I am not going to be silenced on the issue of black crime

Speak softly and carry a big .45. Works for me. The only time to to yell and scream is possibly to subdue your would be attacker.
Here in New Orleans, watch the nightly news, it is almost exclusively black on black crime. It is a serious problem that is very taboo.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Nope. The only one here trolling is you, but you got a position so you can toll to your hearts content,

Per capita does not matter. Whites commit almost 3 times the crime blacks do. That's what the UCR has shown me for the past 25 years I have looked at the annual report. So stay race baited and believe the lies. .
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.
Not per capita. And per capita matters. Unless your black, and it ruins your point...

Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
So you use per capita to try making it look like you do less.

It's not excuse ... it's math.

Or, are statistics just racist?
It depends on who compiles them and what agenda they might have in publishing those results. I'd venture to say White people, in general, have hated Black people ever since they arrived here and probably even before. Why would I trust statistics that are complied against my community by such hateful people? The DOJ report on Ferguson has shown us how corrupt and discriminating the system is against Blacks. So, the compilation of race based crime data reported by thousands of prejudiced police agencies who have a vested interest in black criminality simply cannot be trusted or viewed as being accurate. I can see how that logic goes hand in hand with study after study showing rampant racial bias in the justice system from top to bottom. I don't expect people who voted for Trump to see that logic>
Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
What group in YOUR country turned against YOU? Was it those damn bleeding heat liberals and abolitionists again?
Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
What group in YOUR country turned against YOU? Was it those damn bleeding heat liberals and abolitionists again?

They're trying to replace white people with mexicans, and scream at us for being racist for not wanting that to happen. They call us racist for being skeptical of every exaggerated left-wing moral panic. They call us racist for wanting to live in the suburbs around people like us. No matter what we do, we're called racist.
Per capita doesn't matter.

Of course it does. Learning how to compare different sized groups is something most people learned in elementary school.

He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
What group in YOUR country turned against YOU? Was it those damn bleeding heat liberals and abolitionists again?

They're trying to replace white people with mexicans, and scream at us for being racist for not wanting that to happen. They call us racist for being skeptical of every exaggerated left-wing moral panic. They call us racist for wanting to live in the suburbs around people like us. No matter what we do, we're called racist.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
What group in YOUR country turned against YOU? Was it those damn bleeding heat liberals and abolitionists again?

They're trying to replace white people with mexicans, and scream at us for being racist for not wanting that to happen. They call us racist for being skeptical of every exaggerated left-wing moral panic. They call us racist for wanting to live in the suburbs around people like us. No matter what we do, we're called racist.


You claim to love this country but America as we know it will cease to exist once Hispanics become a majority. Republicans will never win an election again, unless they start pandering to left wing causes. The country has been moving left since the 60s. The left wing media shapes public opinion, and bludgeons conservatives with the accusation of racism. We had a self professed socialist running for office, and he almost won. At what point does things get bad enough that you'll start "freaking out"?
He fully understands this; he's just a troll. Being honest about it would mean he'd have to take some personal responsibility as opposed to sitting around all day blaming whitey for his problems.

Personal responsibility is a social construct invented by white men to keep POC down.
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
What group in YOUR country turned against YOU? Was it those damn bleeding heat liberals and abolitionists again?

They're trying to replace white people with mexicans, and scream at us for being racist for not wanting that to happen. They call us racist for being skeptical of every exaggerated left-wing moral panic. They call us racist for wanting to live in the suburbs around people like us. No matter what we do, we're called racist.
Well I'm not going to disagree with your claims about Mexicans. They are taking over the southern and western parts of the country; and, Mexican gangs are randomly killing Whites and Blacks in California and New York. Blacks are especially targeted, even those with no known gang affiliation. Why don't we hear more of that?

More alarming, I noticed the number of unsolved murders or those committed by unknown offenders is pretty significant too. Can those murders be correlated with the proliferation of Mexican gangs? I suspect that is just what is happening. If this article, written by Black journalist, Brenton Mock, is accurate, it is quite shocking that the media has been so dormant in reporting it.

Latino Gang Members in Southern California are Terrorizing and Killing Blacks
But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
What group in YOUR country turned against YOU? Was it those damn bleeding heat liberals and abolitionists again?

They're trying to replace white people with mexicans, and scream at us for being racist for not wanting that to happen. They call us racist for being skeptical of every exaggerated left-wing moral panic. They call us racist for wanting to live in the suburbs around people like us. No matter what we do, we're called racist.


You claim to love this country but America as we know it will cease to exist once Hispanics become a majority.....




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But you won't take personal responsibly for your own racism.

I wouldn't even BE "racist" if my country hadn't turned against me.
What group in YOUR country turned against YOU? Was it those damn bleeding heat liberals and abolitionists again?

They're trying to replace white people with mexicans, and scream at us for being racist for not wanting that to happen. They call us racist for being skeptical of every exaggerated left-wing moral panic. They call us racist for wanting to live in the suburbs around people like us. No matter what we do, we're called racist.


You claim to love this country but America as we know it will cease to exist once Hispanics become a majority. Republicans will never win an election again, unless they start pandering to left wing causes. The country has been moving left since the 60s. The left wing media shapes public opinion, and bludgeons conservatives with the accusation of racism. We had a self professed socialist running for office, and he almost won. At what point does things get bad enough that you'll start "freaking out"?

Again, It isn't the decent law biding Mexican citizens that worry me... its the 22000 Mexican gang members who are engaged in ethnic cleansing in several states but specifically in California. That's more than all the Black, white and Asian gangs combined and there are more than 30,000 more on the other side of the border.

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