I cant even make this shit up. Went on a date the first time this year and cant believe the outcome

I dont how to flirt which is my issue.

Let me give you some expert advice, friend.

I celebrated my golden wedding anniversary and am a raconteur of note.
I wow ladies on a very regular basis using the methods below, just for my fun and theirs.
Attached is a photograph taken just yesterday, of me with a complete stranger I just wowed with compliments and fun dialogue. Practice, practice, practice.

As car salesmen say, "There's an ass for every seat."
A lady stopped her car, rolled down her passenger window, and said to me and my wife as I held her hand during a walk, "I wish I had someone to hold my hand." There are a lot of lonely people.
At the grocery store, I opened the car door for my wife. Another time, a young lady walking to her car saw me do this and said with a loving smile, "Do you have any sons?"

Be friendly to everyone you meet. Make it a habit.
Smile, and be sure to take good care of your teeth so you don't look repulsive and frightening.
Compliment others. Find something noteworthy and start a friendly conversation.
(This may not work with feminists, Leftists, transgenders, Marxists, BLMs, and crazies in general.)

Always, always be romantic and creative.
Spend money on a woman who interests you.
"Yes dear" is the best answer you can ever give
Learn from women. They don't fill prisons. We men do.

Be sure your car, your residence, and your body are clean, well dressed, and well groomed
even if you are one ugly dude.

Finally, say a prayer to the Lord Who loves you and ask for His guidance and help.

I promise this will work if you are diligent and don't throw your hands up and quit.

(You owe me! Just kidding.)


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Dinner dates seem so cliché and boring to me. Where's the fun in that? But that's what people seem to like to do.

His date threads are funny, though. Hehh heh...
Dinner dates seem so cliché and boring to me. Where's the fun in that? But that's what people seem to like to do.

His date threads are funny, though. Hehh heh...

Back in my youth a dinner date was a stop at the fast food joint of her choosing and then hitting the clubs.
And the ladies were in complete agreement. Gotta get something in the stomach before pounding liquor and taking X.
Back in my youth a dinner date was a stop at the fast food joint of her choosing and then hitting the clubs.
And the ladies were in complete agreement. Gotta get something in the stomach before pounding liquor and taking X.

I'd rather be under a palm tree near a tiki hut some place.
Wait, was she blind?

If not was she insane??

If not then was she mentally handicapped???

If not what movie were you watching????

Anyhoo, why would you care and just go on and realize you are not going to get a good woman on dating apps ( I am assuming that is where you got her from ) and you are better wasting that money on a good hooker!

Well here is my advice and just walk in that park at night and ask women if they want to shag and let see where that takes you…

Fine, go to the park during the day and strike a conversation up with a average looking girl and meet someone that is nice and not someone you just want some nooky from…
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We met at a Brick Oven Pizza place and shared a few laughs and easy flowing conversation. Then after dinner I suggested walking to the park and on our way to the park we noticed some rain drops. And we were both like........"i didnt see shit on the news about rain." So it was only drizzling and we still went to the park and sat under a huge tree. While sitting down she told me I had nice eyes and nice hair and that was my first time being complimented on a date in about 12 years. Then she was asking about my last relationship so I clearly could feel she was interested. Then we decided to leave because it was getting chilly outside. So she wanted for an Uber and when the guy arrived, he stopped in the middle of the street so she had to jump in the car right away. I didnt get a chance to hug goodbye but once she got in the car she sent a text saying........"sorry I had to rush off like that I got nervous but call me later"

So I was like "ok I will" I called around 10:45pm and no answer. So then the next day I sent her a text asking "how was her monday? She responded with this bullshit text below and as soon as I read it I knew I would never see her again

""Hey sorry I went to my moms yesterday and was there late. I just got done work I need to eat something Im super cranky lol Thanks again for dinner and drinks yesterday"

After that positive experience that led to ghosting, how the fuck can I go on another date? Im never looking at another woman again
I’d say you dodged a bullet.
I'd rather be under a palm tree near a tiki hut some place.

Myself,but there seems to be a serious lack of those here in Houston.
The Wife and I considered buying a small beach front property in the Bahamas.
They were pretty reasonable at around 40k an acre. The biggest deterrent was the price of things like milk and beer since they had to be shipped in.
Move to Houston is my honest advice. There are a plethora of attractive ladies of all ages and types. Everyone’s a workaholic here, but people find time to date.

Unless you’re already in Houston and you are just one of those Houstonians who root for Dallas. In which case, this conversation is over.
Move to Houston is my honest advice. There are a plethora of attractive ladies of all ages and types. Everyone’s a workaholic here, but people find time to date.

Unless you’re already in Houston and you are just one of those Houstonians who root for Dallas. In which case, this conversation is over.

Please dont encourage him.
While we have loads of hotties running around we dont need another dimwit.
Dinner dates seem so cliché and boring to me. Where's the fun in that? But that's what people seem to like to do.

His date threads are funny, though. Hehh heh...
so what do you suggest i do?
Yes, good point. Why Uber on a first date? That seems like it would work entirely to your disadvantage.
She came over to my city from NJ. I thought she was going to drive but she said decided to catch a Uber
She came over to my city from NJ. I thought she was going to drive but she said decided to catch a Uber
Wait, are you from Austin?

Dude, the guy drives. I know that’s not what the feminists tell you, but do you really want to take dating advice from man-hating lesbians?

Ok, first of all, you need a pickup. Best kind for attracting women is an extended cab, but not a four door. With the extended cab, you have plenty of rooms for things men need on a date:

An umbrella, for reasons that should be clear to you now. A towel for when they get wet in spite of the umbrella. An emergency shelter and three day supply of food and water. A cooler full of soft and hard cold drinks. Soap and two five gallon containers of water for washing, with a shower attachment. Women’s boxer type underwear, set of three in various sizes. If the need arises, only pull out the set that will fit her. Sets of male and female athletic shorts, t-shirts or sweats, depending on the time of year.

It’s unlikely you’ll have to live in the wild for three days, but if it happens and you’re ready and you can’t get lucky, it’s hopeless.

One hundred dollars in cash, one hundred dollars in Pesos, and one hundred dollars in junk silver. One gun with way more bullets than you’ll need. Half for shooting, half for trading.

Shoot! A fella could have a pretty good weekend in El Paso with all that stuff.
Wait, are you from Austin?

Dude, the guy drives. I know that’s not what the feminists tell you, but do you really want to take dating advice from man-hating lesbians?

Ok, first of all, you need a pickup. Best kind for attracting women is an extended cab, but not a four door. With the extended cab, you have plenty of rooms for things men need on a date:

An umbrella, for reasons that should be clear to you now. A towel for when they get wet in spite of the umbrella. An emergency shelter and three day supply of food and water. A cooler full of soft and hard cold drinks. Soap and two five gallon containers of water for washing, with a shower attachment. Women’s boxer type underwear, set of three in various sizes. If the need arises, only pull out the set that will fit her. Sets of male and female athletic shorts, t-shirts or sweats, depending on the time of year.

It’s unlikely you’ll have to live in the wild for three days, but if it happens and you’re ready and you can’t get lucky, it’s hopeless.

One hundred dollars in cash, one hundred dollars in Pesos, and one hundred dollars in junk silver. One gun with way more bullets than you’ll need. Half for shooting, half for trading.

Shoot! A fella could have a pretty good weekend in El Paso with all that stuff.
Isnt a uber and cab the same thing?
Wait, are you from Austin?

Dude, the guy drives. I know that’s not what the feminists tell you, but do you really want to take dating advice from man-hating lesbians?

Ok, first of all, you need a pickup. Best kind for attracting women is an extended cab, but not a four door. With the extended cab, you have plenty of rooms for things men need on a date:

An umbrella, for reasons that should be clear to you now. A towel for when they get wet in spite of the umbrella. An emergency shelter and three day supply of food and water. A cooler full of soft and hard cold drinks. Soap and two five gallon containers of water for washing, with a shower attachment. Women’s boxer type underwear, set of three in various sizes. If the need arises, only pull out the set that will fit her. Sets of male and female athletic shorts, t-shirts or sweats, depending on the time of year.

It’s unlikely you’ll have to live in the wild for three days, but if it happens and you’re ready and you can’t get lucky, it’s hopeless.

One hundred dollars in cash, one hundred dollars in Pesos, and one hundred dollars in junk silver. One gun with way more bullets than you’ll need. Half for shooting, half for trading.

Shoot! A fella could have a pretty good weekend in El Paso with all that stuff.
we didnt see rain in the forecast
Wait, are you from Austin?

Dude, the guy drives. I know that’s not what the feminists tell you, but do you really want to take dating advice from man-hating lesbians?

Ok, first of all, you need a pickup. Best kind for attracting women is an extended cab, but not a four door. With the extended cab, you have plenty of rooms for things men need on a date:

An umbrella, for reasons that should be clear to you now. A towel for when they get wet in spite of the umbrella. An emergency shelter and three day supply of food and water. A cooler full of soft and hard cold drinks. Soap and two five gallon containers of water for washing, with a shower attachment. Women’s boxer type underwear, set of three in various sizes. If the need arises, only pull out the set that will fit her. Sets of male and female athletic shorts, t-shirts or sweats, depending on the time of year.

It’s unlikely you’ll have to live in the wild for three days, but if it happens and you’re ready and you can’t get lucky, it’s hopeless.

One hundred dollars in cash, one hundred dollars in Pesos, and one hundred dollars in junk silver. One gun with way more bullets than you’ll need. Half for shooting, half for trading.

Shoot! A fella could have a pretty good weekend in El Paso with all that stuff.
We did not see rain in the forecast, it was a surprise. I have never went to a 1st meet when its raining

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