I bet you DeSantis fanbois didn't see this one coming 🤣

One of the problems we have in Florida is that the fucking Tourist Lobby owns most of our politicians. They pay really well and have buyers from both parties.

We are mostly a gun friendly state but that is why we don't have Open or Constituional Carry. The goddamn Tourist industry is afraid it may scare away a tourist or two.
It most certainly would scare away hundreds or even thousands of tourists!

No Canadian wants to go on holidays to a place where they would see murdered bodies littering the streets!

Or even worse, need to wear body armour in case of stray lead in the air!

Can we have a full discussion on the pros and cons of lots of guns being displayed in public?
It could help to discourage the good guys who turn into bad guys with guns on a daily basis.
I started becoming suspicious after the announcement of that book deal DeSantis got from Rupert Murdoch, who himself turned against Trump. As well as DeSantis receiving tacit endorsements from establishment Republicans such as John Bolton.

Those were like red flags to me.
Some people will do anything to get elected. Florida sticks out like a sore thumb.
Should I say more? LOL!
It most certainly would scare away hundreds or even thousands of tourists!

No Canadian wants to go on holidays to a place where they would see murdered bodies littering the streets!

Or even worse, need to wear body armour in case of stray lead in the air!

Can we have a full discussion on the pros and cons of lots of guns being displayed in public?
It could help to discourage the good guys who turn into bad guys with guns on a daily basis.

You are an idiot. We have many Snowbird Canadians that spend the winters here and love the freedom that Florida has in addition to not having to freeze their asses off.

At the gun range where I shoot there are quite a few Canadians that come to shoot. They don't have anything friendly to say about the Canadian oppressive Commie government and that dufus Prime Minister you have. Some of the club members even keep guns for them when they go back home because they can't take the guns with them.

I would love to have Constitutional Carry pass and it scare away the assholes from "upnorth". It would make Florida a better place. Just like if Disney were to close up shop and a lot less tourists came here.
I would love to have Constitutional Carry pass and it scare away the assholes from "upnorth". It would make Florida a better place. Just like if Disney were to close up shop and a lot less tourists came here.
Me too. But Florida knows which side their bread is buttered on.
You are an idiot. We have many Snowbird Canadians that spend the winters here and love the freedom that Florida has in addition to not having to freeze their asses off.

At the gun range where I shoot there are quite a few Canadians that come to shoot. They don't have anything friendly to say about the Canadian oppressive Commie government and that dufus Prime Minister you have. Some of the club members even keep guns for them when they go back home because they can't take the guns with them.

I would love to have Constitutional Carry pass and it scare away the assholes from "upnorth". It would make Florida a better place. Just like if Disney were to close up shop and a lot less tourists came here.
You dummy. As soon as a Canadian isn't around you they bash this country. And you.
It most certainly would scare away hundreds or even thousands of tourists!

No Canadian wants to go on holidays to a place where they would see murdered bodies littering the streets!

Or even worse, need to wear body armour in case of stray lead in the air!

Can we have a full discussion on the pros and cons of lots of guns being displayed in public?
It could help to discourage the good guys who turn into bad guys with guns on a daily basis.

Since when was Disney located in Chicago?
So DeSantis was never really serious about going after Disney and stripping it of its self-governing status. It was all kabuki theater before the mid term elections. Promises made, promises broken.

"On Friday, Carl Quintanilla of CNBC News reported that Florida Republicans are quietly planning to reverse a key decision touted by Gov. Ron DeSantis designed to retaliate against the Walt Disney Corporation for criticizing one of his signature anti-LGBTQ laws.
Specifically, they are planning to reverse their previous move abolishing the Reedy Creek Improvement Act — a decades-old provision that allowed Disney to build Walt Disney World in the swamps outside Orlando and set up their own local government taxing district to administer the area.

This comes just weeks after DeSantis, who touted his war against Disney politically during the election campaign, was re-elected decisively — but before the repeal of the taxing district could actually take effect."

Florida GOP quietly backtracks on one of Ron DeSantis' biggest initiatives

The Florida GOP is not stupid enough to add a few billion dollars in debt to the state
You dummy. As soon as a Canadian isn't around you they bash this country. And you.

Actually there is some truth in what you say.

Canadians are silly ficklebrained creatures that are often confused about things.

I would suspect that when they are here enjoying Florida they bitch about Canada and when they get back home they bitch about Florida. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
What price giving the groomers heartburn though? ;)

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Hell, this clown helps the groomers. He has done nothing to stop DCF turning these kids over to foster homes. I guess there just isn't enough money to vent the foster homes.

The latest annual report on trafficked Florida foster children, by the state Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, found that 21% of the 377 verified child trafficking victims in 2021 were in DCF foster care.
It most certainly would scare away hundreds or even thousands of tourists!

No Canadian wants to go on holidays to a place where they would see murdered bodies littering the streets!

Or even worse, need to wear body armour in case of stray lead in the air!

Can we have a full discussion on the pros and cons of lots of guns being displayed in public?
It could help to discourage the good guys who turn into bad guys with guns on a daily basis.

What's to discuss? It's a settled issue.
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Me too. But Florida knows which side their bread is buttered on.
No, the politicians of both parties know who pays the best.

When you have to spend $150 for a ticket to get into Mouse World some of that money is going to the filthy Tourist Lobby that buys the politicians.

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