No govt can enumerate all my rights. Not even all of your rights. We maintain those BECAUSE our govt assumes those are there and LIMITS ITSELF in what they can "take away".

No wonder you hate this country. You have no clue how it works.
So you don't believe in the death penalty or locking someone up and taking away their liberty.

I was referring to due process. Our Constitution allows for the taking away of rights WITH due process.
You advocate torture. That is morally wrong for US citizens and is unconstitutional. How can you resolve that dilemma?
I advocate torture only in extreme circumstances. If it can save the life of an innocent victim, and the evidence against the criminal is beyond a reasonable doubt.

I value life highly.

That said, how can you advocate for the murder of unborn babies, getting their brains sucked out late term?
I advocate torture only in extreme circumstances. If it can save the life of an innocent victim, and the evidence against the criminal is beyond a reasonable doubt.

I value life highly.

That said, how can you advocate for the murder of unborn babies, getting their brains sucked out late term?
You do not value life highly. You value con-trol over others.
but the chick wanting to torture people is just fine and cool in your book.

Seems that last line in your post applies to you as well

Torture based solely on criminal activity is off the table. I'm not gonna go 100% excluding torture from preventing a nuclear, bio, chemical attack that could KILL millions of people in the next day or so. And even THOSE people making that decision -- would have to stand trial and justify the action.

It's one of these "cant win" arguments to say that non-lethal torture is ALWAYS off the table. You need to realize that if the US REALLY NEEDS to torture a terrorist suspect in an imminent plot to destroy - they just ship them to Bulgaria or Albania to do the work. Completely out of sight/mind.
If someone had one of my daughters and I had a guy who I knew, knew where she was. Id make him wish he wasnt born to find out where my daughter was at.

I would not be the police. I would be a pissed off father saving my family. How anyone takes that. I really dont care. Its what I would do.

Please get HELP
she isnt there now to make the call. allow torture by police and it will be just like it was before
NOT torture of innocent beings - like unborn children or those gasping for breath after being tortured and raped by a lowlife lifetime criminal. But for the case we are discussing, when a few minutes of torturing an obviously guilty ex-con could SAVE THE LIFE OF HIS INNOCENT VICTIM, then it’s worth it.
Most of you pretending to be heroes of "no torture ever" are ESPECIALLY hypocritical today. Same posters badgering people about torture have a LONG documented history of ignoring when convenient to their political goals.

You can torture people in hundreds of ways. ALL of them DOCUMENTED to be effective. Sleep deprivation, repetitive vile sounds, lying to them about the state of their relatiives, -- the list is endless. And A LOT OF YOU ignored these uses or cheered them on.

As the siege wore on, two factions developed within the FBI,[39] one believing negotiation to be the answer, the other, force. Increasingly aggressive techniques were used to try to force the Branch Davidians out. For instance, sleep deprivation of the inhabitants through all-night broadcasts of recordings of jet planes, pop music, Buddhist chanting, and the screams of rabbits being slaughtered.

#1 pop hit on the FBI psych operation team was "These boots are Made for Walking" which is certainly capable of inflicting pain and confusion after the first hour of continuous play. On the more serious side -- would be using armored vehicles to pump tear gas into an underground kitchen where most of children were being kept. No gas masks that small on hand.

Then there's your support of the torture of many of the J6th prisoners kept in a rotting DC. jail that MOST admit should have been condemned and razed a decade ago. Kept in SOLITARY FOR MONTHS. No contact even with legal reps. Charges CHANGED, added, subtracted monthly so not many court dates because their court attys cant keep up. Guards physically abusing them and NOT caring for their wounds. Neglecting drugs they've been prescribed. Even Pocahantas and Bernie have spoken out about these HORRID conditions that DO AMOUNT to torture.

And the same FBI that ran Waco into oblivion shot and killed a mother thru a gap in the door curtain while she was holding her infant. ALL MEANT to TORTURE the remaining hold-outs. Who already KNEW other family members had been killed. All for an entrapment sting SET-UP by the FBI and BATF.

Be less hypocritical. At least I'm aware that MAYBE in some horrendous national emergency -- we might NOT want to take non-lethal torture off the table. But even if was because a nuke suitcase was somewhere in NYC --- the people MAKING the decision would have to stand trial and justify.
Most of you pretending to be heroes of "no torture ever" are ESPECIALLY hypocritical today. Same posters badgering people about torture have a LONG documented history of ignoring when convenient to their political goals.

You can torture people in hundreds of ways. ALL of them DOCUMENTED to be effective. Sleep deprivation, repetitive vile sounds, lying to them about the state of their relatiives, -- the list is endless. And A LOT OF YOU ignored these uses or cheered them on.

As the siege wore on, two factions developed within the FBI,[39] one believing negotiation to be the answer, the other, force. Increasingly aggressive techniques were used to try to force the Branch Davidians out. For instance, sleep deprivation of the inhabitants through all-night broadcasts of recordings of jet planes, pop music, Buddhist chanting, and the screams of rabbits being slaughtered.

#1 pop hit on the FBI psych operation team was "These boots are Made for Walking" which is certainly capable of inflicting pain and confusion after the first hour of continuous play. On the more serious side -- would be using armored vehicles to pump tear gas into an underground kitchen where most of children were being kept. No gas masks that small on hand.

Then there's your support of the torture of many of the J6th prisoners kept in a rotting DC. jail that MOST admit should have been condemned and razed a decade ago. Kept in SOLITARY FOR MONTHS. No contact even with legal reps. Charges CHANGED, added, subtracted monthly so not many court dates because their court attys cant keep up. Guards physically abusing them and NOT caring for their wounds. Neglecting drugs they've been prescribed. Even Pocahantas and Bernie have spoken out about these HORRID conditions that DO AMOUNT to torture.

And the same FBI that ran Waco into oblivion shot and killed a mother thru a gap in the door curtain while she was holding her infant. ALL MEANT to TORTURE the remaining hold-outs. Who already KNEW other family members had been killed. All for an entrapment sting SET-UP by the FBI and BATF.

Be less hypocritical. At least I'm aware that MAYBE in some horrendous national emergency -- we might NOT want to take non-lethal torture off the table. But even if was because a nuke suitcase was somewhere in NYC --- the people MAKING the decision would have to stand trial and justify.
Absolutely true. This is not a completely black and white issue, and there should be exceptions. If some form of “torture” can save lives - especially when the torturee (new word) is a proven dangerous criminal - then I say a short amount of extreme discomfort that will not take his life can well be justified.
NOT torture of innocent beings - like unborn children or those gasping for breath after being tortured and raped by a lowlife lifetime criminal. But for the case we are discussing, when a few minutes of torturing an obviously guilty ex-con could SAVE THE LIFE OF HIS INNOCENT VICTIM, then it’s worth it.
How do YOU determine guilt and innocence? By torturing them to find out?
Torture based solely on criminal activity is off the table.

Yet that is what the entire discussion is about, that is what the OP is putting forth and you could not bring yourself to tell her what you just told me.
LOL quick question....can the Government take away those rights by force? a Yes or no will do.

Technically the government cannot take away an Inalienable Right.
An Inalienable Right cannot be taken away, or even given away, or surrendered by the possessor.

You have that Right, and the only thing the Government can do is Violate that Right.
Therefore ... Any reason the Government may give for Violating that Right, will not change the fact that they are in the wrong.

Yet that is what the entire discussion is about, that is what the OP is putting forth and you could not bring yourself to tell her what you just told me.

Yet I just did. I didn't want to single out that member because of all the hypocritical lefties calling her a Nazi for her views.

At least WE agree that torture is off the table for any criminal crimes or charges. And -- I'll take it off the table for anything less than an IMMINENT threat to large populations of innocents.

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