I agree with Governor Coumo

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Not often I get to say that a politician has it right, but Coumo certainly got this one right, we shouldn't hold teachers to a different standard than other public employees, we should demand that all public employees have regular evaluations, and that those evaluations be released to the public.

Don’t hold teachers to a much different standard than other public employees like cops and firefighters, Gov. Cuomo argued Thursday. “Some people say disclose everything because (teachers are) public employees,” Cuomo said on Albany radio.
One of those people is Mayor Bloomberg — who wants the controversial teacher evaluations revealed for all to see.
“To those people I say, really? Disclose all the evaluations for public employees?” added Cuomo. “Then how come you’re only singling out teachers? Where’s the policemen’s evaluation? Where’s the firemen’s evaluation? Where's the evaluation of the mayor’s staff, and the governor’s staff and the [Assembly\] speaker’s staff?”
Fans of releasing the teacher evaluations publicly argue there is a difference between educators overseeing kids and other public workers.

Gov. Cuomo defends privacy of teachers in evaluation battle - NY Daily News

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