I am once again ashamed of my country: 18% would vote based on whom Taylor Swift endorses? OMG!!


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
This is horrific!

What does that twit know about American or world events.

Sorry, maybe it's unChristian to call her that, but that's what she is if she endorses briben. People who endorse corrupt, senile candidates like that are obviously NOT well-informed.

So yeh... It's not like I didn't know b4 today that some Americans are stupid as hell... But this confirms it in spades
This is horrific!

What does that twit know about American or world events.

Sorry, maybe it's unChristian to call her that, but that's what she is if she endorses briben. People who endorse corrupt, senile candidates like that are obviously NOT well-informed.

So yeh... It's not like I didn't know b4 today that some Americans are stupid as hell... But this confirms it in spades
And 47% would vote based on who Donald Trump endorses.

I'll take TaeTae. She actually is a self made billionaire.
And 47% would vote based on who Donald Trump endorses.

I'll take TaeTae. She actually is a self made billionaire.
self made, my ass

She had a lot of mindless followers who made her rich while it is likely some 60% of them are poor

OOOH, I'm so impressed!

Has she built any low income housing for the homeless lately?

Inquiring minds...............
This is horrific!

What does that twit know about American or world events.

Sorry, maybe it's unChristian to call her that, but that's what she is if she endorses briben. People who endorse corrupt, senile candidates like that are obviously NOT well-informed.

So yeh... It's not like I didn't know b4 today that some Americans are stupid as hell... But this confirms it in spades

A majority of Republicans would vote for Trump if he is a convicted Felon

How bad is that?
A majority of Republicans would vote for Trump if he is a convicted Felon

How bad is that?
wait... wait

I thought you dimrats LIKED felons?

geez... make up your damn minds...

Oh, that's right... your minds are messed up, possibly due to drug use
The idea that this young woman has been part of a long term InfluencerProject was ignored when I pointed it out .
But that is exactly what it is , though you can debate at what level it has full Deep State backing or whether it is more a concerted effort of the CIA using the Democrats for election gain .
This is horrific!

What does that twit know about American or world events.

Sorry, maybe it's unChristian to call her that, but that's what she is if she endorses briben. People who endorse corrupt, senile candidates like that are obviously NOT well-informed.

So yeh... It's not like I didn't know b4 today that some Americans are stupid as hell... But this confirms it in spades

Maybe those folks were pulling the pollsters' leg
The idea that this young woman has been part of a long term InfluencerProject was ignored when I pointed it out .
But that is exactly what it is , though you can debate at what level it has full Deep State backing or whether it is more a concerted effort of the CIA using the Democrats for election gain .
your posts are almost always difficult to understand
And 47% would vote based on who Donald Trump endorses.

I'll take TaeTae. She actually is a self made billionaire.

That's nothing. I've been told that "81 million" Americans have the tendencies to make bad choices when it comes to men, too. So bad they voted for an incontinent, demented, old child-molester named Joe Biden.

So they're obviously just as stupid as that little blonde-haired hoochie dancer. :21:
I like Taylor. She's a great talent, a beautiful girl, a hard worker and I wish her and Kelse all the luck. But if she starts going all Alyssa Milano on us, a lot of people are going to change their opinion of her. The world already has far too many overly political entertainers and politics didn't do a damn bit of good for any of them. Taylor would do better to keep doing what she knows best and stay away from politics, or risk developing a permanent scowl like Whoopi, Rosie and Babs. Anyway, Trump would make a much better President. MAGA
A link is required, I think.

ANY endorsement must first answer the question, Who would be influenced by it?

As for Taylor Swift, NOBODY who would be a potential or likely Trump voter would give her opinion a moment's thought. The only possible impact of her endorsement would be to induce a couple dozen female twits who would not have voted otherwise to vote for Biden. But it is very likely that they live in Leftist strongholds anyway, so the impact would be non-existent.

Parenthetically, it is a current Leftist Narrative that Republicans are verrrrrry worried about TS' impact on the election. I have heard not a single Republican express this thought or concern. It is, like a lot of what they say, made-up bullshit.
your posts are almost always difficult to understand
Only for those who deny the existence of Deep State ( NWO , Illuminati , The Mother Weffers , Khazarian Mafia etc .)

The proposition that Social Platforms make ideal Influencer grooming weapons is an obvious one, and here we are seeing just one of many manipulations that are just part of everyday life here and now .

As another simple example , look how Tucker's interview with Dear Uncle P has been immediately weaponised with Gullibles seriously believing that like The Donald , Tucker is a Russian agent or at least beholden to Moscow .
Unbelievably childish , but some actually swallow these simple manipulations .
imho .
self made, my ass

She had a lot of mindless followers who made her rich while it is likely some 60% of them are poor

OOOH, I'm so impressed!

Has she built any low income housing for the homeless lately?

Inquiring minds...............
Jealousy is a sin and since you claim to be a good Christian seems to me you should be ashamed.

I couldn't name one of her songs but if you don't think she is self made then your fucked in the head.

Taylor Swift has been involved in philanthropy throughout her career, supporting a variety of causes and organizations. She has made donations to education, disaster relief, and child welfare organizations.Dec 2, 2023

Swift donated $4 million to build the music education center at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum

Swift has made headlines recently not only for her blockbuster concerts, but also her generosity supporting food banks in cities she played across the country.

Her donations came after the expiration of federal pandemic food stamp funding as food demand and costs skyrocketed.

While it’s not publicly known how much Swift donated, her gifts had real impact, allowing food banks to buy tens of thousands of pounds of fresh food and support programs helping eligible children and seniors avoid hunger.

Swift’s support also drew publicity and awareness to the issue affecting one in six Americans, according to Feeding America. Many food banks in the organization’s network reported increased donations and interest after Swift’s announcements.

“We are profoundly grateful that Feeding America partner food banks across the country were included among Taylor Swift’s philanthropic contributions,” said Casey Marsh, Chief Development Officer for Feeding America. “With her remarkable show of generosity, Ms. Swift has supported our efforts to ensure that people have access to the food they need to thrive.”

Swift is one of the 150 million people and organizations that are part of GoFundMe’s global community. In recent years, she has helped a boy with autism get a service dog, assisted with medical bills for a fan with cancer and a family struggling to make ends meet, pitched in to help two moms keep up with rent, and helped support a Covid widow with five children.

In 2015, Swift even inspired the fundraising platform to raise its maximum donation cap to $50,000 after she and her mother, Andrea, made several donations to help a young fan with leukemia.

The singer’s generosity has inspired her large and devoted fanbase to give back as well. In honor of Swift’s favorite number, 13, GoFundMe reports $13 donations more than doubled in 2023. Swifties have rallied around the same crowdfunding campaigns and supported each other after a fellow fan was killed in a car crash following an “Eras Tour” concert in the spring.

“Taylor Swift’s generous support of many GoFundMe fundraisers over many years highlights the power of help,” said GoFundMe Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Margaret Richardson. “Her generosity brings people together, creates community and inspires others to pay it forward, as does every person who donates on GoFundMe.”

Now take your jealousy and shove it up your ass. You certainly are a miserable person, thus I guess why you picked your name misery index.
I would be surprised if it is only 18%. That is why the Constitution originally provided for a REPRESENTATIVE democracy. Direct popular vote was only for the House of Representatives. The State Legislatures appointed Senators and Presidential Electors. Unfortunately, this has been turned into a circus for the amusement of the crowd.
self made, my ass

She had a lot of mindless followers who made her rich while it is likely some 60% of them are poor

How would that not make her self made?

OOOH, I'm so impressed!

Has she built any low income housing for the homeless lately?

Inquiring minds...............

I don't know. Is she required to? How much low income housing have you built for the homeless?

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