i am going to play bonzi, what was your best dinner ever?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I have two story's....

1. My girlfriend was in a terrible mood, so I got a room at the Chicago Hilton...I got flowers and put a necklace in it...

I went to her apartment and got her to come with me, I ordered room service... We ate and she kept looking at the flowers...and then she saw it... :)

2. When my wife and I got married we went up to door county Wisconsin...it's been 20 years but she made the best dinner ever, that day...

I so wish I could go back in time....
I was stationed in Meridian Ms, and a friend invited me out to dinner with his wife and a friend of hers.

Went to a place that looked like a run down gas station, and started to worry.

After being seated, the waitress asked what we wanted, I ordered steak.

She asked me what size, and I went for a 22oz sirloin.

She took the order back, and I watched as it was cut from a beef hanging in the back, taken to a fireplace and cooked

They brought it out, it was hanging over the sides of the small platter it was on, the baked potato and corn were on a separate plate.

If it is still in business, I'm glad I don't live closer.

I can't eat like that any longer
Man thats a tough one...
As far as being amazed at the ability of the Chefs?
We went to the Houston livestock show and rodeo/Kid Rock concert in Houston and we had invites to the luxury box of Sysco foods of all people.
I figured what the hell the beer is free....
I should have known they'd put out a good spread considering this was for the big wigs at Sysco.
The thing that made it so kick ass was the variety they put out,in a three hour period they served twelve courses of some of the most amazing food I've ever tasted.
Easy, a little hole in the wall outside of Sicily. It was literally three tables in someone's kitchen. Homemade EVERYTHING including fresh parm.

I'm a pretty good cook but that old lady knew her italian.

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