Absolutely true. This is not a completely black and white issue, and there should be exceptions. If some form of “torture” can save lives - especially when the torturee (new word) is a proven dangerous criminal - then I say a short amount of extreme discomfort that will not take his life can well be justified.

I cant go there. There's no real crime short of potential or realized mass casualty terrorist attacks that justify it. Which crimes would you employ it on? It's gotta be a REALLY short list -- I hope.
Yet I just did. I didn't want to single out that member because of all the hypocritical lefties calling her a Nazi for her views.

At least WE agree that torture is off the table for any criminal crimes or charges. And -- I'll take it off the table for anything less than an IMMINENT threat to large populations of innocents.
"TORTURE" ???? so far it remains UNDEFINED on USMB ----in
my town-----arrestees were customarily brought to the ER----
for evaluation before being shipped off to the infamous ISLAND !!!!
Just about everyone of them claimed "TORTURE" how about
"them handcuffs are TOO TIGHT" !!!!!
I cant go there. There's no real crime short of potential or realized mass casualty terrorist attacks that justify it. Which crimes would you employ it on? It's gotta be a REALLY short list -- I hope.
how about ----some annoying bastard kidnapped your baby for
ransom-----and refuses to divulge its location?
How do YOU determine guilt and innocence? By torturing them to find out?
In obvious cases. In the case I am speaking about, the police were dealing with a criminal thug with a long rap sheet dating back to his teens, he had served prison time for a similar crime, and his DNA was found on the victim’s shoes.

I know you libs err on the side of protecting lowlife criminals, even if it means an innocent woman will die, but I err on the side of saving the life the criminal is about to take.

And as far as the woman already being dead, they didn’t know that at the time.
how about ----some annoying bastard kidnapped your baby for
ransom-----and refuses to divulge its location?
…and, to add…..the annoying bastard had already served prison time for kidnapping someone else’s baby.

i also can’t help noticing when the 1/6 political prisoners reported torture, such as sleep deprivation, the same leftists who are crying about this lowlife ex-felon murderer said about the 1/6 prisoners that “it would teach them not to overthrow democracy” or some similar sentiment.

What this shows is, once again, the double standards the hypocritical lefties apply when a Republican is involved: they are opposed to an ex-felon thug suffering for a few minutes in order to - potentially - save the life of his innocent victim, but they shrug their shoulders when Grandma, law-abiding all her life, steps into the Capitol to peacefully protest a suspicious election, staying within the ropes and hurting nobody, is sent to jail and subjected to torture.
I cant go there. There's no real crime short of potential or realized mass casualty terrorist attacks that justify it. Which crimes would you employ it on? It's gotta be a REALLY short list -- I hope.
Here’s the list:

When an ex-felon who went to prison for a specific crime commits the IDENTICAL crime again, based on DNA evidence, and there is a chance his innocent victim is still alive.

Are you married? Do you have a sister? Or daughter? Or mother? If a rapist who was committed of rape and served 20 years in prison got out, and then your wife….sister…daughter….mother went missing, AND the bastard’s DNA was found on her shoes, AND there was a chance she was still alive but the bastard refused to tell the police where she was, would you support a few minutes of waterboarding if it meant you sister’s life could possible be saved? Or would you be willing to sacrifice your innocent sister because the savage’s comfort is more important than your sister’s life?

The problem we have - well, one of them - is that leftists sympathize with criminals over their innocent victims (if the criminal is not a Republican).
Here’s the list:

When an ex-felon who went to prison for a specific crime commits the IDENTICAL crime again, based on DNA evidence, and there is a chance his innocent victim is still alive.

Are you married? Do you have a sister? Or daughter? Or mother? If a rapist who was committed of rape and served 20 years in prison got out, and then your wife….sister…daughter….mother went missing, AND the bastard’s DNA was found on her shoes, AND there was a chance she was still alive but the bastard refused to tell the police where she was, would you support a few minutes of waterboarding if it meant you sister’s life could possible be saved? Or would you be willing to sacrifice your innocent sister because the savage’s comfort is more important than your sister’s life?

The problem we have - well, one of them - is that leftists sympathize with criminals over their innocent victims (if the criminal is not a Republican).
again you willfully IGNORE all the conservatives telling you you are wrong.
again you willfully IGNORE all the conservatives telling you you are wrong.
I’m not ignoring them. I just disagree. I say life counts above all. If saving a life entails a little torture of the savage who kidnapped her and there’s a chance she’s still alive, go for it.

And YOU ignored what I said above: would you allow your sister or wife to die in order to spare the discomfort of the savage who kidnapped her, and left her for dead?
I’m not ignoring them. I just disagree. I say life counts above all. If saving a life entails a little torture of the savage who kidnapped her and there’s a chance she’s still alive, go for it.

And YOU ignored what I said above: would you allow your sister or wife to die in order to spare the discomfort of the savage who kidnapped her, and left her for dead?
I would NOT support the COPS torturing anyone for any reason. Your solution would put the criminal back on the streets to do it again.
how about ----some annoying bastard kidnapped your baby for
ransom-----and refuses to divulge its location?

Is it okay if the cops come beat your ass because someone kidnapped your neighbor's baby ...
And the cops would like to think you're the annoying person who did it, and who refuses to divulge the location?


Is it okay if the cops come beat your ass because someone kidnapped your neighbor's baby ...
And the cops would like to think you're the annoying person who did it, and who refuses to divulge the location?

that is different of course according to these dumbasses the cops would NEVER do that not ever.

Is it okay if the cops come beat your ass because someone kidnapped your neighbor's baby ...
And the cops would like to think you're the annoying person who did it, and who refuses to divulge the location?

Not the same. THIS IS THE SAME:

The neighbor’s baby is kidnapped, and the cops find the baby’s shoes with foreign DNA on them. When they run it, they find it belongs to a scumbag on the other side of town who was recently released from prison - and who had been in prison for kidnapping some other neighbor‘s baby. And the scumbag lives far away from this baby’s neighborhood. And there’s a chance the baby is still alive.

You would prefer to let the baby die than let a convicted baby kidnapper have water poured over his head for a minute or two?
Not the same. THIS IS THE SAME:

The neighbor’s baby is kidnapped, and the cops find the baby’s shoes with foreign DNA on them. When they run it, they find it belongs to a scumbag on the other side of town who was recently released from prison - and who had been in prison for kidnapping some other neighbor‘s baby. And the scumbag lives far away from this baby’s neighborhood. And there’s a chance the baby is still alive.

You would prefer to let the baby die than let a convicted baby kidnapper have water poured over his head for a minute or two?
Again DUMBASS you allow the one the other WILL happen as well. We have DECADES of evidence to support that it will.
Not the same. THIS IS THE SAME:

The neighbor’s baby is kidnapped, and the cops find the baby’s shoes with foreign DNA on them. When they run it, they find it belongs to a scumbag on the other side of town who was recently released from prison - and who had been in prison for kidnapping some other neighbor‘s baby. And the scumbag lives far away from this baby’s neighborhood. And there’s a chance the baby is still alive.

You would prefer to let the baby die than let a convicted baby kidnapper have water poured over his head for a minute or two?

It is the State's burden to prove Guilt, and not the suspect or defendant's burden to prove their Innocence.
Our legal system is not set up to capture and punish every Guilty party, but to do the most it can to protect the Innocent.

Guilty people get away with crimes all the time, and it is a burden we bear in Protection of Individual Rights,
combined with the desire not to live in a Police State where the cops can just run around beating people up and throwing them in jail.


It is the State's burden to prove Guilt, and not the suspect or defendant's burden to prove their Innocence.
Our legal system is not set up to capture and punish every Guilty party, but to do the most it can to protect the Innocent.

It’s not to punish the savage who kidnapped the baby. It’s to potentially save the baby’s life.
I‘m not saying the ex-felon criminal lowlife scumbag who already has done prison time for another kidnapping and whose DNA was on the victim’s shoes has been tried and needs to go to prison. But I err on the side of saving an innocent life while you err on the side of an ex-felon lowlife criminal scumbag.

And don’t get me started on doing away with what this county is based on. That is a blatant lie, due to your falling for your demigod’s claim that Trump voters are treasonous, evil people. It truly shows how evil Biden is.

It’s not to punish the savage who kidnapped the baby. It’s to potentially save the baby’s life.

It doesn't matter ... The suspect has not been indicted, nor proven guilty in a court of law.
It is not their burden to prove they are innocent, nor answer the questions from law enforcement.

It's in the US Constitution, and we don't get to just ignore it when we feel like it.

that is because you can not handle being identified as the moron.
And you resort to nasty name-calling simply because I think an innocent women.’s life is worth some aggressive action against an es-felon repeat violent offender.

There’s no need to drop down to the nasty level that liberals do when they are faced with someone who sides with innocent victims over violent ex-felons.

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