I Cant Hear You. I have an Ear Inf*ction.


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2012
Melissa Harris-Perry, an idiot, dons tampon earrings to show support for the brave women of Texas who want to kill unborn children after 20 weeks of development.

You can't make stuff like this up.

[ame=http://youtu.be/sIyP4hwIC6Q]SHOCK: MSNBC Melissa Harris-Perry Wears Tampon Earrings on Air - YouTube[/ame]
some people have truly lost their minds. And I do hope there are enough that understand she is one of them. To think one can't decide by the time they are 5 months pregnant is unbelieveable. They only care for themselves, and nothing for any other individuals obviously, as such selfishness as to not care one iota for that unborn child, must run rampant within their lives with others as well. For goodness sake, babies are kicking and movng by now within the womb!
Yes this blight of killing the unborn must be put to a stop. In Vitro Fertilization must be outlawed, as do Blow Jobs, Masturbation and Anal Intercourse.

Think of the children!
Just do what most other civilized nations do, ban abortions completely after 12 weeks.
Yes this blight of killing the unborn must be put to a stop. In Vitro Fertilization must be outlawed, as do Blow Jobs, Masturbation and Anal Intercourse.

Think of the children!

Hey, I'd settle for a stop to your shrill, idiotic posts.

I'm a reasonable man.

P. S. Do you own a pair of tampon earrings? Just wondering.
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This is actually quite funny. You know that when she runs for office again, her opponent will be plastering pictures of her with those dopey tampons hanging off her ears forever more.

She should have stuck a kotex in her mouth just to complete the picture.
Yes this blight of killing the unborn must be put to a stop. In Vitro Fertilization must be outlawed, as do Blow Jobs, Masturbation and Anal Intercourse.

Think of the children!

Your post showing total disregard for a 5 month old life just verifies all my other thoughts of your selfishness. Thank you for that. But then again I am sad my assessment has been right.


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