I can survive a Biden Presidency. Can you?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If the stupid voters of America inflamed by the media and Hollywood push Biden over the finish line, I will be fine. There is very little he can do to screw up my life. But if you are voting for the Biden Oligarchy, you better be DAMN SURE you understand who and what you are putting into power. Here is one clue. The Democrats stopped giving a shit about working people and poor Black people 50 years ago and that will NEVER CHANGE. They are about power for themselves. Period. They are perennial liars who pretend to care every 4 years about Americans for a brief period before an election. After the election it's YOU WILL GET NOTHING AND LIKE IT!

So go ahead and vote against Trump, the guy actually implementing policies to help you. If it gives you that warm squooshy feeling inside to vote for Biden, that's all that matters, right?
If the stupid voters of America inflamed by the media and Hollywood push Biden over the finish line, I will be fine. There is very little he can do to screw up my life. But if you are voting for the Biden Oligarchy, you better be DAMN SURE you understand who and what you are putting into power. Here is one clue. The Democrats stopped giving a shit about working people and poor Black people 50 years ago and that will NEVER CHANGE. They are about power for themselves. Period. They are perennial liars who pretend to care every 4 years about Americans for a brief period before an election. After the election it's YOU WILL GET NOTHING AND LIKE IT!

So go ahead and vote against Trump, the guy actually implementing policies to help you. If it gives you that warm squooshy feeling inside to vote for Biden, that's all that matters, right?
Well.... It seems as if NY is trying very hard to push any democrat business owners to vote republican.
I’m voting Trump in large part because I don’t believe I can live through a Biden presidency. Just as I’m not certain I could have survived a Hillary presidency.
If the stupid voters of America inflamed by the media and Hollywood push Biden over the finish line, I will be fine. There is very little he can do to screw up my life. But if you are voting for the Biden Oligarchy, you better be DAMN SURE you understand who and what you are putting into power. Here is one clue. The Democrats stopped giving a shit about working people and poor Black people 50 years ago and that will NEVER CHANGE. They are about power for themselves. Period. They are perennial liars who pretend to care every 4 years about Americans for a brief period before an election. After the election it's YOU WILL GET NOTHING AND LIKE IT!

So go ahead and vote against Trump, the guy actually implementing policies to help you. If it gives you that warm squooshy feeling inside to vote for Biden, that's all that matters, right?
Trump doesnt give a shit about working people. Trump is all about Trump and his Kleptocracy.
You might not be ok. If you stay in the US.
we know that to get everything on the wet dream wish list means they are not just going to have to increase taxes but they will be forced to out right take every penny you have. The new green deal will mean at best rolling blackouts with no one being allowed to use natural gas, propane or gasoline powered generators. No natural gas for cooking.

You only have to look at California for the blue print of what to expect.
Oh and don’t think you will be allowed to voice a dissenting opinion even on boards like this since BLM and ANTIFA will be emboldened
If the stupid voters of America inflamed by the media and Hollywood push Biden over the finish line, I will be fine. There is very little he can do to screw up my life. But if you are voting for the Biden Oligarchy, you better be DAMN SURE you understand who and what you are putting into power. Here is one clue. The Democrats stopped giving a shit about working people and poor Black people 50 years ago and that will NEVER CHANGE. They are about power for themselves. Period. They are perennial liars who pretend to care every 4 years about Americans for a brief period before an election. After the election it's YOU WILL GET NOTHING AND LIKE IT!

So go ahead and vote against Trump, the guy actually implementing policies to help you. If it gives you that warm squooshy feeling inside to vote for Biden, that's all that matters, right?

Sure. The guy implementing policies to help me? Which ones would those be again? All those cute little meaningless EO's he signed? I mean, what was the actual last bill he signed that had any meaning? Was it the first stimulus bill in March? (which he had NOTHING to do with?). You'll have to spell it out for me. His disaster of a trade war, his BS tax cut, his non-existent healthcare plan? You think it might be time for Republicans to actually deliver on...well...anything? No? OK, then Biden and Democrats get to sail the ship for the next four years.
I was wondering when we would start seeing threads like this....

Watch...the OP will broadcast 400 more messages urging everyone to vote for the blob because he's "worried about others"...not himself. How magnanimous.
If the stupid voters of America inflamed by the media and Hollywood push Biden over the finish line, I will be fine. There is very little he can do to screw up my life. But if you are voting for the Biden Oligarchy, you better be DAMN SURE you understand who and what you are putting into power. Here is one clue. The Democrats stopped giving a shit about working people and poor Black people 50 years ago and that will NEVER CHANGE. They are about power for themselves. Period. They are perennial liars who pretend to care every 4 years about Americans for a brief period before an election. After the election it's YOU WILL GET NOTHING AND LIKE IT!

So go ahead and vote against Trump, the guy actually implementing policies to help you. If it gives you that warm squooshy feeling inside to vote for Biden, that's all that matters, right?
I can't wait until he bans all guns and closes all the churches and gives brand new Cadillacs to people on welfare. It will be glorious Socialist paradise!!!!!!
Perhaps the better question is can Biden survive a Biden presidency?
I'm ready.


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