I don’t get the narrative the Democrats are trying with old America

The propaganda is the statement that there are no uncertainties. You really think businesses are so stupid to just believe what people say. They actually pay attention to what is going on. They have no idea what is going to happen with taxes or an over 2000 page health care law. Nor the new financial regulations put forward. The problem with both of those laws is that they give the power to the administration to change on a whim. Then you have a ballooning debt that any intelligent person would know is going to create a great deal of uncertainty not too far down the road. Either an increase in taxes or further down grades in US debt. There is plenty of uncertainty without the need from propaganda.

the healthcare law is public. if they dont read and understand it, they are not being responsible businessmen. period. self responsibility.

as far as the threat of a couple of percentage points of taxes - anyone in business worth their salt is not sweatting that.

and lastly - the debt is a farce. it's not gone down in over 60 years. people were born, and died since then, entire lifetimes unaffected.

also - the creditors, aka buyers of the debt, are still buying. dummies? no. there's more than meets the eye, it's not as simplistic as : i have a million dollar credit card and only make 10k a year!! i'm teh dummeh!"

The problem is HHS can change the health care law at anytime. The law is not a law but rather grants power to HHS to decide what health care has to cover and cannot cover. There is nothing set in stone and prices can go up with no notice what so ever. Like say offering “Free Contraceptives”. That will increase insurance rates and therefore costs. Sure it seems free but it is just as free as telling auto insurance companies that they have to have minimum coverage. They didn’t pay for it we did.

A few percentage points what are you talking about. It is far more than that. On top of all the new taxes set to hit in 2013 and even when extended have only been extended for 1 year at a time. Then there is the debt and the tax increases coming will not even put a dent in the deficit. So yes uncertainty.

Just because we have always been in debt does not mean the debt is not the problem. If you truly believe the amount of debt we have is not a problem, then you sir are completely blind. Heck our interest is about to start eating up all our income. By the way, ask Europe about how debt is not a real problem.

It is as simple as that. We have a 16 trillion dollar credit card and the interest this year will be nearly 500 billion dollars up from 454 billion dollars last year. This is going to continue to grow and will just force us to borrow more money to pay just the interest. We are in huge financial trouble even the treasury and the fed said the debt is unsustainable. They have said it over and over again. This is not propaganda go look up the fed and treasury warning about the debt.

dude - study.

offering contraceptives SAVES insurance companies money. think about why, shit, you probably don't even need to look it up for fuck's sake.
The problem with government providing for the poor is it creates dependency and a sense of entitlement. When it is a charity taking care of a person they don’t feel entitled and are not going to become totally dependent on the charity.

Why is it that poor people receiving money from the government makes them dependent but if they receive money from a charity they are not?

You are either receiving assistance or you are not

It is a difference in mindset of the person receiving the charity. When someone is receiving charity they appreciate it. When they receive from the government they start to feel like they are entitled to it.

Are you serious?
Those were just stories. None of them were ever verified. they were leftwing bullshit propagated by turds like you.

Well, I doubt I am a turd, and I doubt many are urban legends. Got anything else flaming troll?

You doubt it? Well, that's certainly convincing. . . . NOT!

Provide proof that anyone actually ate dog food because they couldn't afford people food.

In fact, I doubt you can produce proof that anyone every stole food.

Sorry so long was playing World of Tanks, anyhow, well here it is, I do hope you can try to control you wild hair/tangent/cuss laden mouth when you discuss with me.

There have been no reports of emergency rooms swamped with individuals who show extreme symptoms of starvation, despite occasional reports of elderly eating dog or cat food or "starving" children/adults that may be due to specific situations.

Undernourishment in the Elderly: Part 1
I don't think anyone doubts that the old America needed some improving. I mean, slavery was once legal and racism continued (and still does among some). Of course, we've come a long way since then. And, it's the "old" America that allowed us to do so. Our constitution is a wonderful thing.
the healthcare law is public. if they dont read and understand it, they are not being responsible businessmen. period. self responsibility.

as far as the threat of a couple of percentage points of taxes - anyone in business worth their salt is not sweatting that.

and lastly - the debt is a farce. it's not gone down in over 60 years. people were born, and died since then, entire lifetimes unaffected.

also - the creditors, aka buyers of the debt, are still buying. dummies? no. there's more than meets the eye, it's not as simplistic as : i have a million dollar credit card and only make 10k a year!! i'm teh dummeh!"

The problem is HHS can change the health care law at anytime. The law is not a law but rather grants power to HHS to decide what health care has to cover and cannot cover. There is nothing set in stone and prices can go up with no notice what so ever. Like say offering “Free Contraceptives”. That will increase insurance rates and therefore costs. Sure it seems free but it is just as free as telling auto insurance companies that they have to have minimum coverage. They didn’t pay for it we did.

A few percentage points what are you talking about. It is far more than that. On top of all the new taxes set to hit in 2013 and even when extended have only been extended for 1 year at a time. Then there is the debt and the tax increases coming will not even put a dent in the deficit. So yes uncertainty.

Just because we have always been in debt does not mean the debt is not the problem. If you truly believe the amount of debt we have is not a problem, then you sir are completely blind. Heck our interest is about to start eating up all our income. By the way, ask Europe about how debt is not a real problem.

It is as simple as that. We have a 16 trillion dollar credit card and the interest this year will be nearly 500 billion dollars up from 454 billion dollars last year. This is going to continue to grow and will just force us to borrow more money to pay just the interest. We are in huge financial trouble even the treasury and the fed said the debt is unsustainable. They have said it over and over again. This is not propaganda go look up the fed and treasury warning about the debt.

dude - study.

offering contraceptives SAVES insurance companies money. think about why, shit, you probably don't even need to look it up for fuck's sake.

I work for health insurance and I can tell you it did no such thing. In fact having to slam the new benefits in cost us millions. You know it is not easy to just change a benefit to include something like that. Next all studies of preventive medicines have shown that it costs more not less paying for preventive medicine. The reason is those that will use preventive measures would have used them anyways. Those that do not are not going to use it still. So at the end it saves no money at all.
Why is it that poor people receiving money from the government makes them dependent but if they receive money from a charity they are not?

You are either receiving assistance or you are not

It is a difference in mindset of the person receiving the charity. When someone is receiving charity they appreciate it. When they receive from the government they start to feel like they are entitled to it.

Are you serious?

Well, I doubt I am a turd, and I doubt many are urban legends. Got anything else flaming troll?

You doubt it? Well, that's certainly convincing. . . . NOT!

Provide proof that anyone actually ate dog food because they couldn't afford people food.

In fact, I doubt you can produce proof that anyone every stole food.

Sorry so long was playing World of Tanks, anyhow, well here it is, I do hope you can try to control you wild hair/tangent/cuss laden mouth when you discuss with me.

There have been no reports of emergency rooms swamped with individuals who show extreme symptoms of starvation, despite occasional reports of elderly eating dog or cat food or "starving" children/adults that may be due to specific situations.

Undernourishment in the Elderly: Part 1

Wow reputable site. I’m sure nothing but truth can find its way into that site.
Well, I doubt I am a turd, and I doubt many are urban legends. Got anything else flaming troll?

You doubt it? Well, that's certainly convincing. . . . NOT!

Provide proof that anyone actually ate dog food because they couldn't afford people food.

In fact, I doubt you can produce proof that anyone every stole food.

Sorry so long was playing World of Tanks, anyhow, well here it is, I do hope you can try to control you wild hair/tangent/cuss laden mouth when you discuss with me.

There have been no reports of emergency rooms swamped with individuals who show extreme symptoms of starvation, despite occasional reports of elderly eating dog or cat food or "starving" children/adults that may be due to specific situations.

Undernourishment in the Elderly: Part 1

"despite reports of?" What reports. That the same as Harry Reid saying his wife's Uncle's father in law told her that Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years. Proof would be an actual police or emergency room report of someone living on dog food.

The elderly are underwieght because they lose their appetites and simply don't like eating enough to maintain their body weight. It has nothing to do with not having enough money to buy food. The elderly are the wealthiest quintile of our population. They certainly don't eat dog food.
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Have Democrats truly been able to convince people that America of old was truly an awful place? We are talking about the top country in the world. We are talking about a country where everyone wished they could be. We are talking about one of the most successful nations of all times. How can anyone be dumb enough to believe it was a failure?

So the Democrats are selling that America of old was a failure and they want to offer what every other country has as a fix? This makes no sense either seeing that people in those other countries wanted to come here. True with Obama that has decreased because we are getting closer to what they already have. The Democrats are successfully destroying this country and making it like every other country. I mean no country has had as much success as America in its prime nor have they even come close.

People came here mostly because of abundant jobs and free land. It was a land of opportunity. Doesn't mean it was perfect. America from 1880-1910 was open to immigration but we still discriminated if you were black, hispanic, jewish, chinese, irish or italian

Our society today is much better
Have Democrats truly been able to convince people that America of old was truly an awful place? We are talking about the top country in the world. We are talking about a country where everyone wished they could be. We are talking about one of the most successful nations of all times. How can anyone be dumb enough to believe it was a failure?

America was a shitty place for black people and homosexuals until recently.

There is a distinction between "awful place" and "failure". Economically, we were a success story. Demographically, whether or not America was an awful place depended on your sex, race, sexual orientation, or creed.

It was great to be a Christian white man.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY]Louis CK - Being White - YouTube[/ame]
Really, so the gay have the right to marriage already?

my GF and I are co-habitating.
We were able to get a mortgage and HE loan together. We have not sufferd b/c we are not married, quite the opposite. There are zero fights over money b/c her paycheck belongs to her and my paycheck belongs to me.

We split the bills amicably.

perhaps gays are better off in the long run not being married. Marriage is over-rated.

BTW, the state we live in has a law that prohibits co-habitation for unmarried heterosexual couples. It's OK for gays to live together however.

So don't tell me about how the poor gays are all that bad off.

so a law breaker is telling me that it's okay to break the law. How nice, anything else.

anything else?


apparently you libs believe that only your pet minorities have civil rights
Have Democrats truly been able to convince people that America of old was truly an awful place? We are talking about the top country in the world. We are talking about a country where everyone wished they could be. We are talking about one of the most successful nations of all times. How can anyone be dumb enough to believe it was a failure?

America was a shitty place for black people and homosexuals until recently.

There is a distinction between "awful place" and "failure". Economically, we were a success story. Demographically, whether or not America was an awful place depended on your sex, race, sexual orientation, or creed.

It was great to be a Christian white man.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY]Louis CK - Being White - YouTube[/ame]

hey, why can't black people get into that same time machine and go back to that paradise known as Africa?
Have Democrats truly been able to convince people that America of old was truly an awful place? We are talking about the top country in the world. We are talking about a country where everyone wished they could be. We are talking about one of the most successful nations of all times. How can anyone be dumb enough to believe it was a failure?

So the Democrats are selling that America of old was a failure and they want to offer what every other country has as a fix? This makes no sense either seeing that people in those other countries wanted to come here. True with Obama that has decreased because we are getting closer to what they already have. The Democrats are successfully destroying this country and making it like every other country. I mean no country has had as much success as America in its prime nor have they even come close.

People came here mostly because of abundant jobs and free land. It was a land of opportunity. Doesn't mean it was perfect. America from 1880-1910 was open to immigration but we still discriminated if you were black, hispanic, jewish, chinese, irish or italian

Our society today is much better

Yeah, you call aborting 50 million children as a society that is better..
I call it SICK
The failed policies of the past obama talks about is free market capitalism. That's what he intends to end and replace it with socialism.
Have Democrats truly been able to convince people that America of old was truly an awful place? We are talking about the top country in the world. We are talking about a country where everyone wished they could be. We are talking about one of the most successful nations of all times. How can anyone be dumb enough to believe it was a failure?

So the Democrats are selling that America of old was a failure and they want to offer what every other country has as a fix? This makes no sense either seeing that people in those other countries wanted to come here. True with Obama that has decreased because we are getting closer to what they already have. The Democrats are successfully destroying this country and making it like every other country. I mean no country has had as much success as America in its prime nor have they even come close.

People came here mostly because of abundant jobs and free land. It was a land of opportunity. Doesn't mean it was perfect. America from 1880-1910 was open to immigration but we still discriminated if you were black, hispanic, jewish, chinese, irish or italian

Our society today is much better

Yeah, you call aborting 50 million children as a society that is better..
I call it SICK

Idiot :cuckoo:
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But at the end of the day it is the government people should fear. People will always have a way to attack a corporation and prevent it from truly taking over; however, you have no recourse against the government. Once it has total control it is all over.

Yeah, you got that ass-backwards. We can vote our government in and out, recall, impeach etc... except for the Supreme Court. Corporations, well, they are untouchable at best, and have just bought off our government entirely - now they own the election process. We are a verifiable plutocracy at this point. No doubt about it. And if you think corporate America will issue you lots of "mcfreedoms", well, I think you're in for a rude awakening.
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Have Democrats truly been able to convince people that America of old was truly an awful place? We are talking about the top country in the world. We are talking about a country where everyone wished they could be. We are talking about one of the most successful nations of all times. How can anyone be dumb enough to believe it was a failure?

So the Democrats are selling that America of old was a failure and they want to offer what every other country has as a fix? This makes no sense either seeing that people in those other countries wanted to come here. True with Obama that has decreased because we are getting closer to what they already have. The Democrats are successfully destroying this country and making it like every other country. I mean no country has had as much success as America in its prime nor have they even come close.

People came here mostly because of abundant jobs and free land. It was a land of opportunity. Doesn't mean it was perfect. America from 1880-1910 was open to immigration but we still discriminated if you were black, hispanic, jewish, chinese, irish or italian

Our society today is much better
Where was there no discrimination? There was no better place to be in the world period
Have Democrats truly been able to convince people that America of old was truly an awful place? We are talking about the top country in the world. We are talking about a country where everyone wished they could be. We are talking about one of the most successful nations of all times. How can anyone be dumb enough to believe it was a failure?

America was a shitty place for black people and homosexuals until recently.

There is a distinction between "awful place" and "failure". Economically, we were a success story. Demographically, whether or not America was an awful place depended on your sex, race, sexual orientation, or creed.

It was great to be a Christian white man.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY]Louis CK - Being White - YouTube[/ame]
What place was better? You say america was awful what place was better?
But at the end of the day it is the government people should fear. People will always have a way to attack a corporation and prevent it from truly taking over; however, you have no recourse against the government. Once it has total control it is all over.

Yeah, you got that ass-backwards. We can vote our government in and out, recall, impeach etc... except for the Supreme Court. Corporations, well, they are untouchable at best, and have just bought off our government entirely - now they own the election process. We are a verifiable plutocracy at this point. No doubt about it. And if you think corporate America will issue you lots of "mcfreedoms", well, I think you're in for a rude awakening.

You have legal actions you as an individual can take against corporations. You cant do anything individually against government. Your trust in the government will get all of us in trouble. The government cares nothing about you personally and you are an idiot if you believe other.

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