I Am Athiest...

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God has blessed you, Son. We're not allowed to crucify atheists.

I respect adults who must have an imaginary friend to feel comfortable and be able to sleep.

Dear Campbell if you imagine God to be an "imaginary friend"
then that is a projection of YOUR imagination.

God can symbolize the laws of Nature, are these imaginary.
Collective truth and wisdom, is that all made up?

Where do insights of truth and wisdom come from?
If you say it is just from imagination, then maybe you mean creative thinking.
And yes, God is used to symbolize the source of all Creativity, all things in creation.

That sort of "imagination" is not a bad thing to have access to.
Nothing.....I was an Atheist after I read the bible and the book of Mormon while I was a teenager. What a load of bullshit!

'course when you believe a book written 2000 years ago by folks who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands what can one expect.

There was no such thing as paper till after 500AD and since it was first used in Asia.....DUUUH

Wow!!! Are you serious? From a TV show? Deeply philosophical… wow...

Attacking the source because you can't refute the truth?
If you "study' Philosophy from sitcoms then have at it. It is your prerogative, do what fits your ideas, of course.

Everyone is born an atheist. It is only those who are indoctrinated into religion that have a problem with atheists. Religion is irrational because you have be believe things without any evidence. That isn't philosophy. That is factual.

I support your right to believe in irrational religions. Do you support the right of atheists to have freedom from religion?
.....................And I Despise Tax Cuts For The Upper 1%

When we had a middle class back in the 1950-1960 time frame a corporate executive earned about 50 times what a carpenter or plumber made. Now the elitist bastards make 400 times as much and know no shame. They set up a board of directors and tell them what they want. Then....they get it.

In the last thirty years the upper 10% of earners have increased their earnings by nearly 300% while the lower half of earners have remained flat when adjusted for inflation.

Something about that SUCKS!!!

The top 10% also paid 68% of all the total federal income taxes too. Maybe you should fall down on your knees and say a prayer of thanks to them for you not having to pay in as much as they did.

Oh wait. You're an atheist.

No that is what conservatives do, pray to the rich and spit on the poor.

Campbell said:
"Nothing.....I was an Atheist after I read the bible and the book of Mormon while I was a teenager. What a load of bullshit!

'course when you believe a book written 2000 years ago by folks who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands what can one expect.

There was no such thing as paper till after 500AD and since it was first used in Asia.....DUUUH"
Did the mormon elders smack your pee-pee when you did not listen to them and you became resentful? You are not much older than a teenager now. Go out there and get some life experience.. and clam down.
.....................And I Despise Tax Cuts For The Upper 1%

When we had a middle class back in the 1950-1960 time frame a corporate executive earned about 50 times what a carpenter or plumber made. Now the elitist bastards make 400 times as much and know no shame. They set up a board of directors and tell them what they want. Then....they get it.

In the last thirty years the upper 10% of earners have increased their earnings by nearly 300% while the lower half of earners have remained flat when adjusted for inflation.

Something about that SUCKS!!!
Just curious here. What does being an atheist have to do with the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer? I don't follow the atheist part. Could you explain please? Thanks.

Simply that I don't believe I have to donate 10% of my income to a butthole who should look around and find an honest living.
Yet you support Democrats.... Hypocrite!
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."

Dr. Albert Einstein(posted in the NY Times in 1955 at the time of his death)

Quoting some old dead white guy whose work was ultimately responsible for the killing of several hundred thousand civilians, and a Cold War that lasted 44 years?

Wow. Just wow.

Einstein wasn't a warmonger. Too bad you can't say that about the prior POTUS.

The current POTUS has a pretty good body count going. And a Nobel Prize to go with it...

.....................And I Despise Tax Cuts For The Upper 1%

When we had a middle class back in the 1950-1960 time frame a corporate executive earned about 50 times what a carpenter or plumber made. Now the elitist bastards make 400 times as much and know no shame. They set up a board of directors and tell them what they want. Then....they get it.

In the last thirty years the upper 10% of earners have increased their earnings by nearly 300% while the lower half of earners have remained flat when adjusted for inflation.

Something about that SUCKS!!!

The top 10% also paid 68% of all the total federal income taxes too. Maybe you should fall down on your knees and say a prayer of thanks to them for you not having to pay in as much as they did.

Oh wait. You're an atheist.

No that is what conservatives do, pray to the rich and spit on the poor.


Bullshit. If there were no rich people, who would the poor people work for? Go ask that homeless guy standing on the street corner if he'll give you a job.
Everyone is born an atheist. It is only those who are indoctrinated into religion that have a problem with atheists. Religion is irrational because you have be believe things without any evidence. That isn't philosophy. That is factual.

I support your right to believe in irrational religions. Do you support the right of atheists to have freedom from religion?
I beg to differ about religion is not being philosophy. It is a branch of philosophy.
.....................And I Despise Tax Cuts For The Upper 1%

When we had a middle class back in the 1950-1960 time frame a corporate executive earned about 50 times what a carpenter or plumber made. Now the elitist bastards make 400 times as much and know no shame. They set up a board of directors and tell them what they want. Then....they get it.

In the last thirty years the upper 10% of earners have increased their earnings by nearly 300% while the lower half of earners have remained flat when adjusted for inflation.

Something about that SUCKS!!!

Are you Athiest or A Theist?

Regarding the middle class issue, there has never been a human society that has survived very long after most of the wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few. There is always revolution. The disparity in the U.S. today only has one conclusion. Once the critical mass of people that have given up on the society because it only enriches the few at the expense of the many, you have revolution. This nation is no different than all others before it, that moment will come.

The wealthy here caused the 2008 Great Recession with the help of Bush and the Republicans. How many of them went to jail? And why exactly did Martha Stewart go to jail but all those criminals did not?

China's stock market crashed a couple months ago and the CEO's of the largest companies were forbidden to sell any of the stock of their company for six months.

Going all the way back to the founders there have been warnings of corporations becoming more powerful than the government and the dire consequences as a result. If the American people do not wake up then yes the 2nd amendment will have its way.
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."

Dr. Albert Einstein(posted in the NY Times in 1955 at the time of his death)

Quoting some old dead white guy whose work was ultimately responsible for the killing of several hundred thousand civilians, and a Cold War that lasted 44 years?

Wow. Just wow.

Einstein wasn't a warmonger. Too bad you can't say that about the prior POTUS.

The current POTUS has a pretty good body count going. And a Nobel Prize to go with it...


Bush jr killed more on a monthly basis in Iraq alone.

Wow!!! Are you serious? From a TV show? Deeply philosophical… wow...

Attacking the source because you can't refute the truth?
If you "study' Philosophy from sitcoms then have at it. It is your prerogative, do what fits your ideas, of course.

Everyone is born an atheist. It is only those who are indoctrinated into religion that have a problem with atheists. Religion is irrational because you have be believe things without any evidence. That isn't philosophy. That is factual.

I support your right to believe in irrational religions. Do you support the right of atheists to have freedom from religion?

??? Where are you getting that everyone is born atheist?
Do you mean nontheist?

Wouldn't you have to have a concept of God to be aware you don't believe in God?

What about God as meaning life, love, nature.
Don't we naturally respond to love as ever present?

I can understand being born neutral about God.
So wouldn't nontheist be a better term than atheist
which already implies awareness of God and "not believing" in this.
I don't think that is the default. God can mean a lot of things
to different people like LOVE which is felt in the womb before the baby is physically born into the the world.
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."

Dr. Albert Einstein(posted in the NY Times in 1955 at the time of his death)

Quoting some old dead white guy whose work was ultimately responsible for the killing of several hundred thousand civilians, and a Cold War that lasted 44 years?

Wow. Just wow.

Einstein wasn't a warmonger. Too bad you can't say that about the prior POTUS.

The current POTUS has a pretty good body count going. And a Nobel Prize to go with it...


Bush jr killed more on a monthly basis in Iraq alone.


And where is the political support to go after restitution and reimbursement to taxpayers for collateral
damages and costs that weren't fully authorized or approved to pay trillions of dollars for.

If the only objections are for political reasons, to fight for or against certain parties running for office,
then this discredits the real content.

It is sad that people yell about health care costs, and aren't looking at the trillions of dollars
unchecked with military and war spending.
Wow!!! Are you serious? From a TV show? Deeply philosophical… wow...

Attacking the source because you can't refute the truth?
If you "study' Philosophy from sitcoms then have at it. It is your prerogative, do what fits your ideas, of course.

Everyone is born an atheist. It is only those who are indoctrinated into religion that have a problem with atheists. Religion is irrational because you have be believe things without any evidence. That isn't philosophy. That is factual.

I support your right to believe in irrational religions. Do you support the right of atheists to have freedom from religion?

??? Where are you getting that everyone is born atheist?
Do you mean nontheist?

Wouldn't you have to have a concept of God to be aware you don't believe in God?

What about God as meaning life, love, nature.
Don't we naturally respond to love as ever present?

I can understand being born neutral about God.
So wouldn't nontheist be a better term than atheist
which already implies awareness of God and "not believing" in this.
I don't think that is the default. God can mean a lot of things
to different people like LOVE which is felt in the womb before the baby is physically born into the the world.

No one is born with any knowledge of any god or any religion whatsoever.

It is religious indoctrination that attempts to subvert natural things like love and claim that they are from their god.

No religion owns love because if it did then why do those outside of religion have the exact same emotions?

How is that animals can experience love if they have no knowledge of religion or gods?
.....................And I Despise Tax Cuts For The Upper 1%

When we had a middle class back in the 1950-1960 time frame a corporate executive earned about 50 times what a carpenter or plumber made. Now the elitist bastards make 400 times as much and know no shame. They set up a board of directors and tell them what they want. Then....they get it.

In the last thirty years the upper 10% of earners have increased their earnings by nearly 300% while the lower half of earners have remained flat when adjusted for inflation.

Something about that SUCKS!!!
The upper 10% pay most of the taxes, what cut are you talking about? Corporations are much bigger and more diversified these days, and global. Apple products are sold all over the world for example. But what business is the CEO's income to you?

The sorry fact is that as opportunity decreases the pay reflects it and too many retards buy the leftist's rhetoric and vote for what hurts them the most.

As far as atheism, how do you know there is no god?
God has blessed you, Son. We're not allowed to crucify atheists.

Are ya sure norwegen? 1 quick shot......... just 1......

Welcome Campbell. Here's a thank you to start you off. :)
Know Jesus, Know peace. See you in the ring.

I'm 80 years old and I lived in the church for over forty years. After I retired I "Told It Like It Is" I did not want my three children, eight grandchildren and two great great grandchildren to think I believed all that superstitious nonsense. I think it takes total brainwashing of small children to keep that crap alive and that's what's been going on ever since the Roman emperor Constantine set up the rules about 350AD. Did you think it was a coincidence that the Vatican and all those "Girls In Gowns" are totally and without question accepted by billions as the "Real McCoy?"


  • Religion Constantine.txt
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1. No one is born with any knowledge of any god or any religion whatsoever.

2. It is religious indoctrination that attempts to subvert natural things like love and claim that they are from their god.

3. No religion owns love because if it did then why do those outside of religion have the exact same emotions?

4. How is that animals can experience love if they have no knowledge of religion or gods?

1. Then the same can be said of atheist views as of theist views.
2. Faith in God does not have to mean indoctrination
a. the Buddhists teach this as Wisdom which comes naturally by letting go, and advises against indoctrination
so Buddhism is one way to reach understanding of God or truth without indoctrination which it warns against
b. the Bahai also teach independent investigation and do not believe in coercion or indoctrination,
and their beliefs are that all people have their own beliefs, every religious tribe exists for a purpose and serve the whole
3. who said any religion has to monopolize anything?
that is manmade attachment and material thinking to worry about control.
again the true message in Christianity, Buddhism even Hinduism is that all people are spiritual beings
and none of us own or control things. please do not mistake the immature people who do try to control things,
for the greater message and meaning in religions that does not seek credit or control for things. Where are you getting that this is what religions are for. There is a good purpose and intent, and then there are political abuses for power.
The good intent out of genuine love for humanity is not the same as the abuse for greed and control.
4. That's right, that is why the point is to focus on the default nature of love and life present in all things.
Not to focus on the human corruption of laws and religions to manipulate others.

People abuse money for crime and bad things that harm themselves and others.
That doesn't mean the same money can't be used to save lives and do good for others.

The same water that keeps us alive and support entire ecosystems
can kill people by drowning, by hurricanes and tsunamis.
Do the mass populations that die by acts of nature make nature an evil thing?

Anything can be used for good or for bad.
The point in life is clearly to try to find the good in things, and focus on that to unite in purpose and serve the most good.
Campbell listen to yourself
1./ Campbell said:
"Nothing.....I was an Atheist after I read the bible and the book of Mormon while I was a teenager. What a load of bullshit!
"I'm 80 years old and I lived in the church for over forty years."

Which is it?

One advice you may or may not want to use in the future. If you do not lie, you never have to remember what you lied before.
God has blessed you, Son. We're not allowed to crucify atheists.

Are ya sure norwegen? 1 quick shot......... just 1......

Welcome Campbell. Here's a thank you to start you off. :)
Know Jesus, Know peace. See you in the ring.

I'm 80 years old and I lived in the church for over forty years. After I retired I "Told It Like It Is" I did not want my three children, eight grandchildren and two great great grandchildren to think I believed all that superstitious nonsense. I think it takes total brainwashing of small children to keep that crap alive and that's what's been going on ever since the Roman emperor Constantine set up the rules about 350AD. Did you think it was a coincidence that the Vatican and all those "Girls In Gowns" are totally and without question accepted by billions as the "Real McCoy?"

Dear Campbell
1. LOTS of people, whole groups even, have rejected and exposed the politics of the Catholic church as false religion
and are still Christian and/or believe in God.
You don't have to give up your faith to denounce what you see as false. Look at Luther and all the Protestant movement.
The Jehovah's Witnesses, IDMR, lots of groups oppose the Catholic authority as political posturing in the name of God.
And they don't have to be atheist to do that.

2. Nor do you need to denounce Christianity or defend yourself if you are
That is the second fold of the same flock and included in salvation, just under natural laws and
a secular understanding of what God and Jesus mean.

If you understand God and Jesus to mean Love of TRUTH And love of JUSTICE,
we are STILL talking about the same God and Jesus but in nonreligious terms -- "a rose by any other name."

Secular Gentiles are included in the Bible as under Natural Laws that are still
fulfilled by the same spirit of Truth and Justice that God and Jesus represent.

Sorry to be the bearer of GOOD NEWS but you are still included,
as long as you can forgive and receive truth, you are part of the salvation process of humanity
based on forgiveness of past conflicts and wrongs, so all relations can be healed and nations united as one.

3. As for the REAL DEAL the "Real McCoy"
The meaning of Christ Jesus is
Restorative Justice. This universal spirit includes, unites and heals all humanity as one society, one family, in spiritual peace.

That is the real deal. If you seek Restorative Justice that is the path to life symbolized in the Bible.
If you reject restoration and just seek retribution out of ill will, that is the path to death and destruction
warned about in the Bible. All gentiles and believers alike are still under these laws governing humanity.

Where we forgive, we can correct problems together and heal ourselves, our relations and collectively the world.
Where we cannot forgive, we project ill will and blame, anger and rejection that divides and destroys,
killing humanity and leading to social destruction, war and waste. So that is the path to death instead of life.

The point in the Bible is to move from the OT ways of living by the "letter of the law"
that got corrupted by greed and antichrist/retribution, causing endless wars and genocide,
and to reform society by the NT ways of living by the "spirit of the laws"
of truth, justice, and peace which renews humanity and restores balance, peace and harmony in the world.

this is what it means to establish God's will or universal good will for all people
to bring heavenly peace to earth. the believers may use scriptural laws and authority
to unite the religious tribes. The secular gentiles may use civil laws of govt and natural laws of science
to solve problems in society and bring peace and unity that way. All are needed for peace and justice for all.
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