I am so sick of it...

Yesterday I was feeling better, the sun was out, I was happy. I made plans to finally go get my orthopedic stockings (have to be at the pharmacist when they first open up for measuring, something always comes up) and, of course, my son's caregiver didn't show up again. The company won't return my calls. According to the caregiver's facebook page, he's off to Yakima...he left yesterday, wasn't it nice of him to call and let me know so I could get a replacement?

Of course, my husband left clothes in both the washer AND dryer so I have to put up with the urine smell for hours. No one did the dishes last night so I had to do those...My back aches now, my stomach aches and I'm in tears....

I'm so sick of feeling better, getting happy and then getting shit on.....

Sounds like a case of compassion fatigue to me, Sheila.

Its an emotional state that truly decent people often get.

You have to learn to say "NO".
you have to learn to say no and not feel guilty.....

i hate to be this blunt but shelia....you cant handle him any longer....you are entitled to some peace....he is too much for you physically....

dont feel guilty for things you simply cant control
Soooo...you want to have him warehoused now rather than later, so you can watch over him?

Where are you wanting him placed? Are you planning on paying for it, or someone else? What has to happen to have him "placed"?


warehousing...she is trying to find a place for him...she could have 'warehoused' him when he was born a lot damned easier....taking care of a disabled person is tough....
i dont do it 24/7 and dealing with aids is a time consuming task...i could not imagine having someone living with me like this....dont be so judge fucking mental allie....

now with that said shelia....have you looked into a private place ...wont medicaid pay for that...since he is clearly disabled

o hell no...what has happened to have him placed....he is an adult male with all the strength and drives of an adult male with none of the social skills.....

sometime allie babble....you just get it all wrong

Back up yourself, bitch. She SAID she was wanting to place him somewhere so they could overlook his placement prior to their deaths. So she's just requesting they speed up the process so she can have some input.

She's trying to blackmail the state. It's ridiculous to call his counselor and threaten to commit suicide unless somebody picks him up, plops him somewhere she wants them to, and foots the bill as well.

And I imagine her son's worker is quite used to it. It's a game she's playing, and an unpleasant one. When you call caseworkers or mental health workers and say you're going to kill yourself, they call the cops. She's just fucking with public servants and treating them like her own personal slaves. It's ridiculous.
Soooo...you want to have him warehoused now rather than later, so you can watch over him?

Where are you wanting him placed? Are you planning on paying for it, or someone else? What has to happen to have him "placed"?

you know, allie. life is funny. and we all get to make those decisions for ourselves. don't you think this is difficult enough for her without someone berating her for doing what she feels is necessary?

seriously. i always say that no one is wise enough to make my moral choices for me. and none of us are wise enough to make them for others.

so until we've walked in someone else's shoes....

I've walked in these shoes, on both sides.

I'm not trying to make any moral choices for anyone. What I come screeching to a halt at is the fact that she called her kids counselor (that's a really vague term) repeatedly with demands, and finally threatened suicide as a way to get some action.
But then thinks its funny when the cops come and won't take him. It's a game she's playing with her disabled son. Her counselor and the cops are no doubt used to it.

I would like everyone to tell me what they think this woman is asking for, for her son. She obviously wants him placed....and is angry that they won't take him off her hands. She claims this child is *killing* her and her husband....and somehow thinks that he'll be better off being placed in residential treatment now rather than later....but if she doesn't intend to pay for it, how would it be any different NOW than LATER? She just wants it done sooner.

And I have no pickle in that salad, she knows what his needs are and whether or not he needs professional care, I don't judge her for recognizing whether or not she can effectively care for him.

But the whole "holier than thou" attitude and the "serve me serve me and do what I tell you or I'll commit suicide" is galling. She wants someone else to take care of it, but she wants to dictate the terms. And if she can't, she has a tantrum.

I feel for the kid.
i think she was more amused at the fact that the cops backed down when they realized they had to deal with her adult disabled son.

i would think physically caring for a handicapped adult would be physically wearing as well as mentallly
Soooo...you want to have him warehoused now rather than later, so you can watch over him?

Where are you wanting him placed? Are you planning on paying for it, or someone else? What has to happen to have him "placed"?

He's low functioning autism, still in diapers and 23. My husband now has Parkinson's, I have a number of other health issues and we are in our fifties, yes, I would rather him placed now so so we can visit and make sure it's a proper placement rather than after we die when no one will visit or care for him. Yes, I expect the state to pay for him, isn't that terrible of me? We've run out of money just paying for caregivers to come in after my surgery and we still need a new roof on this house.

You want to judge me? Go suck eggs. I don't give a crap.
I look at it this way. You and hubby paid taxes for 30 plus years and the only benefit you received was support for the state of IsNtReal and war after war.
I hope you can make this happen.
I wish I could have transferred you my SS/Medicare benefits before I renounced my ShitizenShit.
Soooo...you want to have him warehoused now rather than later, so you can watch over him?

Where are you wanting him placed? Are you planning on paying for it, or someone else? What has to happen to have him "placed"?

you know, allie. life is funny. and we all get to make those decisions for ourselves. don't you think this is difficult enough for her without someone berating her for doing what she feels is necessary?

seriously. i always say that no one is wise enough to make my moral choices for me. and none of us are wise enough to make them for others.

so until we've walked in someone else's shoes....

I've walked in these shoes, on both sides.

I'm not trying to make any moral choices for anyone. What I come screeching to a halt at is the fact that she called her kids counselor (that's a really vague term) repeatedly with demands, and finally threatened suicide as a way to get some action.
But then thinks its funny when the cops come and won't take him. It's a game she's playing with her disabled son. Her counselor and the cops are no doubt used to it.

I would like everyone to tell me what they think this woman is asking for, for her son. She obviously wants him placed....and is angry that they won't take him off her hands. She claims this child is *killing* her and her husband....and somehow thinks that he'll be better off being placed in residential treatment now rather than later....but if she doesn't intend to pay for it, how would it be any different NOW than LATER? She just wants it done sooner.

And I have no pickle in that salad, she knows what his needs are and whether or not he needs professional care, I don't judge her for recognizing whether or not she can effectively care for him.

But the whole "holier than thou" attitude and the "serve me serve me and do what I tell you or I'll commit suicide" is galling. She wants someone else to take care of it, but she wants to dictate the terms. And if she can't, she has a tantrum.

I feel for the kid.

FYI, I was depressed enough yesterday morning that I was seriously considering suicide, posts like yours don't help.

Yes, I know it's terrible that I want my son placed where he will be properly cared for and I want the state to pay for it. Truthfully, if I had the money I'd say "F*uk the state" and people here know I don't usually use language like that.

Normally I have patience for people like you, but not today.
I look at it this way. You and hubby paid taxes for 30 plus years and the only benefit you received was support for the state of IsNtReal and war after war.
I hope you can make this happen.
I wish I could have transferred you my SS/Medicare benefits before I renounced my ShitizenShit.
Yep...and piss on you Allie. You've been living off earned income tax credits for years.
Soooo...you want to have him warehoused now rather than later, so you can watch over him?

Where are you wanting him placed? Are you planning on paying for it, or someone else? What has to happen to have him "placed"?


warehousing...she is trying to find a place for him...she could have 'warehoused' him when he was born a lot damned easier....taking care of a disabled person is tough....
i dont do it 24/7 and dealing with aids is a time consuming task...i could not imagine having someone living with me like this....dont be so judge fucking mental allie....

now with that said shelia....have you looked into a private place ...wont medicaid pay for that...since he is clearly disabled

o hell no...what has happened to have him placed....he is an adult male with all the strength and drives of an adult male with none of the social skills.....

sometime allie babble....you just get it all wrong

No I cannot have him privately placed and have medicaid pay for it. And I have to deal with the DDD counselor and our state which is cutting funds to the disabled at a record breaking pace. I'm not likely to get him placed any time soon. It's frustrating. My neighbor said the other day that my husband looked like he was "diminishing". It broke my heart. He's sold his favorite AMP as he can't play the guitar anymore. He doesn't paint anymore, I'm watching as all his favorite hobbies are being stolen from him and the longer we keep Andrew the faster it's going to occur. The doctor says he needs to be stress free. The state doesn't give a crap. For a split second there yesterday I thought if I was gone the state would give a crap, but the truth is they won't.

Of course, to make some people happy, I'd have to take my son with me so he wouldn't be a burden on society. At times that's the only way out I can see.
Soooo...you want to have him warehoused now rather than later, so you can watch over him?

Where are you wanting him placed? Are you planning on paying for it, or someone else? What has to happen to have him "placed"?


warehousing...she is trying to find a place for him...she could have 'warehoused' him when he was born a lot damned easier....taking care of a disabled person is tough....
i dont do it 24/7 and dealing with aids is a time consuming task...i could not imagine having someone living with me like this....dont be so judge fucking mental allie....

now with that said shelia....have you looked into a private place ...wont medicaid pay for that...since he is clearly disabled

o hell no...what has happened to have him placed....he is an adult male with all the strength and drives of an adult male with none of the social skills.....

sometime allie babble....you just get it all wrong

Back up yourself, bitch. She SAID she was wanting to place him somewhere so they could overlook his placement prior to their deaths. So she's just requesting they speed up the process so she can have some input.

She's trying to blackmail the state. It's ridiculous to call his counselor and threaten to commit suicide unless somebody picks him up, plops him somewhere she wants them to, and foots the bill as well.

And I imagine her son's worker is quite used to it. It's a game she's playing, and an unpleasant one. When you call caseworkers or mental health workers and say you're going to kill yourself, they call the cops. She's just fucking with public servants and treating them like her own personal slaves. It's ridiculous.

Yeah, right. This was the first time. The caseworker called me last nite and told me I did the right thing. Now they have a flag on his file and they will work harder on placement. Sucks when the counselor agrees with me and not you, doesn't it?

AND just in case you missed it, I really was considering suicide yesterday, thanks to you, it's not off of the list today either.
you know, allie. life is funny. and we all get to make those decisions for ourselves. don't you think this is difficult enough for her without someone berating her for doing what she feels is necessary?

seriously. i always say that no one is wise enough to make my moral choices for me. and none of us are wise enough to make them for others.

so until we've walked in someone else's shoes....

I've walked in these shoes, on both sides.

I'm not trying to make any moral choices for anyone. What I come screeching to a halt at is the fact that she called her kids counselor (that's a really vague term) repeatedly with demands, and finally threatened suicide as a way to get some action.
But then thinks its funny when the cops come and won't take him. It's a game she's playing with her disabled son. Her counselor and the cops are no doubt used to it.

I would like everyone to tell me what they think this woman is asking for, for her son. She obviously wants him placed....and is angry that they won't take him off her hands. She claims this child is *killing* her and her husband....and somehow thinks that he'll be better off being placed in residential treatment now rather than later....but if she doesn't intend to pay for it, how would it be any different NOW than LATER? She just wants it done sooner.

And I have no pickle in that salad, she knows what his needs are and whether or not he needs professional care, I don't judge her for recognizing whether or not she can effectively care for him.

But the whole "holier than thou" attitude and the "serve me serve me and do what I tell you or I'll commit suicide" is galling. She wants someone else to take care of it, but she wants to dictate the terms. And if she can't, she has a tantrum.

I feel for the kid.

FYI, I was depressed enough yesterday morning that I was seriously considering suicide, posts like yours don't help.

Yes, I know it's terrible that I want my son placed where he will be properly cared for and I want the state to pay for it. Truthfully, if I had the money I'd say "F*uk the state" and people here know I don't usually use language like that.

Normally I have patience for people like you, but not today.

I hope this in some way will help you.

Housing Options for the Disabled | Psych Central
Here's a thought have you contacted a church in your area They may have ways of helping you or know of a group that will assist you.
Have you tried Easter Seals for help?

Easter seals doesn't give a rip about me or either of my kids. Didn't when they were young either. To send them to Easter seals camp I had to shell out $700 a piece for 4 days. Did that for a few years before decided we'd rather rent a condo on the ocean for the whole family for a week. Ah, those were the days...BTW, when they were at Easter seals camp, they'd call us even as late (or early) as 2am, saying Andrew wouldn't sleep. Not sure what they expected me to do about it, I deal with that on a daily bases. Everyday, they threatened to have me come out and get him. It really wasn't worth the $700.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you Sheila. Please to dont take the words of a fool to heart.

Thanks, I'm feeling a whole lot better now. I've learned a new rule. Take your antidepressants BEFORE getting on the boards.....:D

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