I can't keep up! Third person goes down (for lying about Russia)

wow. i wonder WHY all these trump campaign LIES about Russian meetings. :eusa_think:

A former foreign policy adviser for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign pleaded guilty weeks ago to making false statements to the FBI as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

According to court documents released Monday, George Papadopoulos, 30, pleaded guilty to making “material false statements and material omissions” during an interview with the FBI in January as part of its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.

The document said Papadopoulos "lied to special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, concerning a federal investigation ... about the timing, extent, and nature of his relationships and interactions with certain foreign nationals whom he understood to have close connections with senior Russian government officials."

The news of Papadopoulos’ admission comes as Mueller unveiled two indictments of Trump associates on Monday: former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business partner and so-called protégé Rick Gates.
Just months into his administration. With more guilt comes faster indictments.
Trump foreign policy adviser who attempted to meet Putin has pleaded guilty of lying about Russia: Trump's former foreign policy adviser pleads guilty to lying about contact with Russians

So far we have Manafort, Gates and Papadopoulos.
They are Dominoes going down
Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos pleads guilty to lying to the FBI agents in Mueller probe
Los Angeles Times · 32 mins ago
Trump Campaign Adviser Pleads Guilty In Russia Probe
HuffPost · 4 mins ago
Court papers: Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos pleads guilty to lying to FBI agents in Mueller probe
Washington Post · 39 mins ago

Renato Mariotti @renato_mariotti

THREAD: What does news that George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI mean? (Hint: He's flipping.)

10:47 AM - Oct 30, 2017
Dan Abrams @danabrams
George papadopolous pleading should be more concerning to Trump team than Manafort indictment. It almost certainly means he is cooperating.

10:33 AM - Oct 30, 2017
Papadapolous was a low level unpaid worker in his 20s. He bragged about Russian connections and wanted to make a name for himself by setting up a meeting. Trump said no. End of story. Except that this little braggart lied to the FBI.
From a Republican Strategist
Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson
This is DAY ONE and there's HARD, DIRECT, *ADMITTED* collusion.

BYE, Felicia.

10:59 AM - Oct 30, 2017
They are Dominoes going down

Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos pleads guilty to lying to the FBI agents in Mueller probe
Los Angeles Times · 32 mins ago
Trump Campaign Adviser Pleads Guilty In Russia Probe
HuffPost · 4 mins ago
Court papers: Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos pleads guilty to lying to FBI agents in Mueller probe
Washington Post · 39 mins ago
Rush Limbaugh predicted this months ago. I’ll see if I can find the exact date. He predicted all indictments would be procedural violations...and lieing to the FBI would be the bulk. Anybody remember when that was? Looks like it’s coming true.
poor RW dumbasses refuse to admit Trump and his cartel of crooks got nabbed.

the snowball effect starts today so get used to it.
poor RW dumbasses refuse to admit Trump and his cartel of crooks got nabbed.

the snowball effect starts today so get used to it.
None of these charges have anything to do with Trump. And Democrats believe this proves Trump was working with Russians.
Papadapolous was a low level unpaid worker in his 20s. He bragged about Russian connections and wanted to make a name for himself by setting up a meeting. Trump said no. End of story. Except that this little braggart lied to the FBI.
How old is Papadopoulos? And give me a link to your source about his age.
Last edited:
poor RW dumbasses refuse to admit Trump and his cartel of crooks got nabbed.

the snowball effect starts today so get used to it.
None of these charges have anything to do with Trump. And Democrats believe this proves Trump was working with Russians.
You believe Hillary was working with the Russians because 9 agencies approved a Uranium deal.
Knowing nothing but what their media Gods feed them, They parrot it exclusively.
This is the bigger part of the story, much bigger than Manafort and Gates.

George Papadopoulos, the foreign policy advisor for the Trump campaign, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in order to cover up Trump/Russia collusion. And he's testifying that the Trump campaign was actively colluding with the Russians to get illegal information.



That buries the "But it all has nothing to do with Trump!" meme. The Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians, and anyone denying it is lying.

At this stage, the best response of the Trumpflakes will be "But ... but ... you can't say Trump himself knew about it!". Yeah, good luck with that. You can get the FOX News dopes to buy it, but Mueller isn't that freakin' stupid. He knows the game. Work up the chain. Use the testimony of the small fish to build an ironclad case against the bigger fish above them, then use them to get bigger fish, and so on.
This is the bigger part of the story, much bigger than Manafort and Gates.

George Papadopoulos, the foreign policy advisor for the Trump campaign, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in order to cover up Trump/Russia collusion. And he's testifying that the Trump campaign was actively colluding with the Russians to get illegal information.



That buries the "But it all has nothing to do with Trump!" meme. The Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians, and anyone denying it is lying.

At this stage, the best response of the Trumpflakes will be "But ... but ... you can't say Trump himself knew about it!". Yeah, good luck with that. You can get the FOX News dopes to buy it, but Mueller isn't that freakin' stupid. He knows the game. Work up the chain. Use the testimony of the small fish to build an ironclad case against the bigger fish above them, then use them to get bigger fish, and so on.
So much for a fake scandal.

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