an interesting but, BY NO MEANS, new idea. The ID of criminals was
really big approximately towards the end of the 19th century. Treatment
of that which is NOW called "anti-social personality disorder"--(the erst-
while "sociopathy" ) via analysis, chemistry, surgery, behavior
modification--------HAS NEVAH WORKED OUT, In fact, neither has the
Identification thereof-----other than by actual prior behavior as a possible
AS TO CHIPS------nevah... Remember phrenology?
I am not a scientist by any means but as an open thinker (nothing special) - in general, most people look only at the tools of technology currently in use, or like you mentioned, past failed efforts due to using comparatively inferior tech, or what we read about in various journals with respect to upcoming advancements. Think outside of the box to look ahead. Looking in the past or even the present is nowhere near the future, nowhere near it.
We will have chips implanted, either on a temporary basis or long-term for violent felons specifically repeat violent offenders, to determine who is thinking of committing a violent crime and even who will likely commit crimes in the future.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Ah ha! It seems that the infamous right winger is a closed minded thinker? Now, who could have guessed! Lol perhaps too many to list and I’m trying to work on reducing post size;)
On a serious note right winger I am now convinced you do not read much and I absolutely thought maybe you did I just didn’t agree with most of what you write but now I’m under the impression that you really are a non-reader, seriously? Why do you even post here- just for a good laugh or two? If you’re not reading anything who wants to read anything you say in a political format? I will now consider adding you to my block list which contains three other posters lol
She was dead and the individual you want to use torture on would have not worked because he had nothing to lose.

Being a victim of torture I can tell you for certain some people just do not crack and torture can be used to strengthen the mind of the person when they face horrors you have never seen.

She was dead and he would have left her for dead knowing he is a dead man no matter what.

Life isn’t the movies and the reality is you have to know psychology to understand how to use torture properly and that individual wouldn’t have said anything meaningful.
Not knowing where their dead daughter is......Is torture to the family that will last the rest of their lives.
I say that to ant Jew that doesn’t embrace the lessons of WWII and is willing to support torture
Do I need to go through 11 pages to find where you interpret her remarks as "torture"? Somehow I doubt she supports torture as traditionally defined. I don't.
I say that to ant Jew that doesn’t embrace the lessons of WWII and is willing to support torture
I found this remark on page 1. I agree with this. And, for the record, waterboarding is not considered "torture".

It was POSSIBLE, though doubtful, that she was still alive, and a few minutes of waterboarding could have given her the 50 years the monster stole from her
Do I need to go through 11 pages to find where you interpret her remarks as "torture"? Somehow I doubt she supports torture as traditionally defined. I don't.
She specifically advocated torture
I am not a scientist by any means but as an open thinker (nothing special) - in general, most people look only at the tools of technology currently in use, or like you mentioned, past failed efforts due to using comparatively inferior tech, or what we read about in various journals with respect to upcoming advancements. Think outside of the box to look ahead. Looking in the past or even the present is nowhere near the future, nowhere near it.
Looking at the past in the science called NEURO-PSYCHIATRY is very
instructive-----application to the practice thereof is very useful
Not really. When there are hundreds of ways to torment/torture somebody it's super "study-worthy" to HAVE a definition for legal/psychiatric purposes.

Otherwise the amateur torturers will just walk out of court or mental institutions. The BROAD definition without TRYING to list the 1000 ways -- is already codified. The 1000 ways to torture makes the law interesting.

18 U.S. Code § 2340 - Definitions​

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As used in this chapter—
torture” means an act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control;
(2)“severe mental pain or suffering” means the prolonged mental harm caused by or resulting from—
the intentional infliction or threatened infliction of severe physical pain or suffering;
the administration or application, or threatened administration or application, of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or the personality;
the threat of imminent death; or
the threat that another person will imminently be subjected to death, severe physical pain or suffering, or the administration or application of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or personality; and


That IS the section of US Code that OUTLAWS torture. At least "domestically" and to a large part by our military and Intel Community.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! As soon as you start politicizing torture, you lose all humanity.
Looking at the past in the science called NEURO-PSYCHIATRY is very
instructive-----application to the practice thereof is very useful
Sure, it's always helpful to review any R&D, including mental conditions and attempted "cures" aka medicine for life determined as best possible outcome which at this time is sadly true for multiple mental conditions. That will change as medical techniques continue to double every 6 months in all fields of study.

Fact that if taken out of the equation, we'd already be way beyond what's offered to the populace at large: Ethical scientists need to wear full body armor and use all tools available to get their information out. Unless a medical discovery pays off for a main player-think Big Pharma that owns multiple avenues of revenue to release evidence-based cures, it doesn't happen. Similar to pulling teeth without novocaine those who own the megaphones for medical info won't be releasing squat. Many patents have been sealed indefinitely via a huge payoff made for inventors to sit on their product and withhold knowledge that would improve the human condition.

BTW- Do you know an inventor who is holding crucial information? I do, but not medical. I worked for a patent attorney and wound up making a few "friends" who are inventors, working out of their garages and basements...ground level and dedicated. It's common to seal patents from leaking to the populace at large, and unfortunately most people have a price.
If it’s torture for punishment, no. If it’s torture to get information from the lowlife that COULD save the life of his innocent victim, yes.
Sadly, torture in the form of inhumane incarceration is used in USA on an enormous scale. There are about 60,000 people who have been months or years in Solitary Confinement. The peak of use of Supermax Prisons was in 2010, when about 120,000 people were thus incarcerated.

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