I agree with the President on ending DACA


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
...but not for the reasons you may think...

So what's wrong with what the president did? Nothing. Did the Dreamers do anything wrong? Absolutely not.

But here is a president trying to respect the three branches of government by putting DACA where it belongs, in the hands of congress, the legislative branch.

Anyone who respects the legislative process will agree with this decision, though I understand the misgivings one may have with the competence of our current legislature to get anything done.

However, this isn't about compassion or morality, it is respect for a process that was established within the US Constitution. So please, spare me your lectures about compassion. You will lose this argument. So will any states that try and take this matter to court.

If you have any respect for the Constitution you will see the president rightfully re-delegating legislative duties back to the Congress where they belong.
Yup......those dreamers knew their parents were illegal and thus they were too......if they didn't know they should have gotten a clue the first time they needed to produce their birth certificate for a drivers license or whatever......
Sometimes I'm not sure what Trump is up to. Generally he seems to be a President of The People BUT.....
I think this picture is worth 100,000 words.....

The two certified establishment hacks on either side of him look too happy for my comfort.
Especially that spineless coward back stabbing Lyin Ryan
We already knew The Turtle Dude is an establishment hack
...but not for the reasons you may think...

So what's wrong with what the president did? Nothing. Did the Dreamers do anything wrong? Absolutely not.

But here is a president trying to respect the three branches of government by putting DACA where it belongs, in the hands of congress, the legislative branch.

Anyone who respects the legislative process will agree with this decision, though I understand the misgivings one may have with the competence of our current legislature to get anything done.

However, this isn't about compassion or morality, it is respect for a process that was established within the US Constitution. So please, spare me your lectures about compassion. You will lose this argument. So will any states that try and take this matter to court.

If you have any respect for the Constitution you will see the president rightfully re-delegating legislative duties back to the Congress where they belong.

And that means absolutely nothing to the Left. They don't care about the law. They care about defeating and silencing the opposition by any means necessary.
They aren't taking names. They aren't taking prisoners. They aren't compromising. They aren't waiting.....and they aren't afraid to shed blood.

That's why ultimately, they will win this political struggle in the long run. To the unfortunate demise of us all.
Sometimes I'm not sure what Trump is up to. Generally he seems to be a President of The People BUT.....
I think this picture is worth 100,000 words.....

The two certified establishment hacks on either side of him look too happy for my comfort.
Especially that spineless coward back stabbing Lyin Ryan
We already knew The Turtle Dude is an establishment hack

I want to see that smarmy sneer on Ryan's face disappear when he gets kicked out of office.....
You know, even Obama said that the DACA program was a temporary measure and would later have to be passed by Congress.

However...................Trump knows that Congress is a shambles and knows that there are several more important things that need to get passed (budget, debt ceiling), and so this will end up fading away in Congress.

Trump gets a double win, he stops the DACA program (his base will like that), but he also gets to avoid blame for ending the program by placing it in Congress' lap.

Tell you the truth, I'm surprised it took him this long to figure that one out, especially since Obama had originally said it was a temporary measure.
But here is a president trying to respect the three branches of government by putting DACA where it belongs, in the hands of congress, the legislative branch.

Anyone who respects the legislative process will agree with this decision, though I understand the misgivings one may have with the competence of our current legislature to get anything done.

However, this isn't about compassion or morality, it is respect for a process that was established within the US Constitution. So please, spare me your lectures about compassion. You will lose this argument. So will any states that try and take this matter to court.

Buddy, the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

The problem is, if ICE is spending its time chasing down the Dreamers, they aren't going to be going after the people we really want to deport. Because they only have so much manpower.
Sometimes...not often...these poorly educated liberals/socialists have sense enough to run from a post which they cannot possibly refute.

They look over a post; see they cannot answer it; and then promptly call the poster a "Racist!!!!" or a "Rube!!!!"---or any one of the numerous variations of those two primary Fallback Dodges. That's how they debate the political issues of the day.

But, every now and then; they see one they are just barely smart enough to run from; and hope it will go away quickly.

I think you post might be is one of those.

I'm giving it a bump and we'll see.
Buddy, the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

Buddy, what are you talking about? Who said anything about suicide?

The problem is, if ICE is spending its time chasing down the Dreamers, they aren't going to be going after the people we really want to deport. Because they only have so much manpower.

And if you were paying any attention to the press conference today, which you weren't, the administration said those Dreamers were not an enforcement priority.
But here is a president trying to respect the three branches of government by putting DACA where it belongs, in the hands of congress, the legislative branch.

Anyone who respects the legislative process will agree with this decision, though I understand the misgivings one may have with the competence of our current legislature to get anything done.

However, this isn't about compassion or morality, it is respect for a process that was established within the US Constitution. So please, spare me your lectures about compassion. You will lose this argument. So will any states that try and take this matter to court.

Buddy, the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

The problem is, if ICE is spending its time chasing down the Dreamers, they aren't going to be going after the people we really want to deport. Because they only have so much manpower.

You gotta admit, it's a lot easier to go after the dreamers because they actually have registered and the government knows where all of them are.
And let me throw a wrench into any potential liberal arguments...

I'll support DACA, despite my misgivings, if it is passed legitimately through the legislature, not dictated by the executive.
...but not for the reasons you may think...

So what's wrong with what the president did? Nothing. Did the Dreamers do anything wrong? Absolutely not.

But here is a president trying to respect the three branches of government by putting DACA where it belongs, in the hands of congress, the legislative branch.

Anyone who respects the legislative process will agree with this decision, though I understand the misgivings one may have with the competence of our current legislature to get anything done.

However, this isn't about compassion or morality, it is respect for a process that was established within the US Constitution. So please, spare me your lectures about compassion. You will lose this argument. So will any states that try and take this matter to court.

If you have any respect for the Constitution you will see the president rightfully re-delegating legislative duties back to the Congress where they belong.
If anybody is guilty of shittin all over the constitution, its your boy Trump, with that being said, Obama was faced for 8 long years, a congress that did nothing but sat on its ass and obstructed this man any way they could....meanwhile, just like that ass ho, Trump, he made promises that he intended to keep and that was DACA....now if Trump wasn't to revisit the shit and let these same mf's that fucked over Obama handle it, than so be it, but do not blame Obama for doing what he felt was the right thing to do without the help of obstructionist congressional ass ho's, ie the GOP.

Trump is making these same mf's take a stand and for that, I applaud him for it. Truth be told, Trump is the Karma that Obama should enjoy.
...but not for the reasons you may think...

So what's wrong with what the president did? Nothing. Did the Dreamers do anything wrong? Absolutely not.

But here is a president trying to respect the three branches of government by putting DACA where it belongs, in the hands of congress, the legislative branch.

Anyone who respects the legislative process will agree with this decision, though I understand the misgivings one may have with the competence of our current legislature to get anything done.

However, this isn't about compassion or morality, it is respect for a process that was established within the US Constitution. So please, spare me your lectures about compassion. You will lose this argument. So will any states that try and take this matter to court.

If you have any respect for the Constitution you will see the president rightfully re-delegating legislative duties back to the Congress where they belong.
If anybody is guilty of shittin all over the constitution, its your boy Trump, with that being said, Obama was faced for 8 long years, a congress that did nothing but sat on its ass and obstructed this man any way they could....meanwhile, just like that ass ho, Trump, he made promises that he intended to keep and that was DACA....now if Trump wasn't to revisit the shit and let these same mf's that fucked over Obama handle it, than so be it, but do not blame Obama for doing what he felt was the right thing to do without the help of obstructionist congressional ass ho's, ie the GOP.

Trump is making these same mf's take a stand and for that, I applaud him for it. Truth be told, Trump is the Karma that Obama should enjoy.
Just wondering, Nieto's check show up yet?
...but not for the reasons you may think...

So what's wrong with what the president did? Nothing. Did the Dreamers do anything wrong? Absolutely not.

But here is a president trying to respect the three branches of government by putting DACA where it belongs, in the hands of congress, the legislative branch.

Anyone who respects the legislative process will agree with this decision, though I understand the misgivings one may have with the competence of our current legislature to get anything done.

However, this isn't about compassion or morality, it is respect for a process that was established within the US Constitution. So please, spare me your lectures about compassion. You will lose this argument. So will any states that try and take this matter to court.

If you have any respect for the Constitution you will see the president rightfully re-delegating legislative duties back to the Congress where they belong.

He just wants the results to be theirs, like washing his hand of it. If only he would wash his hands off of everything and send it back to congress, but this is one he does not want to own, I call that chickenshit.
...but not for the reasons you may think...

So what's wrong with what the president did? Nothing. Did the Dreamers do anything wrong? Absolutely not.

But here is a president trying to respect the three branches of government by putting DACA where it belongs, in the hands of congress, the legislative branch.

Anyone who respects the legislative process will agree with this decision, though I understand the misgivings one may have with the competence of our current legislature to get anything done.

However, this isn't about compassion or morality, it is respect for a process that was established within the US Constitution. So please, spare me your lectures about compassion. You will lose this argument. So will any states that try and take this matter to court.

If you have any respect for the Constitution you will see the president rightfully re-delegating legislative duties back to the Congress where they belong.
I stopped reading as so as you said THE DREAMERS DID NOTHING WRONG.

They violated The Law. Obama is a Law Breaker and tried to Circumvent The Law.
Why are Mexicans and other South American Illegal Immigrants so willing to Break up their Families, leaving half their families and communities behind to come to America Illegally for DAH FREE WELFARE?
I stopped reading as so as you said THE DREAMERS DID NOTHING WRONG.

As far as the children who were brought here by their parents are concerned, they didn't. You can't blame them for the misdeeds of their parents.

As for you, it takes a really closed mind to stop reading something simply because it says something you disagree with. Goodness gracious.
The Left has long been know to be political cowards.....

Claiming everything they do is for the "Chiiiiiiiildren". What about the millions of abortions Leftbaggers?

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