The last 51 years Detroit has had Democrat mayors.. duh?

If Obama had a city...

Also lost all its heavy manufacturing and 2/3 of its population... The usual Pub dupe deep thinking...LOL!Their hate and racism also on display.

So you say nothing that disagrees with the op then tell us we're stupid. Got it. Let's do a wave.

Yes, they are. Which ones have sound fiscal policy? Which ones have low crime rates?

If you want to change the subject, first admit that the OP is in fact pointless and idiotic.

you changed the subject, not me.

the OP is totally accurate. Democrats, liberal policies, and greedy corrupt unions destroyed Detroit, those same factors are destroying Chicago, Philly, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Fran, Cleveland, Miami, Oakland, and Newark.

But lets ignore reality----------just blame Bush. :cuckoo:

The subject was the charge that somehow Democrats cause municipal fiscal problems. It's simply false.

And btw,

let's not forget that the biggest municipal bankruptcy in historyat the time, in 1995,

was the very conservative very Republican Orange County, California.

case closed.
The bottom line is that the only way to make Detroit a viable vibrant city again is to bring whites back to Detroit. This has nothing to do with race but everything to do with reality.

YOu won't get Whites back into Detroit until you give them a reason to come back.

The issue isn't "whites." The black middle class hightailed it as well.

What I point out to my mother, who still lives in Michigan, is that unfortunately stopping doing the things you did to drive business out doesn't bring back the business who left. They aren't sitting there waiting to come back, they've moved on. So you're in a hole, you just stop digging it deeper at that point. You still need a strategy to rebuild.

Excellent point! Unfortunately, that's a premise that the democrats have never been able to grasp in their little "unicorn and rainbow" world. IF YOU ARE IN A HOLE, STOP DIGGING!!!!
I guess it would help if these Dem states got more of their fed tax dollars back instead of sending them to those "stand on their own, low tax" red states...

Pubs and Dems have failed to make hard decisions, instead promising great retirements and health benefits to gov't workers, and then NOT funding the plans. And yes I blame Reaganism and Voodoo for pandering to the rich while raising all taxes and fees on the nonrich, ruining savings and futures...see sig. NO joke, dupes, even if YOU are not informed about it. Detroit is just the worst...

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