I am getting new booster this fall

Have you got a death wish, Quasar44?

You know how I feel about the poison jabs....but hey....we all freely make our own choices.

Good luck.
Have you got a death wish, Quasar44?

You know how I feel about the poison jabs....but hey....we all freely make our own choices.

Good luck.
I am terrified to get this again
My case was moderate but it really sucked
Stop having the deranged mindset that everything conservative is great and the opposite is 100 percent wrong

Even the highest claims of COVID death globally is only 6 million world wide. One million in America.
Even the highest claims of COVID death globally is only 6 million world wide. One million in America.
It slanbee
Even the highest claims of COVID death globally is only 6 million world wide. One million in America.
i have been body slammed on the concrete by it
. I have barely ate in days
Hard to stand up and my strength is low
I almost went to the ER last night but my dad said to wait the next day
It slanbee

i have been body slammed on the concrete by it
. I have barely ate in days
Hard to stand up and my strength is low

And yet ... it hasn't put a dent in your posting.

Rick: People who are really dying don't keep bringing it up.
Morty: Is that true?
Rick: I don't know. I'm just usually around people that die faster.

This S is the real deal

I cannot go through this again in 2022

I am also thinking of masking up at work

Covid is a killer
Why not just play Russian roulette?

You don't have to worry about covid
Human Ivermectin is available over the counter in some states

& Thiers always tractor supply

Don't forget vitamins C, D, B6,B12,,Zinc ,magnesium, and calcium supplement
This S is the real deal

I cannot go through this again in 2022

I am also thinking of masking up at work

Covid is a killer

Before hubby and I got it, we were loading up on Vit D, zinc and Vit C supplements. When we got it we took ivermectin and quercetin. Not sure how much good they did but then again--we both had very mild cases. Hubby was sick for one day and no lingering effects.

We can't get ivermectin anymore, which is a crime. But quercetin works like it.

I really think the above works better than a mask. If you are professionally fitted and changed your professionally fitted mask every hour then okay. Otherwise you're just breathing your rebreathed air. That's not healthy either.

The govt lies to you.

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