I don't expect Obama supporters to switch over night.. BUT


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I would expect that at SOME time the realities would sink in!

Realities like
1) Obama has NOT Kept any of his pledges.. and yet supporters seem to find excuses other then to blame Obama.
6 pages of Broken promises:
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken

2) Preferences that Obama have been fulfilled.
Obama said: "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]"

"I'd like higher gas prices.." ..........THANKS to the EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
Reality, Price of a gallon of gas
Bush Jan 05, 2009 $1.672
Obama Jul 22, 2013 $3.684 220% Increase...
Onama's base constituency is intractable.

1) Blacks support him because he is black...and no other issue matters;

2) Hispanics support him because he is going to legalize their friends and neighbors, and because they expect him to bring in more of their friends and neighbors...and no other issue matters;

3) Gays support him because he has "evolved" to agree with all their issues (and thus obtained a gush of Hollywood money)...and no other issues matter except gay rights;

4) Welfare recipients support him because he supports them with, of course, our money, and money borrowed from such as Communists China and Oil-Rich Arabia...and nothing else matters more than getting stuff for free;

5) Socialist Liberals support him out of 1) guilt or 2) jealousy. Very little else matters, although it is nice to see they are uncomfortable with Obama storing all their info for future snooping...if they get out of line.

6) Unions, and particularly Public Employee Unions, support him for the same reason Welfare recipients support him...their "benefits" are all that matters.

7) Mentally ill people support him because they are mentally ill.

There is a considerable overlap in these groups, but they form a solid 40 percent of the population, maybe more...and its growing...as Government grows.

Government's responsibility is to help people who CAN'T help themselves; not those who WON'T help themselves....but Obama finds votes in accumulating people who are dependent on him and his party for free stuff.

It was just announced that 102 million people were receiving some form of food benefits from the federal government and only 97 million people working in full time jobs.

The 97 million need to wake up...particularly the young ones.
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And yet despite the astronomical incompetencies of everything Obama represents, the Republican Party is unable to argue its way out of a wet paper bag.

How embarassing is it to get beaten by such a weakminded idiot?

The GOP has no game. Just hate and fear.
How embarassing is it to get beaten by such a weakminded idiot?

One might hazard a guess that it's about as embarrassing as actually BEING a "weakminded idiot" ....... :dunno:

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." -- George Carlin

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