i can use some prayers .


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
a great friend of mine lost his battle to colon cancer yesterday if that was not bad enough his fiances mother passed away just 5 days earlier . My friend that died has 3 small kids . his youngest is 2. He started late having a family he is in his 50s she is in her 30s . Now I found out my brother and his wife are having problems. My brother is an alcholic, He was clean for over 25 years . he started drinking again since the problems with his wife. His wife and him are not doing well.. This all stemed when her sister moved in who is can not walk due a medical procedure she had. My SIL who is one of my favorite people in the world is the only one who is helping her even though she has 7 other siblings.. Last time that happened in my family my younger brother killed himself .. I dont live anywhere near them so i feel helpless. My niece is having surgery next week and it was supposed to be routine but they found something on her liver in her preop testing. she has type 1 diabetes since she was 14 yrs old .. Now I found out my favorite neighbor died . My mother is getting older and sicker every day I worry every day about her. At least she lives near me and I take care of her .. I swear when it rain it pours...
a great friend of mine lost his battle to colon cancer yesterday if that was not bad enough his fiances mother passed away just 5 days earlier . My friend that died has 3 small kids . his youngest is 2. He started late having a family he is in his 50s she is in her 30s . Now I found out my brother and his wife are having problems. My brother is an alcholic, He was clean for over 25 years . he started drinking again since the problems with his wife. His wife and him are not doing well.. This all stemed when her sister moved in who is can not walk due a medical procedure she had. My SIL who is one of my favorite people in the world is the only one who is helping her even though she has 7 other siblings.. Last time that happened in my family my younger brother killed himself .. I dont live anywhere near them so i feel helpless. My niece is having surgery next week and it was supposed to be routine but they found something on her liver in her preop testing. she has type 1 diabetes since she was 14 yrs old .. Now I found out my favorite neighbor died . My mother is getting older and sicker every day I worry every day about her. At least she lives near me and I take care of her .. I swear when it rain it pours...
I just did for you........................I'll be arranging a board group hug here.
Oh I forgot to mention mention my husband is on Short Term Disability and is on workermans comp due to an injury at work. He had a Tramatic brain injury . He is slowly getting better but still has a long hall. I feel like everything is crashing around me
a great friend of mine lost his battle to colon cancer yesterday if that was not bad enough his fiances mother passed away just 5 days earlier . My friend that died has 3 small kids . his youngest is 2. He started late having a family he is in his 50s she is in her 30s . Now I found out my brother and his wife are having problems. My brother is an alcholic, He was clean for over 25 years . he started drinking again since the problems with his wife. His wife and him are not doing well.. This all stemed when her sister moved in who is can not walk due a medical procedure she had. My SIL who is one of my favorite people in the world is the only one who is helping her even though she has 7 other siblings.. Last time that happened in my family my younger brother killed himself .. I dont live anywhere near them so i feel helpless. My niece is having surgery next week and it was supposed to be routine but they found something on her liver in her preop testing. she has type 1 diabetes since she was 14 yrs old .. Now I found out my favorite neighbor died . My mother is getting older and sicker every day I worry every day about her. At least she lives near me and I take care of her .. I swear when it rain it pours...
I just did for you........................I'll be arranging a board group hug here.
Thank yo u so much
a great friend of mine lost his battle to colon cancer yesterday if that was not bad enough his fiances mother passed away just 5 days earlier . My friend that died has 3 small kids . his youngest is 2. He started late having a family he is in his 50s she is in her 30s . Now I found out my brother and his wife are having problems. My brother is an alcholic, He was clean for over 25 years . he started drinking again since the problems with his wife. His wife and him are not doing well.. This all stemed when her sister moved in who is can not walk due a medical procedure she had. My SIL who is one of my favorite people in the world is the only one who is helping her even though she has 7 other siblings.. Last time that happened in my family my younger brother killed himself .. I dont live anywhere near them so i feel helpless. My niece is having surgery next week and it was supposed to be routine but they found something on her liver in her preop testing. she has type 1 diabetes since she was 14 yrs old .. Now I found out my favorite neighbor died . My mother is getting older and sicker every day I worry every day about her. At least she lives near me and I take care of her .. I swear when it rain it pours...
I am sorry that so many things have happened within, what sounds like, a short period of time. I can only suggest that because of all of these events happening, to try to focus on what's going well. I know...easier said than done always. Your husband is getting better from his most serious injury, and even though it's been rough it sounds like he'll be as good as new soon. I understand your concern about your niece's upcoming surgery, but since they found the abnormality on her liver during routine testing they can address it. Young people fare so much better than adults with medical procedures as a rule. It sounds like you're doing all that you can for your mother and it's nice she lives close enough to you for you to care for her. Your brother's 25 years of recovery stint is remarkable, and a good track record that if he hits bottom again...his bottom which can't be determined by anyone else but him...should get him back on the straight and narrow. Losing his wife might be the price, but worth it to pay if it saves his life and he goes back to what was working for him.

Some bad things in life have sliver linings that sometimes take a while to see. You sound like a very caring, responsible individual with a full plate. I wish you the best in all outcomes.
Hang in there Bear.
Life can sometimes be a bitch but dont let it beat you down.
We sometimes just have to accept the worst in life as it's part of living.
All of us go through these tough times at some point in our lives,no one gets a pass.
Sending prayers.


a great friend of mine lost his battle to colon cancer yesterday if that was not bad enough his fiances mother passed away just 5 days earlier . My friend that died has 3 small kids . his youngest is 2. He started late having a family he is in his 50s she is in her 30s . Now I found out my brother and his wife are having problems. My brother is an alcholic, He was clean for over 25 years . he started drinking again since the problems with his wife. His wife and him are not doing well.. This all stemed when her sister moved in who is can not walk due a medical procedure she had. My SIL who is one of my favorite people in the world is the only one who is helping her even though she has 7 other siblings.. Last time that happened in my family my younger brother killed himself .. I dont live anywhere near them so i feel helpless. My niece is having surgery next week and it was supposed to be routine but they found something on her liver in her preop testing. she has type 1 diabetes since she was 14 yrs old .. Now I found out my favorite neighbor died . My mother is getting older and sicker every day I worry every day about her. At least she lives near me and I take care of her .. I swear when it rain it pours...
Thoughts & Prayers for you....that's a lot at once.
2 Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.

6 And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.

7 And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.

So sorry to hear about your misfortune, I hope there is someone, or something, near you that you can get strength and comfort from. My best wishes go out to you. Hang in there.
So sorry to hear about your misfortune, I hope there is someone, or something, near you that you can get strength and comfort from. My best wishes go out to you. Hang in there.
My husband is my rock. Even with his problems he worries about my back that’s been giving me hell for yes. Finally took the plunge and called the chirpractor He just noe and put a ladicaine patch on it. It’s like an icy hot thing. Just this pastyrwe made 34 yrs marriage 35 together.

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