I am voting for Bernie Sanders

Actually, it wasn't the same under Obama. That is the problem. Try, at least, to be informed.
No 100% separation policy. No zero tolerance policy.
The "children in cages" - was temporary. How long did they remain there? 72 hrs. The Flores settlement (which Trump is trying to do an end run around, if he can't demolish) - states exactly how long they can be held. There is so much more.
Do you ever get tired of screaming "open borders" whenever someone points out BAD POLICY? False dichotomies.
Obama was catch and release..........period..........in the end the courts forced Trump to release and by the courts.................

The Flores wouldn't allow the separation and they again are released........get a court date and never show up.......nothing changed........Open border policy continues........which is what the left always wanted anyway.

Unless they needed to LIE in an election with the Fence Act......They were all so for it then.....LOL
No. You own this mess and you own this child abuse because as far as the Republican Party of Trump goes - they don't count for anything.
Your side owns it because you REFUSE to fix the laws that encourage them to come here.......your side through funding got Caravans flowing full of children here after the zero tolerance policy was in place.....So people like you could say how bad we are that WE DEMAND PEOPLE COMING HERE FOLLOW OUR LAWS.


The Flores settlement is based on what is best for children - and I don't give a crap what children they are. You lot, apparently do. And you 100% own the mess you've made with families over the border. You support the policy, you own the results. Quit flailing around blaming everyone else for your callous and cruel policies. That is cowardly. You own THIS ONE and frankly may architects of it burn in hell.

YOU are for child abuse at the border.

Comprehensive immigration reform is the only real fix, and it has be bipartisan. You want to take a guess at who owns that failure? WE do. YOU and YOUR side does. ME and MY side do. We all keep kicking the can down the road. So own instead of blaming everyone else.
You are an UNHINGED Dem who wants open borders.......Most of America DOESN'T AGREE WITH YOU.
There are LAWS ENTERING TO COME TO THIS COUNTRY.........Only the LOOP HOLES you scream about allow them to keep coming here ILLEGALLY........

You want it easier to get them in this country LEGALLY..........then get off your butt and pass laws to do so.........As of now and the last few decades It is ILLEGAL TO COME HERE WITHOUT PERMISSION................


Your side ENCOURAGES THEM TO COME......PAYS TO GET CARAVANS......and then Refuses to FUND better facilities at the border.........You REFUSE because you WANT OPEN BORDERS.

Child Abuse at the border...........the same dang cages used by Obama were used to ATTACK TRUMP WITH on PRAVDA CNN AND MSM..............

We are against you on the border policy...........I don't care if you call me names..........say I abuse Children.....because IT IS BS PROPAGANDA...............We will continue to push to SECURE or BORDER.
Somebody correct me here. A wealthy well- to- do Jewish dude with 3 houses, (hot button issue: Homelessness) pushing socialism, his followers say that Gulags weren't so bad, and say they want to put the rest of "US" in reeducation camps? Excuse me? I voting for Trump yet AGAIN.
Somebody correct me here. A wealthy well- to- do Jewish dude with 3 houses, (hot button issue: Homelessness) pushing socialism, his followers say that Gulags weren't so bad, and say they want to put the rest of "US" in reeducation camps? Excuse me? I voting for Trump yet AGAIN.
The day they ever get in charge is the day we have a 2nd Civil War here...............They ARE DANGEROUS.............and now the Dems can't even control them.........INSANITY.
Smoking, I never did it, kinda like pleasuring yourself by smacking your head with a brick. Wham boy, best brick I ever got....Bernie Sanders, My 90093 pick for president. The best guy that wants to put us in gulags, I wonder what brand cigarette he smokes? Apparatchik, with the cool menthol filter?
Its getting tight and Biden has narrowed the gap. Now if Pete Buttigieg folds then it is over for Bernie and I can see him possible as a good choice for the VP nod. I wander who Bernie would choice

possible Elizabeth warren

Still whomever wins, I hope that people remember who really is the worst president in history
Yanno, I realize you are typically leftarded but that post is stupid in so many ways I think you should just retire from posting.

Really dude.
You "wander who Bernie would choice?" :laughing0301:
well if I had a crystal ball like you head then I would just rub it and not wander about anything but a repub like you is worried that Bernie will beat Trump and there goes the dynamite
Rational adults don't "wander" about anything nor does any presidential candidate "choice" their running mate but your I suspect your monumental ignorance isn't the biggest of your probs, Leftard.

typical repub rant which is blame others for your own fallacies but when the leader of the repub nation is a superb liar who repeats lies then what do the followers do but regurgitate these lies

Rational adults don't wander about anything

spoken by a repub who believes everything that Trump says without any rationality but but but he would not lie to me as Trump is the epitome of rationality

sounds like an excuse not to criticize the messiah but to fall in line like a lamb on its way to the slaughter house

claim rationality in the light of ignorance is what the German people did when Hitler told them that they were the superior race

Lamb 1 - the line is moving really swiftly here
Lamb 2 - yeah even when no one appears to be leaving using the exit
Lamb 1 - it must be something good going on inside that building
lamb 2 - sounds rational to me , can't wait sayit
Its getting tight and Biden has narrowed the gap

Now if Pete Buttigieg folds then it is over for Bernie and I can see him possible as a good choice for the VP nod

I wander who Bernie would choice

possible Elizabeth warren

Still whomever wins, I hope that people remember who really is the worst president in history
Where are you wandering of to?

when since I am wandering in the left field

I am beginning to see some advantages to have Bernie as a VP choice
I think that it would help bring in more votes from his supporters

what do you think, would Bernie consider being a VP with a chance to go to the next level. Biden would probably be more senile after 4 years
So Azog's brilliant plan to vote for Bernie? Biden won Massachusetts by a comfortable margin.
So Azog's brilliant plan to vote for Bernie? Biden won Massachusetts by a comfortable margin.
Yes but with Bernie getting a lot of votes it makes him viable and when he doesn’t get the nomination his Bernie Bros will stay home during the general election and Trump will trounce Biden.
So Azog's brilliant plan to vote for Bernie? Biden won Massachusetts by a comfortable margin.
Yes but with Bernie getting a lot of votes it makes him viable and when he doesn’t get the nomination his Bernie Bros will stay home during the general election and Trump will trounce Biden.

I would worry more about Sander's than Biden. Joe can't remember anything and his gaffs are incredibly repetitive. He's not good on comebacks, and has a short fuse. Trump will get under his skin within ten minutes of a debate. I seen him snap at his supporters during rallies.
So Azog's brilliant plan to vote for Bernie? Biden won Massachusetts by a comfortable margin.
He's not particularly bright.

I explained the strategy and I'll do so again, since you and Joe are dumb. With Biden getting votes, his stupid followers will see him as viable. So when Biden gets the nomination, his aforementioned supporters will stay home and Trump will win. There is a method to the madness.
Super Tuesday is done and Biden cleaned up.

So much for republicans trying to pick the democratic candidate.


A smart person would stop being dishonest. Stupid stuff like this never works but then far right radical extremists aren't smart enough to know it.
So Azog's brilliant plan to vote for Bernie? Biden won Massachusetts by a comfortable margin.
He's not particularly bright.

I explained the strategy and I'll do so again, since you and Joe are dumb. With Biden getting votes, his stupid followers will see him as viable. So when Biden gets the nomination, his aforementioned supporters will stay home and Trump will win. There is a method to the madness.
I already heard you cry about how Impeached Trump can't beat Biden without trying to keep Democrats from voting.
So Azog's brilliant plan to vote for Bernie? Biden won Massachusetts by a comfortable margin.
He's not particularly bright.

I explained the strategy and I'll do so again, since you and Joe are dumb. With Biden getting votes, his stupid followers will see him as viable. So when Biden gets the nomination, his aforementioned supporters will stay home and Trump will win. There is a method to the madness.
I already heard you cry about how Impeached Trump can't beat Biden without trying to keep Democrats from voting.

All is fair in love and politics. "Cry"? LOL

Far from it. President Trump will be your president until 2024.
So Azog's brilliant plan to vote for Bernie? Biden won Massachusetts by a comfortable margin.
He's not particularly bright.

I explained the strategy and I'll do so again, since you and Joe are dumb. With Biden getting votes, his stupid followers will see him as viable. So when Biden gets the nomination, his aforementioned supporters will stay home and Trump will win. There is a method to the madness.
I already heard you cry about how Impeached Trump can't beat Biden without trying to keep Democrats from voting.

All is fair in love and politics. "Cry"? LOL

Far from it. President Trump will be your president until 2024.
Apparently not as secure as you wish it was or the right wouldn't be trying desperately to suppress the Democrat vote.
So Azog's brilliant plan to vote for Bernie? Biden won Massachusetts by a comfortable margin.
He's not particularly bright.

I explained the strategy and I'll do so again, since you and Joe are dumb. With Biden getting votes, his stupid followers will see him as viable. So when Biden gets the nomination, his aforementioned supporters will stay home and Trump will win. There is a method to the madness.
I already heard you cry about how Impeached Trump can't beat Biden without trying to keep Democrats from voting.

All is fair in love and politics. "Cry"? LOL

Far from it. President Trump will be your president until 2024.
Apparently not as secure as you wish it was or the right wouldn't be trying desperately to suppress the Democrat vote.
You think I have that much power? Thanks, Faun.
He's not particularly bright.

I explained the strategy and I'll do so again, since you and Joe are dumb. With Biden getting votes, his stupid followers will see him as viable. So when Biden gets the nomination, his aforementioned supporters will stay home and Trump will win. There is a method to the madness.
I already heard you cry about how Impeached Trump can't beat Biden without trying to keep Democrats from voting.

All is fair in love and politics. "Cry"? LOL

Far from it. President Trump will be your president until 2024.
Apparently not as secure as you wish it was or the right wouldn't be trying desperately to suppress the Democrat vote.
You think I have that much power? Thanks, Faun.

Did I say "you" or did I say "the right?"

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