I agree with most political analyst, the GOP is in trouble

Of course you agree with the analysts. They are saying something you like to hear.

Reality, of course, is different. Reality tells us that no one knows whats going to happen in 2 years outside Divine Revelation. have you had any?

Reality tells us that we cant have a front runner until everyone is in. Is everyone in?

Reality tells us that Obama is incredibly weak and ineffectual as a leader. Has that changed?

Writing off the GOP before the primaries are really even starting is just absurd don't you think?

True, Palin has not thrown her hat in the ring yet.

I pray that she will.
Highlights from other recent political analysts:

"Dems will keep the Kennedy Seat"

"Dems will win governorship is NJ and VA"

"the Tea Party is too radical, Dems do well in the 2010 midTerm elections"
I expect Palin is being tutored on issues, before she announces. That could take a while....a LONG WHILE. She ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Of course you agree with the analysts. They are saying something you like to hear.

Reality, of course, is different. Reality tells us that no one knows whats going to happen in 2 years outside Divine Revelation. have you had any?

Reality tells us that we cant have a front runner until everyone is in. Is everyone in?

Reality tells us that Obama is incredibly weak and ineffectual as a leader. Has that changed?

Writing off the GOP before the primaries are really even starting is just absurd don't you think?

Since Obama is in campaign mode he doesn't have time to do his job. (less time for golfing)

This "The GOP is in trouble" BS is just an attempt by the media to depress the Republican vote.
The only real front runner they have left in the race is Romney, the King of socialized health care. If he gets the GOP nomination, will the Tea Party hold their collective noses and vote for him.

And if I remember correctly, none of them were politcal hacks with a problem maintaining weight. Nor were any of them addicted to prescription drugs during their lives, to the best of my knowledge.

Do you agree with this? Electoral-vote.com: Election news :up:
Barry and the other lefty clowns ought to be worried about independents who made the mistake of voting for him in '08.
If the GOP runs a decent candidate, Obama will be in trouble. A fair amount of his base is still pissed that he has continued a lot of GWB's GWOT policies and that he failed to get the public option in place. Plus there is no chance in hell he will get a single GOP vote.

However, the GOP seems intent to find a way to lose this one so who knows...

Oh, I think that "fair amount of his base" is coming home next year. The total batshitness of today's GOP will make sure of that.

Like the democrat base alone will get Barry elected?
Independents will decide the race....they usually do and this won't be an exception.
The media will decide the election. Money will decide the election. It doesn't really matter what the average American thinks right now. They will think what they are told to think after the real players pick their horses and place their bets.
God how I hope you're all correct and that both parties are in trouble.

Typically the people who are in the best shape are the ones who aren't in control, as both sides make a habit of making things even worse than the people before them did.
Of course you agree with the analysts. They are saying something you like to hear.

Reality, of course, is different. Reality tells us that no one knows whats going to happen in 2 years outside Divine Revelation. have you had any?

Reality tells us that we cant have a front runner until everyone is in. Is everyone in?

Reality tells us that Obama is incredibly weak and ineffectual as a leader. Has that changed?
Writing off the GOP before the primaries are really even starting is just absurd don't you think?

Of course you agree with the analysts. They are saying something you like to hear.

Reality, of course, is different. Reality tells us that no one knows whats going to happen in 2 years outside Divine Revelation. have you had any?

Reality tells us that we cant have a front runner until everyone is in. Is everyone in?

Reality tells us that Obama is incredibly weak and ineffectual as a leader. Has that changed?
Writing off the GOP before the primaries are really even starting is just absurd don't you think?


We want the $850B back Obama pissed away in the Stimulus that was supposed to keep Unemployment under 8%

"there's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession." -- Obama's VP Joe Biden
The only real front runner they have left in the race is Romney, the King of socialized health care. If he gets the GOP nomination, will the Tea Party hold their collective noses and vote for him.

And if I remember correctly, none of them were politcal hacks with a problem maintaining weight. Nor were any of them addicted to prescription drugs during their lives, to the best of my knowledge.

Do you agree with this? Electoral-vote.com: Election news :up:

Hmm....... Watch what happens in Wisconsin.
We're not in trouble, the "right" is just cannibalizing the RINO party.

Ron Paul is going to win this one.
The only real front runner they have left in the race is Romney, the King of socialized health care. If he gets the GOP nomination, will the Tea Party hold their collective noses and vote for him.

And if I remember correctly, none of them were politcal hacks with a problem maintaining weight. Nor were any of them addicted to prescription drugs during their lives, to the best of my knowledge.

Do you agree with this? Electoral-vote.com: Election news :up:

Hmm....... Watch what happens in Wisconsin.

You mean the state where the Union and Dems played Russian Roulette with a 155mm howitzer?

The people who work for a living, middle class, moderate, loath the idea that teachers should get paid for making sure only 1 in three students can read at grade level.

I live in a Liberal county in a Liberal shithole State and people are taking notice of how much the Union have fucked us by driving up the cost of everything and being totally incompetent in the process. Yes, the Tea party is going after the local school boards and asking "why does a 1,500 student school need 6 full time assistant principles? Why does our Middle School need a $100,000 teachers assistant to grade papers in a classroom that already has a full time teacher?"

You Libs are fucked.
Barry and the other lefty clowns ought to be worried about independents who made the mistake of voting for him in '08.

And Obama, the Statists got a taste of what to expect in 2012...had Obama been up for re-election in 2010...he would have lost bigtime.

He will lose in 2012.
I have a serious question for the Republicans on the board.

Can the Tea Party accept Mitt Romney? Barring someone coming out of nowhere, Romney will be the GOP nominee. Can the Tea Party vote for this guy? Seriously!
The only real front runner they have left in the race is Romney, the King of socialized health care. If he gets the GOP nomination, will the Tea Party hold their collective noses and vote for him.

And if I remember correctly, none of them were politcal hacks with a problem maintaining weight. Nor were any of them addicted to prescription drugs during their lives, to the best of my knowledge.

The GOP paid for and ran for ads for Tea Party candidates criticizing incumbents who had voted for raising the debt ceiling ... what a bunch of hypotwits
The only real front runner they have left in the race is Romney, the King of socialized health care. If he gets the GOP nomination, will the Tea Party hold their collective noses and vote for him.

And if I remember correctly, none of them were politcal hacks with a problem maintaining weight. Nor were any of them addicted to prescription drugs during their lives, to the best of my knowledge.

The GOP paid for and ran for ads for Tea Party candidates criticizing incumbents who had voted for raising the debt ceiling ... what a bunch of hypotwits

Realism is not a Forte of the Tea Baggers...:cuckoo:
The only real front runner they have left in the race is Romney, the King of socialized health care. If he gets the GOP nomination, will the Tea Party hold their collective noses and vote for him.

And if I remember correctly, none of them were politcal hacks with a problem maintaining weight. Nor were any of them addicted to prescription drugs during their lives, to the best of my knowledge.

The GOP paid for and ran for ads for Tea Party candidates criticizing incumbents who had voted for raising the debt ceiling ... what a bunch of hypotwits

Realism is not a Forte of the Tea Baggers...:cuckoo:

nor is honesty or history.

The current group of misfits calling themselves the Tea Party have more in common with the Whiskey Rebellion than the Boston Tea Party...representation.

The Tea Party will prove fatal to the GOP. It is a matter of time.

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