I Absolutely Don't Trust Democrats.

To allow a free and fair election in America..

But you trust an Orange Faced Shit Gibbon who has cheated on every one of his wives. An idiot who is saying he beat President in 2016. A sad sack or OrangeShit when shown a picture of E. Jean Carroll for purposes of identification said the woman in picture was his ex-wife Marla Maples, a man who called the Men and Women who were killed in combat serving our country, "Suckers and Losers". P01135809 has been liable for rape of E. Jean Carroll. h He invited the Taliban to Camp David over September 11 weekend. He lied about making hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. He theatening violence if he is not reelected.

Fuck him.
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If you accept that the election was stolen, then I don't know how you and can contend the Democrats were able to handle it alone without Republican so-conspirators.
Neither Jews nor Blacks came here illegally to prey upon Americans, to rob them, kill them and rape their children. This is an invasive species.
So you now think Democrats are people but an invasive species that came here illegally and, as such, have no right to be here?
Black is a race. Jewish is an ethnicity. Democrat is an authoritarian political party working towards the Great Reset.
So they are people, bad people but still people.

What the Great Reset represents is nothing less than a totalitarian state limiting individual rights to further the ambitions of the elites. As such, it is more accurate to compare Democrats TO the Nazis rather than their victims.
Those dam Democrats, wanting an economic recovery plan!! The initiative's stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way that prioritizes sustainable development.[3]
But you trust an Orange Faced Shit Gibbon who has cheated on every one of his wives. An idiot who is saying he beat President in 2016. A sad sack or OrangeShit when shown a picture of E. Jean Carroll for purposes of identification said the woman in picture was his ex-wife Marla Maples, a man who called the Men and Women who were killed in combat serving our country, "Suckers and Losers". P01135809 has been liable for rape of E. Jean Carroll. h He invited the Taliban to Camp David over September 11 weekend. He lied about making hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. He theatening violence if he is not reelected.

Fuck him.
Trump owns this clown.
With all you MAGAs attacking our democracy and democratic institutions, not to mention MAGA admiration for dictators, what do you all care about free and fair elections. MAGAs want to do away with them anyway.

You spend way too much time watching Joy Reid.

BTW, as’plain her about cultural appropriation and the blonde hair.
What makes you think Dems need to allow for a free and fair election to happen for one to happen?! Haha, y’all are ridiculous.
How about you consider where all the tentacles of the Democrat Party and their handlers extend..
Trump tells them the election was stolen and has never provided any evidence yet they believe him
Most of us knew it was stolen when the observers were thrown out. When windows were blocked. When we went to bed with Trump far ahead and woke up to find Biden got a sudden burst of votes, 100% for him. There's more, but your mind is closed like every other lemming Democrat
Four years ago today the democrats began their dismantling of the US when fauci made his TV rounds warning that we needed to hunker down and shut down the economy to flatten the curve, mitigate the china poison. Followed by Marxist race riots, non-whites on TV commercials and then the undermining of the election. Then came more money printing and stifling of fossil fuel.
Democrats are America’s worst enemy without doubt.
I'd say maybe not worst, but most immediately threatening and dangerous.

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