I Do Not Want You To Solve This During An Election Year

No argument. Lesh asked for the law Demented Joey was not enforcing and I cited one of the most obvious ones.

Explaining the obvious to ignorant, partisan fuckwits.
You cited randomness with no argument.
It’s like none of you are competent. :dunno:
That is why the border crisis will continue to fester into the foreseeable future. MAGA does not want a solution or a fix. They want the crisis to continue for political purposes. So while MAGA fiddles, the border burns.

That is simplistic.
The reality is that everyone benefits from immigration.
We not only get more workers that increase our GDP, but more consumers who increase spending.

Think of it this way.
Instead of Apple allowing China to manufacture its hardware with cheap labor the Chinese benefit from, we could build the Apple production plants in the US with cheap immigrant labor.
The costs are the same, but we get the benefits instead of China.
we can start with the constitution where it says protect the states from invasion and then go to sealing the border that biden himself voted for and then use the legal entry points for asylum seekers,,

its really not that hard,,

If you actually read any of the treaties the US signed, like with the natives, Mexicans, etc., blocking the borders is illegal.
Everything west of the Appalachians and all the south west states still belong to the Natives and Spanish land grant holders.
For starters Lankford crafted it so that virtually every person crossing the border is put into detention instead of being released pending court dates

Detaining border crossers is not really legal.
What we should be doing is alleviating the problems the border crossers are fleeing.
Almost all are fleeing the violence our puppet dictators we installed and armed are creating.
Its our fault, and we should just fix it.
That is simplistic.
The reality is that everyone benefits from immigration.
We not only get more workers that increase our GDP, but more consumers who increase spending.

Think of it this way.
Instead of Apple allowing China to manufacture its hardware with cheap labor the Chinese benefit from, we could build the Apple production plants in the US with cheap immigrant labor.
The costs are the same, but we get the benefits instead of China.
That is simplistic
You’re simplistic.
The goal is to reduce the desire for folks to try to come here.
If their only options are detention and most likely removal then why even try?
The House passed a border security bill just five months after they took control last year. It's known as 'HR2' and it now sits on Chuck Schumer's desk, where it will go no further.
Biden flooded America with the third-world, by first announcing at the first Democrat presidential debate in 2019, that should he become president, the third-worlders should immediately "surge to the border".
Then on day one of his presidency, he suspended further border wall construction, and eliminated ALL Trump-era border security measures. Immediately thereafter, border crossings have skyrocketed.
For three years all over the internet, I and other people have tried to point this out. It wasn't until Greg Abbott, brought the 'border' to every large city in this country, that people are starting to feel the pain of this out of control flood of humanity. Now that there's a political price to pay, suddenly Biden and Democrats are screaming for help, and blaming people who didn't start this catastrophe.
Joe Biden is the firefighter who wants to be the hero, only the truth is, he's the one who started the fire!

How many millions of illegals wouldn’t be here if not for Schumer blocking that bill?

Tater and Schumer own the border crisis.
You admit you don’t know what you’re talking about and just keep talking
And unless you produce a JD here I would say that you are in the same boat.

At least I was honest enough to admit that I am no lawyer.

Then again, for discussion purposes here, I do not need to be, do I?

It is undeniable that previous administrations have done all of those things that I enumerated in my previous post.

It is undeniable that previous administrations did those things under the umbrella of existing law.

Such laws were never repealed and remain operative insofar as I am aware, unless you know something the rest of us don't.

Therefore, my observation is correct...

The Biden Administration already has all the laws on the books that it needs for this purpose.

It merely lacks the political will to enforce and apply those laws.

"Your Honor... the prosecution rests." :auiqs.jpg:


What you served-up there was a truly pathetic and juvenile amateur-caliber counterpointing that was easily set aside...

Just goes to show ya... sometimes it's better to use good old-fashioned common sense than nitpicking over citations... :cool:
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You admit you don’t know what you’re talking about and just keep talking

That is not fair.
Kondor3 made good points, like other presidents have closed the border without any change in the laws.

What we should be talking about is the legality of US Euro immigrant trying to make further immigration illegal, when we are really just trespassers ourselves?

Then there are the economic issues around the fact that immigration always improves the economy of the country.

This should not be simply dictated.
You’re simplistic.
The goal is to reduce the desire for folks to try to come here.
If their only options are detention and most likely removal then why even try?

Why do you say that, since immigration historically has been very beneficial?

The reason I want to fix the dictatorships that are driving people to immigrate to the US is humanitarian, in that they would prefer to stay in their native land if it were not run by a ruthless US puppet.

Your solution of making immigration to the US even worse, makes no sense.
It not only is unethical, but causes us to lose the trade war with countries like China who have larger and less expensive work forces.
No previous admins have ever closed the border. Not a one.
Border entry points - hell, multiple border entry points - are closed all the time... even Old Uncle Joe's people have done this.
“ a closed border” is a talking point and not a reality.
Then it's time to MAKE it a Reality... and to the Devil with the consequences.
I bet you can’t even define what that means.
How I define it doesn't matter one little bit... what DOES matter is how VOTERS will define it this coming November 5th.


But if I was going to define it, it would be a state of affairs in which Illegal Entry into the United States is next-to-impossible.

Whatever combination of law, physical barriers, technology and aggressive large-scale enforcement and deportation it takes.
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That's quite a stretch there. You have no idea who said it yet you manage to blame all Pubs. You're a bright one aren't you?
So who was Lankford talking about?

Not a left wing commentator
No argument. Lesh asked for the law Demented Joey was not enforcing and I cited one of the most obvious ones.

Explaining the obvious to ignorant, partisan fuckwits.
You cited title 8
Which does no such thing
That’s your entire argument.
To ignorant, partisan fuckwits that spew nothing but insults., If you stop the ignorant act (assuming it's an act) And stop the ad hominum, let me know and we can have an intelligent civil discussion.
You cited title 8
Which does no such thing
You asked for a law that Potatohead is not enforcing. I gave you one. Was there something in the law you do not understand?

8 UCSC §1226. Apprehension and detention of aliens

(a) Arrest, detention, and release​

On a warrant issued by the Attorney General, an alien may be arrested and detained pending a decision on whether the alien is to be removed from the United States. Except as provided in subsection (c) and pending such decision, the Attorney General-

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