I Do Not Want You To Solve This During An Election Year

You asked for a law that Potatohead is not enforcing. I gave you one. Was there something in the law you do not understand?

8 UCSC §1226. Apprehension and detention of aliens

(a) Arrest, detention, and release​

On a warrant issued by the Attorney General, an alien may be arrested and detained pending a decision on whether the alien is to be removed from the United States. Except as provided in subsection (c) and pending such decision, the Attorney General-
Pending a decision…
That’s how you defend a failed claim?
We know damn well that CBP can't detain every migrant until his hearing.
There is no storage capacity for 4,000 migrants a day.
Migrants would be released into the US.
The Bill gives Biden many loop holes to release Migrants.

The only answer is to seal the border. HR-2 or Bust.
We know damn well that CBP can't detain every migrant until his hearing.
There is no storage capacity for 4,000 migrants a day.
Migrants would be released into the US.
The Bill gives Biden many loop holes to release Migrants.

The only answer is to seal the border. HR-2 or Bust.
The border has never BEEN sealed nor can it be
The border has never BEEN sealed nor can it be
Trump had it sealed with a partially completed wall.
"Sealed" doesn't mean "no encounters" it means no "catch and release". It means "catch and deport".
HR-2 is what will happen in 2025.
Citing a law is not citing an example.
None of you have been able to point to any specific law in any situation that is not enforced.
Yet you all swear that is the case.

They love you dupes. No questions and so eager to repeat it endlessly.
Trump had it sealed with a partially completed wall.
"Sealed" doesn't mean "no encounters" it means no "catch and release". It means "catch and deport".
HR-2 is what will happen in 2025.
Apparently it means whatever you want it to mean
Trump had it sealed with a partially completed wall.
"Sealed" doesn't mean "no encounters" it means no "catch and release". It means "catch and deport".
HR-2 is what will happen in 2025.
Millions of illegals crossed that “sealed border” when Trump was Prez
Why do you say that, since immigration historically has been very beneficial?

The reason I want to fix the dictatorships that are driving people to immigrate to the US is humanitarian, in that they would prefer to stay in their native land if it were not run by a ruthless US puppet.

Your solution of making immigration to the US even worse, makes no sense.
It not only is unethical, but causes us to lose the trade war with countries like China who have larger and less expensive work forces.
That may be the ultimate goal but it does nothing in the interim to alleviate the crush at the border.
Over the past 30 years there were many years Republicans had the Governorship, Courts, House, Senate & Presidency, yet they always refused to close the borders.
Over the past 30 years there were many years Republicans had the Governorship, Courts, House, Senate & Presidency, yet they always refused to close the borders.
A. No one actually wants that. We want that cheap labor pool.

B. It has never been done and can’t be done

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