads & Loons will tell us Rubes which one on a case by case basis, usually depending on whether its Hot or Cold at the time, and how & why we are responsible---See #4.

4) Both Global Warming and/or Climate Change are caused by White People---with a few exceptions like the Hollywood Assholes who spew out more pollutants when they fly their private jets to shit like the Cannes Film Festival than most of us do in a lifetime...also excepting Al Gore whose carbon footprint is even larger than his morbidly obese fat ass.

Its all really hard to understand, but it makes more sense if you realize that Half-Wit Bolsheviks have gotten control of the Education and Information Systems in this once Great Country.

It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. That said, human activities may have already caused changes that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observational limitations, or are not yet confidently modeled

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

human activities did it
Your solution would be?

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Hows about a wall around Florida, high enough to stop hurricanes and protect marco del loco, home of the great leader (at taxpayer expense of course.)

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