I apologize for the Boomers.

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Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Unlike a lot of Baby Boomers today I don't feel inclined to get on an ocean liner or jet to take trips where I stuff my face with fatty food while my heart and lungs are in the final stages of over consumption. Coming home to quadruble bypass surgery is not on my favorite list. I know the generation that preceded me suffered the Great Depression and a world war, so I forgive them for their reaction to the world they inherited. They just did not know better. Their medical science was primitive so they drank and smoked themelves to an early death in ignorant bliss. My generation should have known better but the evidence suggests they did not.

If I look in the obituaries I can see the casualties clearly. A carton of cigarettes a week, two six packs of sixteen ounce beers a day after work mixed with three or four joints of marijuana smoked before bed. The personal attack on human biology is chronic and uninterrupted. These are the worst case scenario but they account for about thirty percent of the US population and that is a disaster. What happened to the "Great Society"? Were there no lessons learned from the heart disease and lung cancer that took our our parents? We know that the tobacco and alcohol industries own Congress. Even though no smoking campaigns have gained traction, the tobacco industry has simply diversified into vaping and other nicotine addictive products that are ushering in new and exotic pneumonias that may kill citizens faster than cigarettes.

Now marijuana has been sneaked into the mainstream under the guise of medical need. It can be taxed for revenue. Opiods are everywhere and they kill fast. The children of Boomers are dying young. What better reason for aging boomers to use their wealth to take vacations and enjoy life now? Sitting in foreign tourist traps and slobbering over drinks there is apparently a right of passage for many Boomers while US kids in elementary school are dropping dead of heart attacks.

So much for the Great Society. I apologize for the Boomers.
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