I am so sick of this shit.

Both sides are like a bunch of fucking children.

And for a national news/punditry program to lead with it just goes to show that the side shows are more important to the hacks on both sides rather than the real issues we face as a nation.

Truth be told, the NFL has TWO books, the usual rule book for game penalties and the like and the much harder to find Team Guideline that outlines how teams are supposed to act. I saw it once and thought I had a copy but can't find it, but the NFL has always had a rule that teams are to stand and salute the flag with hand over heart. Seems like a given, doesn't it? I mean, in your entire life, you ever think you'd have to argue with a person about THAT? All Goodell needs to do is enforce it, but I guess he's afraid that too many of the jungle rabbits or idiot fans would get up and hop away from their cushy salaries and leave the game high and dry like LeVeon Bell.

Only a fool would think that its a given to worship a flag.

Both sides are like a bunch of fucking children.

And for a national news/punditry program to lead with it just goes to show that the side shows are more important to the hacks on both sides rather than the real issues we face as a nation.

If youre sick stop watching it. Why are you sick of people expressing their beliefs by protesting?

It's called show respect something loser KNEELERS know nothing about.

Hypccrites go around screaming " RESPECT" yet don't give it to others who died for you scum bag fks to kneel like bitches.

Real men stand bitches kneel.

All so bitches can kneel.
Caddo, the same stupid fuck chanting about freedom of speech cheering for the firing of Rosanne for her speech.

Stupid dumb illiterate pathetic left wingers. No one is going to jail for kneeling you stupid unreal pieces of ignorant shit.

Private companies can set their own policies as far as what you are allowed to say during business hours you dumb illiterate hypocrites.

You cannot say whatever the fuck you want at your work place you pathetic stupid blobs.

You are all too stupid and hypocritical and illiterate to get it. Meanwhile the typical stupid dark illiterate morons continue to alienate half of the people that pay the millions they make.

Just like typical stupid dark illiterate morons. Pathetic mentally enslaved morons.

Both sides are like a bunch of fucking children.

And for a national news/punditry program to lead with it just goes to show that the side shows are more important to the hacks on both sides rather than the real issues we face as a nation.

If youre sick stop watching it. Why are you sick of people expressing their beliefs by protesting?

It's called show respect something loser KNEELERS know nothing about.

Hypccrites go around screaming " RESPECT" yet don't give it to others who died for you scum bag fks to kneel like bitches.

Real men stand bitches kneel.

Fuck the anthem. Whats respectable about it?

Both sides are like a bunch of fucking children.

And for a national news/punditry program to lead with it just goes to show that the side shows are more important to the hacks on both sides rather than the real issues we face as a nation.

If youre sick stop watching it. Why are you sick of people expressing their beliefs by protesting?

It's called show respect something loser KNEELERS know nothing about.

Hypccrites go around screaming " RESPECT" yet don't give it to others who died for you scum bag fks to kneel like bitches.

Real men stand bitches kneel.

Fuck the anthem. Whats respectable about it?

Move to China and do it real fast.

All so bitches can kneel.
Yeah right, if he hadn't done it no one could kneel. Ffs.

This is a man!!

But, what you see everyone morning when you wake up and look at your own face looking back at you is a " COWARD". Must suck but if it makes you feel goood about your front holse self more power to you front hole.

Both sides are like a bunch of fucking children.

And for a national news/punditry program to lead with it just goes to show that the side shows are more important to the hacks on both sides rather than the real issues we face as a nation.

what a whiny snowflake U R; get over the freedom of speech that you (obviously) hate & move on wit yo lif'

doesn't freedom of speech work both ways ? or only when you want to say America is an oppressive place?
when you take a knee, you open yourself up to some speculation especially when you dont make it clear who or what you are protesting. Instead they choose to do something that they know a lot of people are really not going to understand..... for men with such great resources at their finger tips, one would think they would use those resources in a greater way. It seems to me, most of them are followers for lack of imagination in getting whatever message they are trying to get out
It seems to me, most of them are followers for lack of imagination in getting whatever message they are trying to get out
BLM had a lot of trouble in getting its message out, the same message as Kaepernick is delivering. Face facts, the message is not a popular one with the majority of Americans and will continue to be shouted down. Perhaps Nike will assist in letting it be heard.
It seems to me, most of them are followers for lack of imagination in getting whatever message they are trying to get out
BLM had a lot of trouble in getting its message out, the same message as Kaepernick is delivering. Face facts, the message is not a popular one with the majority of Americans and will continue to be shouted down. Perhaps Nike will assist in letting it be heard.

I think more people are shouting down their message because they cant deliver their message to America without making 'America' feel that it's flag and anthem, and possibly the entire founding of the country is being targeted by their protest.
If they are concerned about black kids being shot by cops, and if they feel its because of racism, or bad police training, I think these guys have the ability to be front and center every day using their mouth to say something about it.. to articulate it.
Now look at Muhammad Ali, he never had a problem in trying to say what he wanted to say and everybody knew where he was coming from. In the beginning he generated a lot of Ire but eventually people appreciated his honesty and letting it all hang out. In the end people loved him for it all over the country.
I feel like these guys are risking nothing considering their money and collective power, especially if they really believe.... if they feel this is something urgent. All this kneeling stuff is just like a game for them and meanwhile no one is the wiser for what they are trying to say... and they create no change. Except that maybe the NFL may cancel the National Anthem at games. Then what are they going to kneel for?
God bless the kneelers.
Funny thing is that Kap started kneeling to show respect at the advice of someone that was in the military but the narrative is now that he hates the military among the inbred conservatives.

mmm .. I thought he was dating a domestic terrorist group leader of BLM and was pussy whipped into it, plus the fact that his career was already in the shitter anyway. Playing the liberal democrat race card is profitable, no doubt.


Obama ... yup, bringing America together... :iyfyus.jpg:

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I think more people are shouting down their message because they cant deliver their message to America without making 'America' feel that it's flag and anthem, and possibly the entire founding of the country is being targeted by their protest.
It's true that America doesn't want to hear the message. Condoleezza Rice would agree with you that America doesn't like having its birth defect rubbed in its face, I think. BLM didn't target the anthem or the flag and it was shouted down. Kaepernick is not targeting the anthem or the flag, rather police brutality against blacks and he is being shouted down. People don't want protest about police brutality against blacks, after all, it's as American as apple pie.


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