I cut off my "best friend" from my life for good. Would you do the same in my position?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
So yesterday I told directly to my "best friend" whom I knew since High school to NEVER call me, never speak to me and never come to my house again and that he is dead to me.

I don't know If i was being harsh or taking it too far, but then I remember all the shit he has done to me the past few months.

-Says "fuck you" to me when i told him i dont feel llike going to the gym
- Called me an embarrassment to my city
- Suggested Im a coward
-Blocked me on facebook, and told my friends behind my back to cut contact with me
-Whenever i dont go out to somewhere with him he guilt trips me and tries to make me feel bad such as saying wow now i know who my true friends are
-my friend invited me to a group chat with him and he said get this mother fucker outta here
-my friends told me i was upset he blocked me and he started laughing about it
-called me a sad **** for not coming over to his house
-makes fat jokes of me all the time and posts pictures of a pig suggesting its me to other friends
-calls me a dog whenever i refuse to hang out
-friend asks a question about me to him and hes like i dont know who that is, treating me like a stranger

Now tell me, if someone you are close with for years does all that to you, what would you do? forgive them or cut them off for good like I have?

Was I right to tell him off and cut contact or am i being too mean. I am so angry writing all this up just want someone to listen and give me advice
So yesterday I told directly to my "best friend" whom I knew since High school to NEVER call me, never speak to me and never come to my house again and that he is dead to me.

I don't know If i was being harsh or taking it too far, but then I remember all the shit he has done to me the past few months.

-Says "fuck you" to me when i told him i dont feel llike going to the gym
- Called me an embarrassment to my city
- Suggested Im a coward
-Blocked me on facebook, and told my friends behind my back to cut contact with me
-Whenever i dont go out to somewhere with him he guilt trips me and tries to make me feel bad such as saying wow now i know who my true friends are
-my friend invited me to a group chat with him and he said get this mother fucker outta here
-my friends told me i was upset he blocked me and he started laughing about it
-called me a sad **** for not coming over to his house
-makes fat jokes of me all the time and posts pictures of a pig suggesting its me to other friends
-calls me a dog whenever i refuse to hang out
-friend asks a question about me to him and hes like i dont know who that is, treating me like a stranger

Now tell me, if someone you are close with for years does all that to you, what would you do? forgive them or cut them off for good like I have?

Was I right to tell him off and cut contact or am i being too mean. I am so angry writing all this up just want someone to listen and give me advice

Somewhere around age eight or nine, we typically figure out how to manage a cadre of friends without soliciting the advice of strangers.
Go kiss a girl. You'll feel better.
I actually did kiss a girl recently. It feels good temporarily, but i am still angry at the whole situation and feel so much betrayal
Yeah. Sounds like your friend is a king sized asshole....at least from your side of the story. A good rule of thumb is to never consider someone a "friend" unless they will never put you in danger, will never talk bad about you to others, and you would trust them taking care of your mom/wife/child. All others are acquaintances. Youre lucky if you get one true friend in life.
Oh the drama. The drama!

best friends? I believe you have no clue what a real friend is

just my opinion
Go kiss a girl. You'll feel better.
I actually did kiss a girl recently. It feels good temporarily, but i am still angry at the whole situation and feel so much betrayal
Yeah. Sounds like your friend is a king sized asshole....at least from your side of the story. A good rule of thumb is to never consider someone a "friend" unless they will never put you in danger, will never talk bad about you to others, and you would trust them taking care of your mom/wife/child. All others are acquaintances. Youre lucky if you get one true friend in life.
Well I considered him my 2nd closest best friend.
I only listed the bad things he done that pissed me off

I really loved him like a brother but I have had enough. At least I still have three other good friends I can focus on now that this guys gone from my life.
I regret ever meeting him. Met him probably 8 years ago. All the memories and time spent together for it to end like this. What a waste of time and effort. Oh well, nothing i can do bout it now
Oh the drama. The drama!

best friends? I believe you have no clue what a real friend is

just my opinion
Despite all the bs he has done to me, I used to consider him a real friend.
I guess when i am filled with rage, i totally forget all the good things he has done. But fuck it, its too late to go back on my words.
When i said he was dead to me, thats when i know it was over for good. The shit he has said to me recently were pretty harsh too, so i dont feel too bad about telling him off.
Its kind of crazy how someone you think you will grow old with for life ends up doing this shit to you.
I still have three really close friends, but sometimes I wonder, what if they leave me too over some dumb shit?
Should I just learn to be happy alone, instead of building all of these friendships if they could end any time?
my mind is a mess right now
So yesterday I told directly to my "best friend" whom I knew since High school to NEVER call me, never speak to me and never come to my house again and that he is dead to me.

I don't know If i was being harsh or taking it too far, but then I remember all the shit he has done to me the past few months.

-Says "fuck you" to me when i told him i dont feel llike going to the gym
- Called me an embarrassment to my city
- Suggested Im a coward
-Blocked me on facebook, and told my friends behind my back to cut contact with me
-Whenever i dont go out to somewhere with him he guilt trips me and tries to make me feel bad such as saying wow now i know who my true friends are
-my friend invited me to a group chat with him and he said get this mother fucker outta here
-my friends told me i was upset he blocked me and he started laughing about it
-called me a sad **** for not coming over to his house
-makes fat jokes of me all the time and posts pictures of a pig suggesting its me to other friends
-calls me a dog whenever i refuse to hang out
-friend asks a question about me to him and hes like i dont know who that is, treating me like a stranger

Now tell me, if someone you are close with for years does all that to you, what would you do? forgive them or cut them off for good like I have?

Was I right to tell him off and cut contact or am i being too mean. I am so angry writing all this up just want someone to listen and give me advice
I don't see a friend in that story.
So yesterday I told directly to my "best friend" whom I knew since High school to NEVER call me, never speak to me and never come to my house again and that he is dead to me.

I don't know If i was being harsh or taking it too far, but then I remember all the shit he has done to me the past few months.

-Says "fuck you" to me when i told him i dont feel llike going to the gym
- Called me an embarrassment to my city
- Suggested Im a coward
-Blocked me on facebook, and told my friends behind my back to cut contact with me
-Whenever i dont go out to somewhere with him he guilt trips me and tries to make me feel bad such as saying wow now i know who my true friends are
-my friend invited me to a group chat with him and he said get this mother fucker outta here
-my friends told me i was upset he blocked me and he started laughing about it
-called me a sad **** for not coming over to his house
-makes fat jokes of me all the time and posts pictures of a pig suggesting its me to other friends
-calls me a dog whenever i refuse to hang out
-friend asks a question about me to him and hes like i dont know who that is, treating me like a stranger

Now tell me, if someone you are close with for years does all that to you, what would you do? forgive them or cut them off for good like I have?

Was I right to tell him off and cut contact or am i being too mean. I am so angry writing all this up just want someone to listen and give me advice
I don't see a friend in that story.
I was just listing the bad things he has done.
He has done lots of good things over the years, bought me gifts when he was overseas, came to my house to hand me a book to help with depression, said he loves me and wants to grow old with me, we used to talk daily and have like 10,000 messages on facebook, etc

But i think all the bad things he has done has made me forget about all the good times we had. I was burning with so much rage when he said get that mother fucker out of the facebook group chat and when he called me an embarrassment to my city

That was the turning point and the moment i told him off and cut contact with him completely.
So yesterday I told directly to my "best friend" whom I knew since High school to NEVER call me, never speak to me and never come to my house again and that he is dead to me.

I don't know If i was being harsh or taking it too far, but then I remember all the shit he has done to me the past few months.

-Says "fuck you" to me when i told him i dont feel llike going to the gym
- Called me an embarrassment to my city
- Suggested Im a coward
-Blocked me on facebook, and told my friends behind my back to cut contact with me
-Whenever i dont go out to somewhere with him he guilt trips me and tries to make me feel bad such as saying wow now i know who my true friends are
-my friend invited me to a group chat with him and he said get this mother fucker outta here
-my friends told me i was upset he blocked me and he started laughing about it
-called me a sad **** for not coming over to his house
-makes fat jokes of me all the time and posts pictures of a pig suggesting its me to other friends
-calls me a dog whenever i refuse to hang out
-friend asks a question about me to him and hes like i dont know who that is, treating me like a stranger

Now tell me, if someone you are close with for years does all that to you, what would you do? forgive them or cut them off for good like I have?

Was I right to tell him off and cut contact or am i being too mean. I am so angry writing all this up just want someone to listen and give me advice
I don't see a friend in that story.
that's my point

true friends would never be in that story

I believe she/he is a terrible judge of character and should never be in a position of authority
Good friends become harder to come by as you age....just keep that in mind as you cool off...
Oh the drama. The drama!

best friends? I believe you have no clue what a real friend is

just my opinion
Despite all the bs he has done to me, I used to consider him a real friend.
I guess when i am filled with rage, i totally forget all the good things he has done. But fuck it, its too late to go back on my words.
When i said he was dead to me, thats when i know it was over for good. The shit he has said to me recently were pretty harsh too, so i dont feel too bad about telling him off.
Its kind of crazy how someone you think you will grow old with for life ends up doing this shit to you.
I still have three really close friends, but sometimes I wonder, what if they leave me too over some dumb shit?
Should I just learn to be happy alone, instead of building all of these friendships if they could end any time?
my mind is a mess right now
true friends would never be in that story

I believe you are a terrible judge of character and should never be in a position of authority
So do you think I made the right decision to cut him from my life?
So yesterday I told directly to my "best friend" whom I knew since High school to NEVER call me, never speak to me and never come to my house again and that he is dead to me.

I don't know If i was being harsh or taking it too far, but then I remember all the shit he has done to me the past few months.

-Says "fuck you" to me when i told him i dont feel llike going to the gym
- Called me an embarrassment to my city
- Suggested Im a coward
-Blocked me on facebook, and told my friends behind my back to cut contact with me
-Whenever i dont go out to somewhere with him he guilt trips me and tries to make me feel bad such as saying wow now i know who my true friends are
-my friend invited me to a group chat with him and he said get this mother fucker outta here
-my friends told me i was upset he blocked me and he started laughing about it
-called me a sad **** for not coming over to his house
-makes fat jokes of me all the time and posts pictures of a pig suggesting its me to other friends
-calls me a dog whenever i refuse to hang out
-friend asks a question about me to him and hes like i dont know who that is, treating me like a stranger

Now tell me, if someone you are close with for years does all that to you, what would you do? forgive them or cut them off for good like I have?

Was I right to tell him off and cut contact or am i being too mean. I am so angry writing all this up just want someone to listen and give me advice
I don't see a friend in that story.
that's my point

true friends would never be in that story

I believe she/he is a terrible judge of character and should never be in a position of authority
Go kiss a girl. You'll feel better.
I actually did kiss a girl recently. It feels good temporarily, but i am still angry at the whole situation and feel so much betrayal
Yeah. Sounds like your friend is a king sized asshole....at least from your side of the story. A good rule of thumb is to never consider someone a "friend" unless they will never put you in danger, will never talk bad about you to others, and you would trust them taking care of your mom/wife/child. All others are acquaintances. Youre lucky if you get one true friend in life.
Well I considered him my 2nd closest best friend.
I only listed the bad things he done that pissed me off

I really loved him like a brother but I have had enough. At least I still have three other good friends I can focus on now that this guys gone from my life.
I regret ever meeting him. Met him probably 8 years ago. All the memories and time spent together for it to end like this. What a waste of time and effort. Oh well, nothing i can do bout it now
Never regret meeting people. The vast majority are there just to teach you a lesson. Their time with you is short but you learn. Others become your friends and family.
So do you think I made the right decision to cut him from my life?
So yesterday I told directly to my "best friend" whom I knew since High school to NEVER call me, never speak to me and never come to my house again and that he is dead to me.

I don't know If i was being harsh or taking it too far, but then I remember all the shit he has done to me the past few months.

-Says "fuck you" to me when i told him i dont feel llike going to the gym
- Called me an embarrassment to my city
- Suggested Im a coward
-Blocked me on facebook, and told my friends behind my back to cut contact with me
-Whenever i dont go out to somewhere with him he guilt trips me and tries to make me feel bad such as saying wow now i know who my true friends are
-my friend invited me to a group chat with him and he said get this mother fucker outta here
-my friends told me i was upset he blocked me and he started laughing about it
-called me a sad **** for not coming over to his house
-makes fat jokes of me all the time and posts pictures of a pig suggesting its me to other friends
-calls me a dog whenever i refuse to hang out
-friend asks a question about me to him and hes like i dont know who that is, treating me like a stranger

Now tell me, if someone you are close with for years does all that to you, what would you do? forgive them or cut them off for good like I have?

Was I right to tell him off and cut contact or am i being too mean. I am so angry writing all this up just want someone to listen and give me advice
I don't see a friend in that story.
that's my point

true friends would never be in that story

I believe she/he is a terrible judge of character and should never be in a position of authority
a little late for that but you figure out what I think
So yesterday I told directly to my "best friend" whom I knew since High school to NEVER call me, never speak to me and never come to my house again and that he is dead to me.

I don't know If i was being harsh or taking it too far, but then I remember all the shit he has done to me the past few months.

-Says "fuck you" to me when i told him i dont feel llike going to the gym
- Called me an embarrassment to my city
- Suggested Im a coward
-Blocked me on facebook, and told my friends behind my back to cut contact with me
-Whenever i dont go out to somewhere with him he guilt trips me and tries to make me feel bad such as saying wow now i know who my true friends are
-my friend invited me to a group chat with him and he said get this mother fucker outta here
-my friends told me i was upset he blocked me and he started laughing about it
-called me a sad **** for not coming over to his house
-makes fat jokes of me all the time and posts pictures of a pig suggesting its me to other friends
-calls me a dog whenever i refuse to hang out
-friend asks a question about me to him and hes like i dont know who that is, treating me like a stranger

Now tell me, if someone you are close with for years does all that to you, what would you do? forgive them or cut them off for good like I have?

Was I right to tell him off and cut contact or am i being too mean. I am so angry writing all this up just want someone to listen and give me advice
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