I dont give two craps about israel OR palestine

People died on their land all over the World.... But... When Polish Catholics, and Polish Jews both died on their lands in WW2.... Then many stupid f*cking Jews think Poles must be responsible.

You are some of the most dumb, and selfish people I've ever encountered.
Too much blah blah blah but but but....to avoid a simple question. The worst horrors of the Nazi's occurred...guess where...drum roll please....Poland!

The worst horrors of the British Empire happened against India on Indian land.

All over the world people were murdered by others on their own land.

But, the dumb, selfish Jews think that where ever things happen, must be who's responsible.
Did the Indians also participate in killing an ethnic minority that lived in India, that's exactly what the Poles did.

Most Poles actually fought the Nazis, you Jewish retarded Animal.

And then when the Nazis left, the Poles turned on their fellow Jews and starting killing them by themselves.

New Book Examines Poles Who Killed Jews During WWII

On the other hand there was no great love between Poles and Jews before World War II.

“During the war these relationships became even more hostile. A large segment of the Polish population was displeased with their neighbors’ help to the Jews during the war, and for many it seemed even as an unpatriotic step. Therefore, some segments of the Polish population took an active part in the hunt for the Jews, and that is what the new book deals with.”

Grabowski has found many Poles are still not ready to face the past and the fact that many of their ancestors took an active part in the extermination of the Jews.

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.

“Aftermath” is the first Polish film to deal with the responsibility of local residents for the massacres of Jews, and it has faced criticism by large groups in Poland who claim the movie s blackening their names on a global scale.

Like Grabowski, the film’s star Maciej Stuhr received death threats, and in several online forums there were comments such as “You are not a Pole anymore, you have become a Jew.” Grabowski knows these accusations well.

Whom did you meet during your research and how did you collect evidence of unknown massacres?

After I published my previous book in Polish, I was suddenly contacted by Holocaust survivors with interesting stories that I never knew before. I met with a lot of them in Israel, Canada, the US and elsewhere. They told me amazing stories that appeared later in the book. The most interesting change in the new book compare to the previous one is the fact that the new book also includes two diaries written by Jews while they were hiding in Poland, as well as new oral testimonies by Polish peasants and Jewish Holocaust survivors who hid and managed to stay alive.


Grabowski speaking recently at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. (photo credit: courtesy)

(Although his previous books were not translated into Hebrew, Grabowski says Yad Vashem in Jerusalem has shown interest in translating the new book.)

About 99% of killings post WW2 were Soviet on Polish.... Many of those Soviets were Jews.

The UB run by Jew Jakub Berman first in command, and Jew Roman Romkowski second in command killed 6,000 Poles, and imprisoned 500,000 Polish political prisoners.

Jew Salomon Morel killed, tortured, and enslaved thousands of Poles in Lublin Castle, at the Zgoda Labour Camp, and at Camp Jaworzno.

Even Polish hero Witold Pilecki was tortured, and killed by Jews Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski.

Witold Pilecki was a captain of Armia Krajowa who fought in the Warsaw Uprising against Nazi Germany, and who volunteered to be captured, and imprisoned in Auschwitz so he could escape and gather information about the Holocaust, and document it in Witold's Report.
People died on their land all over the World.... But... When Polish Catholics, and Polish Jews both died on their lands in WW2.... Then many stupid f*cking Jews think Poles must be responsible.

You are some of the most dumb, and selfish people I've ever encountered.
Too much blah blah blah but but but....to avoid a simple question. The worst horrors of the Nazi's occurred...guess where...drum roll please....Poland!

The worst horrors of the British Empire happened against India on Indian land.

All over the world people were murdered by others on their own land.

But, the dumb, selfish Jews think that where ever things happen, must be who's responsible.
Did the Indians also participate in killing an ethnic minority that lived in India, that's exactly what the Poles did.

Most Poles actually fought the Nazis, you Jewish retarded Animal.
The Poles did such a good job fighting the Nazis that the worst atrocities on Jews were committed in Poland.

And then when the Nazis left, the Poles turned on their fellow Jews and starting killing them by themselves.

New Book Examines Poles Who Killed Jews During WWII

On the other hand there was no great love between Poles and Jews before World War II.

“During the war these relationships became even more hostile. A large segment of the Polish population was displeased with their neighbors’ help to the Jews during the war, and for many it seemed even as an unpatriotic step. Therefore, some segments of the Polish population took an active part in the hunt for the Jews, and that is what the new book deals with.”

Grabowski has found many Poles are still not ready to face the past and the fact that many of their ancestors took an active part in the extermination of the Jews.

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.

“Aftermath” is the first Polish film to deal with the responsibility of local residents for the massacres of Jews, and it has faced criticism by large groups in Poland who claim the movie s blackening their names on a global scale.

Like Grabowski, the film’s star Maciej Stuhr received death threats, and in several online forums there were comments such as “You are not a Pole anymore, you have become a Jew.” Grabowski knows these accusations well.

Whom did you meet during your research and how did you collect evidence of unknown massacres?

After I published my previous book in Polish, I was suddenly contacted by Holocaust survivors with interesting stories that I never knew before. I met with a lot of them in Israel, Canada, the US and elsewhere. They told me amazing stories that appeared later in the book. The most interesting change in the new book compare to the previous one is the fact that the new book also includes two diaries written by Jews while they were hiding in Poland, as well as new oral testimonies by Polish peasants and Jewish Holocaust survivors who hid and managed to stay alive.


Grabowski speaking recently at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. (photo credit: courtesy)

(Although his previous books were not translated into Hebrew, Grabowski says Yad Vashem in Jerusalem has shown interest in translating the new book.)

Nearly 1 million Poles fought the Nazis in the beginning of WW2... About 400,000 Poles fought the Nazis later on as Armia Krajowa.

In comparison the Polish Blue Police the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator unit had about 14,000 at it's peak. (Which included about 4,000 Ukrainians) so more like 10,000 Poles in the Blue Police.

The Jewish Ghetto Police the biggest Jewish Nazi collaborator unit had about 4,000 at it's peak.

So, actually Jews were actually Nazi collaborators at similar rates as Poles.... Considering Jews had smaller numbers than Poles.

But, as Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi controlled Warsaw Ghetto had admitted... The Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal than the Polish Blue Police.

The Terrible Choice

“The Jewish Police had a bad reputation even before the start of the 'resettlements'... Unlike the Polish Police, which did not take part in abductions for the labour camps, the Jewish Police did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and lack of morality… But their meanness reached a pinnacle in the course of the deportations... The police became mentally conditioned to doing this dirty work and, therefore, performed it with perfection... There are people who maintain that each society has the police it deserves, that the malaise of helping the occupier slaughter 300,000 Jews infected the entire society and is not limited to the police, who are only a mirror of our society. Other people argue that the police is the haven of the morally weak psychological types, who do everything in their power to survive the difficult times, who believe that the end determines all means, and the end is to survive the war – even if survival is bound up with the taking of other people's lives
People died on their land all over the World.... But... When Polish Catholics, and Polish Jews both died on their lands in WW2.... Then many stupid f*cking Jews think Poles must be responsible.

You are some of the most dumb, and selfish people I've ever encountered.
Too much blah blah blah but but but....to avoid a simple question. The worst horrors of the Nazi's occurred...guess where...drum roll please....Poland!

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.



Jan T Gross is a Jewish retard who said Poles killed more Jews than Germans.

There were German shells found at Jedwabne.

Most sources say only 10 - 20 Poles even took part in Jedwabne.

The reason why some Poles took part in Jedwabne is because local Jews were collaborating with the Soviet NKVD to send Poles to Gulags
Too much blah blah blah but but but....to avoid a simple question. The worst horrors of the Nazi's occurred...guess where...drum roll please....Poland!

The worst horrors of the British Empire happened against India on Indian land.

All over the world people were murdered by others on their own land.

But, the dumb, selfish Jews think that where ever things happen, must be who's responsible.
Did the Indians also participate in killing an ethnic minority that lived in India, that's exactly what the Poles did.

Most Poles actually fought the Nazis, you Jewish retarded Animal.
The Poles did such a good job fighting the Nazis that the worst atrocities on Jews were committed in Poland.

And then when the Nazis left, the Poles turned on their fellow Jews and starting killing them by themselves.

New Book Examines Poles Who Killed Jews During WWII

On the other hand there was no great love between Poles and Jews before World War II.

“During the war these relationships became even more hostile. A large segment of the Polish population was displeased with their neighbors’ help to the Jews during the war, and for many it seemed even as an unpatriotic step. Therefore, some segments of the Polish population took an active part in the hunt for the Jews, and that is what the new book deals with.”

Grabowski has found many Poles are still not ready to face the past and the fact that many of their ancestors took an active part in the extermination of the Jews.

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.

“Aftermath” is the first Polish film to deal with the responsibility of local residents for the massacres of Jews, and it has faced criticism by large groups in Poland who claim the movie s blackening their names on a global scale.

Like Grabowski, the film’s star Maciej Stuhr received death threats, and in several online forums there were comments such as “You are not a Pole anymore, you have become a Jew.” Grabowski knows these accusations well.

Whom did you meet during your research and how did you collect evidence of unknown massacres?

After I published my previous book in Polish, I was suddenly contacted by Holocaust survivors with interesting stories that I never knew before. I met with a lot of them in Israel, Canada, the US and elsewhere. They told me amazing stories that appeared later in the book. The most interesting change in the new book compare to the previous one is the fact that the new book also includes two diaries written by Jews while they were hiding in Poland, as well as new oral testimonies by Polish peasants and Jewish Holocaust survivors who hid and managed to stay alive.


Grabowski speaking recently at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. (photo credit: courtesy)

(Although his previous books were not translated into Hebrew, Grabowski says Yad Vashem in Jerusalem has shown interest in translating the new book. )

Nazis spent way more on military than Poles, they built up their military vehicles, and tanks in the takeover of Czech lands including Skoda, and got raw materials in for their war effort from the Soviet Union unlike Poland.

Some of the biggest atrocities of WW2 also happened against Poles by Nazis, Nazis killed 200,000 Poles in Warsaw, including the nasty Wola Massacre where in a couple of weeks more than 40,000 Poles were killed.
Why because they had staged the Warsaw Uprising against Nazi Germany.
That doesn't take away the atrocities committed against Polish Jews by both the Nazis and the Poles themselves, does it?
Too much blah blah blah but but but....to avoid a simple question. The worst horrors of the Nazi's occurred...guess where...drum roll please....Poland!

The worst horrors of the British Empire happened against India on Indian land.

All over the world people were murdered by others on their own land.

But, the dumb, selfish Jews think that where ever things happen, must be who's responsible.
Did the Indians also participate in killing an ethnic minority that lived in India, that's exactly what the Poles did.

Most Poles actually fought the Nazis, you Jewish retarded Animal.
The Poles did such a good job fighting the Nazis that the worst atrocities on Jews were committed in Poland.

And then when the Nazis left, the Poles turned on their fellow Jews and starting killing them by themselves.

New Book Examines Poles Who Killed Jews During WWII

On the other hand there was no great love between Poles and Jews before World War II.

“During the war these relationships became even more hostile. A large segment of the Polish population was displeased with their neighbors’ help to the Jews during the war, and for many it seemed even as an unpatriotic step. Therefore, some segments of the Polish population took an active part in the hunt for the Jews, and that is what the new book deals with.”

Grabowski has found many Poles are still not ready to face the past and the fact that many of their ancestors took an active part in the extermination of the Jews.

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.

“Aftermath” is the first Polish film to deal with the responsibility of local residents for the massacres of Jews, and it has faced criticism by large groups in Poland who claim the movie s blackening their names on a global scale.

Like Grabowski, the film’s star Maciej Stuhr received death threats, and in several online forums there were comments such as “You are not a Pole anymore, you have become a Jew.” Grabowski knows these accusations well.

Whom did you meet during your research and how did you collect evidence of unknown massacres?

After I published my previous book in Polish, I was suddenly contacted by Holocaust survivors with interesting stories that I never knew before. I met with a lot of them in Israel, Canada, the US and elsewhere. They told me amazing stories that appeared later in the book. The most interesting change in the new book compare to the previous one is the fact that the new book also includes two diaries written by Jews while they were hiding in Poland, as well as new oral testimonies by Polish peasants and Jewish Holocaust survivors who hid and managed to stay alive.


Grabowski speaking recently at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. (photo credit: courtesy)

(Although his previous books were not translated into Hebrew, Grabowski says Yad Vashem in Jerusalem has shown interest in translating the new book.)

Nearly 1 million Poles fought the Nazis in the beginning of WW2... About 400,000 Poles fought the Nazis later on as Armia Krajowa.

In comparison the Polish Blue Police the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator unit had about 14,000 at it's peak. (Which included about 4,000 Ukrainians) so more like 10,000 Poles in the Blue Police.

The Jewish Ghetto Police the biggest Jewish Nazi collaborator unit had about 4,000 at it's peak.

So, actually Jews were actually Nazi collaborators at similar rates as Poles.... Considering Jews had smaller numbers than Poles.

But, as Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi controlled Warsaw Ghetto had admitted... The Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal than the Polish Blue Police.

The Terrible Choice

“The Jewish Police had a bad reputation even before the start of the 'resettlements'... Unlike the Polish Police, which did not take part in abductions for the labour camps, the Jewish Police did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and lack of morality… But their meanness reached a pinnacle in the course of the deportations... The police became mentally conditioned to doing this dirty work and, therefore, performed it with perfection... There are people who maintain that each society has the police it deserves, that the malaise of helping the occupier slaughter 300,000 Jews infected the entire society and is not limited to the police, who are only a mirror of our society. Other people argue that the police is the haven of the morally weak psychological types, who do everything in their power to survive the difficult times, who believe that the end determines all means, and the end is to survive the war – even if survival is bound up with the taking of other people's lives
Blah blah blah. Many countries caught the Nazis so what. It still doesn't explain why the Nazis installed worst death camps in Poland, and why Poles themselves committed atrocities on Jews.
Too much blah blah blah but but but....to avoid a simple question. The worst horrors of the Nazi's occurred...guess where...drum roll please....Poland!

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.



Jan T Gross is a Jewish retard who said Poles killed more Jews than Germans.

There were German shells found at Jedwabne.

Most sources say only 10 - 20 Poles even took part in Jedwabne.

The reason why some Poles took part in Jedwabne is because local Jews were collaborating with the Soviet NKVD to send Poles to Gulags
Lying about what happened and historical revisionism won't help either.
Too much blah blah blah but but but....to avoid a simple question. The worst horrors of the Nazi's occurred...guess where...drum roll please....Poland!

The worst horrors of the British Empire happened against India on Indian land.

All over the world people were murdered by others on their own land.

But, the dumb, selfish Jews think that where ever things happen, must be who's responsible.
Did the Indians also participate in killing an ethnic minority that lived in India, that's exactly what the Poles did.

Most Poles actually fought the Nazis, you Jewish retarded Animal.

And then when the Nazis left, the Poles turned on their fellow Jews and starting killing them by themselves.

New Book Examines Poles Who Killed Jews During WWII

On the other hand there was no great love between Poles and Jews before World War II.

“During the war these relationships became even more hostile. A large segment of the Polish population was displeased with their neighbors’ help to the Jews during the war, and for many it seemed even as an unpatriotic step. Therefore, some segments of the Polish population took an active part in the hunt for the Jews, and that is what the new book deals with.”

Grabowski has found many Poles are still not ready to face the past and the fact that many of their ancestors took an active part in the extermination of the Jews.

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.

“Aftermath” is the first Polish film to deal with the responsibility of local residents for the massacres of Jews, and it has faced criticism by large groups in Poland who claim the movie s blackening their names on a global scale.

Like Grabowski, the film’s star Maciej Stuhr received death threats, and in several online forums there were comments such as “You are not a Pole anymore, you have become a Jew.” Grabowski knows these accusations well.

Whom did you meet during your research and how did you collect evidence of unknown massacres?

After I published my previous book in Polish, I was suddenly contacted by Holocaust survivors with interesting stories that I never knew before. I met with a lot of them in Israel, Canada, the US and elsewhere. They told me amazing stories that appeared later in the book. The most interesting change in the new book compare to the previous one is the fact that the new book also includes two diaries written by Jews while they were hiding in Poland, as well as new oral testimonies by Polish peasants and Jewish Holocaust survivors who hid and managed to stay alive.


Grabowski speaking recently at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. (photo credit: courtesy)

(Although his previous books were not translated into Hebrew, Grabowski says Yad Vashem in Jerusalem has shown interest in translating the new book.)

About 99% of killings post WW2 were Soviet on Polish.... Many of those Soviets were Jews.

The UB run by Jew Jakub Berman first in command, and Jew Roman Romkowski second in command killed 6,000 Poles, and imprisoned 500,000 Polish political prisoners.

Jew Salomon Morel killed, tortured, and enslaved thousands of Poles in Lublin Castle, at the Zgoda Labour Camp, and at Camp Jaworzno.

Even Polish hero Witold Pilecki was tortured, and killed by Jews Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski.

Witold Pilecki was a captain of Armia Krajowa who fought in the Warsaw Uprising against Nazi Germany, and who volunteered to be captured, and imprisoned in Auschwitz so he could escape and gather information about the Holocaust, and document it in Witold's Report.
Zzzzzzz, you need to stop repeating Nazi propaganda, nobody's falling for this repetitive garbage. The Jews as a people suffered the most during World War II and the Soviet Union, you ignorant dumbass.
No shit Sherlock. But the death camps in Poland alone were responsible for killing over three million Jews.
"Polish death camp" and "Polish concentration camp" are terms that have been used in international media, and by public figures, in reference to concentration camps built and run by Nazi Germany in the General Government and other parts of occupied Poland during World War II. The use of these terms has been described as insulting by the Polish foreign minister Adam Daniel Rotfeld (himself a Jewish Holocaust survivor) in 2005, who also alleged that – intentionally or unintentionally – it shifted the responsibility for the design, planning, construction or operation of the camps from the German to the Polish people. The use of these terms, explicitly mentioning "Poland" or "Polish", has been discouraged by the Polish and Israeli governments, Polish diaspora organizations around the world, and Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Committee.
In August 2016, the cabinet of Poland, led by Prime Minister Beata Szydło and her Law and Justice party, approved legislation that would outlaw the use of the phrase "Polish death camps". It was expected to pass by wide margins in the Parliament, also dominated by Law and Justice. Under the law, a person who uses a phrase such as "Polish death camp" may be sentenced to up to three years in prison

"Polish death camp" controversy - Wikipedia
Just think Roudy, your a criminal now. HA HA
Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.



Jan T Gross is a Jewish retard who said Poles killed more Jews than Germans.

There were German shells found at Jedwabne.

Most sources say only 10 - 20 Poles even took part in Jedwabne.

The reason why some Poles took part in Jedwabne is because local Jews were collaborating with the Soviet NKVD to send Poles to Gulags
Lying about what happened and historical revisionism won't help either.

What Wikipedia has to say about Jedwabne.

Jedwabne pogrom - Wikipedia

Described as a massacre or a pogrom by postwar historians, it resulted in the death of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages,[2] locked in a barn later set on fire. A group of 23 Polish males was involved, after being summoned in Jedwabne by a German paramilitary group known as the Ordnungspolizei.

At first, many Polish Jews were relieved to learn that the Soviets, rather than the Nazis, were to occupy their town, and unlike gentile Poles, publicly welcomed the Red Army as their protectors.[10][18] Some people from other ethnic groups in Kresy, particularly Belarusians, also openly welcomed the Soviets.[18] Administrative jobs were offered to Jews who declared Soviet allegiance. Some Jews joined a Soviet militia overseeing deportations of ethnic Poles organized by the NKVD. At least one witness testimony says that during round-ups, armed Jewish militiamen were seen to be guarding those being prepared for deportation to Siberia. A total of 22,353 Poles (entire families) were deported from the vicinity.[19][20] Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, undercutting nearly everyone's material needs.[10] The Soviet secret police accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens, both gentile and Jewish, and spread terror throughout the region.[8][21] Waves of arrests, expulsions and prison executions continued until June 20–21, 1941
The worst horrors of the British Empire happened against India on Indian land.

All over the world people were murdered by others on their own land.

But, the dumb, selfish Jews think that where ever things happen, must be who's responsible.
Did the Indians also participate in killing an ethnic minority that lived in India, that's exactly what the Poles did.

Most Poles actually fought the Nazis, you Jewish retarded Animal.
The Poles did such a good job fighting the Nazis that the worst atrocities on Jews were committed in Poland.

And then when the Nazis left, the Poles turned on their fellow Jews and starting killing them by themselves.

New Book Examines Poles Who Killed Jews During WWII

On the other hand there was no great love between Poles and Jews before World War II.

“During the war these relationships became even more hostile. A large segment of the Polish population was displeased with their neighbors’ help to the Jews during the war, and for many it seemed even as an unpatriotic step. Therefore, some segments of the Polish population took an active part in the hunt for the Jews, and that is what the new book deals with.”

Grabowski has found many Poles are still not ready to face the past and the fact that many of their ancestors took an active part in the extermination of the Jews.

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.

“Aftermath” is the first Polish film to deal with the responsibility of local residents for the massacres of Jews, and it has faced criticism by large groups in Poland who claim the movie s blackening their names on a global scale.

Like Grabowski, the film’s star Maciej Stuhr received death threats, and in several online forums there were comments such as “You are not a Pole anymore, you have become a Jew.” Grabowski knows these accusations well.

Whom did you meet during your research and how did you collect evidence of unknown massacres?

After I published my previous book in Polish, I was suddenly contacted by Holocaust survivors with interesting stories that I never knew before. I met with a lot of them in Israel, Canada, the US and elsewhere. They told me amazing stories that appeared later in the book. The most interesting change in the new book compare to the previous one is the fact that the new book also includes two diaries written by Jews while they were hiding in Poland, as well as new oral testimonies by Polish peasants and Jewish Holocaust survivors who hid and managed to stay alive.


Grabowski speaking recently at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. (photo credit: courtesy)

(Although his previous books were not translated into Hebrew, Grabowski says Yad Vashem in Jerusalem has shown interest in translating the new book.)

Nearly 1 million Poles fought the Nazis in the beginning of WW2... About 400,000 Poles fought the Nazis later on as Armia Krajowa.

In comparison the Polish Blue Police the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator unit had about 14,000 at it's peak. (Which included about 4,000 Ukrainians) so more like 10,000 Poles in the Blue Police.

The Jewish Ghetto Police the biggest Jewish Nazi collaborator unit had about 4,000 at it's peak.

So, actually Jews were actually Nazi collaborators at similar rates as Poles.... Considering Jews had smaller numbers than Poles.

But, as Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi controlled Warsaw Ghetto had admitted... The Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal than the Polish Blue Police.

The Terrible Choice

“The Jewish Police had a bad reputation even before the start of the 'resettlements'... Unlike the Polish Police, which did not take part in abductions for the labour camps, the Jewish Police did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and lack of morality… But their meanness reached a pinnacle in the course of the deportations... The police became mentally conditioned to doing this dirty work and, therefore, performed it with perfection... There are people who maintain that each society has the police it deserves, that the malaise of helping the occupier slaughter 300,000 Jews infected the entire society and is not limited to the police, who are only a mirror of our society. Other people argue that the police is the haven of the morally weak psychological types, who do everything in their power to survive the difficult times, who believe that the end determines all means, and the end is to survive the war – even if survival is bound up with the taking of other people's lives
It still doesn't explain why the Nazis installed worst death camps in Poland, and why Poles themselves committed atrocities on Jews.

Why did Britain setup their concentration camps for Boers on Boer South African lands, rather than on their British lands?
Maybe because it was of local convenience?

The fact is the first victims of Auschwitz were Poles, rather than Jews.
The worst horrors of the British Empire happened against India on Indian land.

All over the world people were murdered by others on their own land.

But, the dumb, selfish Jews think that where ever things happen, must be who's responsible.
Did the Indians also participate in killing an ethnic minority that lived in India, that's exactly what the Poles did.

Most Poles actually fought the Nazis, you Jewish retarded Animal.

And then when the Nazis left, the Poles turned on their fellow Jews and starting killing them by themselves.

New Book Examines Poles Who Killed Jews During WWII

On the other hand there was no great love between Poles and Jews before World War II.

“During the war these relationships became even more hostile. A large segment of the Polish population was displeased with their neighbors’ help to the Jews during the war, and for many it seemed even as an unpatriotic step. Therefore, some segments of the Polish population took an active part in the hunt for the Jews, and that is what the new book deals with.”

Grabowski has found many Poles are still not ready to face the past and the fact that many of their ancestors took an active part in the extermination of the Jews.

Only last November the movie “Pokłosie” (“Aftermath”) hit the screens in Poland. Opening this week in the US, it is based on Princeton professor Jan Gross’s explosive 2001 work “Neighbors,” which examined the massacre of Jews from Jedwabne village in Nazi-occupied Poland and states it was the Poles, not the Nazis, who were to blame.

“Aftermath” is the first Polish film to deal with the responsibility of local residents for the massacres of Jews, and it has faced criticism by large groups in Poland who claim the movie s blackening their names on a global scale.

Like Grabowski, the film’s star Maciej Stuhr received death threats, and in several online forums there were comments such as “You are not a Pole anymore, you have become a Jew.” Grabowski knows these accusations well.

Whom did you meet during your research and how did you collect evidence of unknown massacres?

After I published my previous book in Polish, I was suddenly contacted by Holocaust survivors with interesting stories that I never knew before. I met with a lot of them in Israel, Canada, the US and elsewhere. They told me amazing stories that appeared later in the book. The most interesting change in the new book compare to the previous one is the fact that the new book also includes two diaries written by Jews while they were hiding in Poland, as well as new oral testimonies by Polish peasants and Jewish Holocaust survivors who hid and managed to stay alive.


Grabowski speaking recently at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. (photo credit: courtesy)

(Although his previous books were not translated into Hebrew, Grabowski says Yad Vashem in Jerusalem has shown interest in translating the new book.)

About 99% of killings post WW2 were Soviet on Polish.... Many of those Soviets were Jews.

The UB run by Jew Jakub Berman first in command, and Jew Roman Romkowski second in command killed 6,000 Poles, and imprisoned 500,000 Polish political prisoners.

Jew Salomon Morel killed, tortured, and enslaved thousands of Poles in Lublin Castle, at the Zgoda Labour Camp, and at Camp Jaworzno.

Even Polish hero Witold Pilecki was tortured, and killed by Jews Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski.

Witold Pilecki was a captain of Armia Krajowa who fought in the Warsaw Uprising against Nazi Germany, and who volunteered to be captured, and imprisoned in Auschwitz so he could escape and gather information about the Holocaust, and document it in Witold's Report.
The Jews as a people suffered the most during World War II and the Soviet Union, you ignorant dumbass.

More Russians were killed by Nazis, and Soviets than the Jews were.

A fact which is rarely mentioned.

I learned in our stupid public schools that Hitler killed Jews in the Holocaust, and Stalin killed Jews in the purges.

But, I didn't learn about the Russians killed.

How come?

Oh, and the reason why Jews were disproportionately targeted in the Purges, was because the NKVD was 40% Jewish in the early to mid 1930's.... This is the NKVD which terrorized Ukraine in the Holodomor.
No shit Sherlock. But the death camps in Poland alone were responsible for killing over three million Jews.

Poland just released the most detailed list of Nazi guards ever created, taking from German, Austrian, Polish, U.S.A, and Russian sources.

Guess what they were overwhelmingly German Nazis.

You have no concept of reality, you're a very, very dumb Jew.
In August 2016, the cabinet of Poland, led by Prime Minister Beata Szydło and her Law and Justice party, approved legislation that would outlaw the use of the phrase "Polish death camps". It was expected to pass by wide margins in the Parliament, also dominated by Law and Justice. Under the law, a person who uses a phrase such as "Polish death camp" may be sentenced to up to three years in prison

"Polish death camp" controversy - Wikipedia
Just think Roudy, your a criminal now. HA HA

The Jews, and Liberals in the Western Media, keep saying this law by Poland discourages freedom of speech, and debate on "Poland's complicity"

Big question... Where were these Jews, and Liberals in the Western media, to say that Holocaust denial being criminalized, discourages freedom of speech, and debate on "The Holocaust"

Jan T Gross is a Jewish retard who said Poles killed more Jews than Germans.

There were German shells found at Jedwabne.

Most sources say only 10 - 20 Poles even took part in Jedwabne.

The reason why some Poles took part in Jedwabne is because local Jews were collaborating with the Soviet NKVD to send Poles to Gulags
Lying about what happened and historical revisionism won't help either.

What Wikipedia has to say about Jedwabne.

Jedwabne pogrom - Wikipedia

Described as a massacre or a pogrom by postwar historians, it resulted in the death of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages,[2] locked in a barn later set on fire. A group of 23 Polish males was involved, after being summoned in Jedwabne by a German paramilitary group known as the Ordnungspolizei.

At first, many Polish Jews were relieved to learn that the Soviets, rather than the Nazis, were to occupy their town, and unlike gentile Poles, publicly welcomed the Red Army as their protectors.[10][18] Some people from other ethnic groups in Kresy, particularly Belarusians, also openly welcomed the Soviets.[18] Administrative jobs were offered to Jews who declared Soviet allegiance. Some Jews joined a Soviet militia overseeing deportations of ethnic Poles organized by the NKVD. At least one witness testimony says that during round-ups, armed Jewish militiamen were seen to be guarding those being prepared for deportation to Siberia. A total of 22,353 Poles (entire families) were deported from the vicinity.[19][20] Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, undercutting nearly everyone's material needs.[10] The Soviet secret police accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens, both gentile and Jewish, and spread terror throughout the region.[8][21] Waves of arrests, expulsions and prison executions continued until June 20–21, 1941
Dumbass can't even read his own link, here are your fantastic Poles:

On the morning of July 10, 1941, by the order of mayor Marian Karolak and the German paramilitaries billeted to the town,[1] a group of Polish men from around Jedwabne and neighboring settlements was assembled.[28] They then rounded up the local Jews as well as those seeking refuge from nearby towns and villages such as Wizna and Kolno. The Jews were taken to the square in the centre of Jedwabne, where they were ordered to pluck grass, attacked and beaten. A group of Jewish men were forced by the Germans to demolish a statue of Lenin that had been put up earlier by the Soviets (as in Kolno),[29][30] and then carry it out of town while singing Soviet songs. The local rabbi was forced to lead this procession of about 40 people. The group was taken to a barn,[19] killed and buried, along with fragments of the monument. Later that day, most of the remaining Jews, estimated at around 250[19] to 300 (IPN final findings),[31] were led to the same barn, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene from the former Soviet supplies (or German gasoline, by different accounts) in the presence of eight German paramilitaries, who shot those who tried to escape.[19] The remains of both groups were buried in two mass graves in the barn.[19] Exhumations led to the discovery not only of the charred bodies of the victims in two mass graves, but also of the bust of Lenin (previously assumed to have been buried at a Jewish cemetery) as well as bullets that, according to a statement by Leon Kieres, the chief of the IPN, in 2000, could have been fired in 1941 Walther P38 type pistols.[19]

German photographers, seen by many witnesses, photographed the pogrom. Some sources claim that a movie made by the Germans during the massacre was shown in cinemas in Warsaw to document the alleged spontaneous hatred of local people towards the Jews.

Jan T Gross is a Jewish retard who said Poles killed more Jews than Germans.

There were German shells found at Jedwabne.

Most sources say only 10 - 20 Poles even took part in Jedwabne.

The reason why some Poles took part in Jedwabne is because local Jews were collaborating with the Soviet NKVD to send Poles to Gulags
Lying about what happened and historical revisionism won't help either.

What Wikipedia has to say about Jedwabne.

Jedwabne pogrom - Wikipedia

Described as a massacre or a pogrom by postwar historians, it resulted in the death of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages,[2] locked in a barn later set on fire. A group of 23 Polish males was involved, after being summoned in Jedwabne by a German paramilitary group known as the Ordnungspolizei.

At first, many Polish Jews were relieved to learn that the Soviets, rather than the Nazis, were to occupy their town, and unlike gentile Poles, publicly welcomed the Red Army as their protectors.[10][18] Some people from other ethnic groups in Kresy, particularly Belarusians, also openly welcomed the Soviets.[18] Administrative jobs were offered to Jews who declared Soviet allegiance. Some Jews joined a Soviet militia overseeing deportations of ethnic Poles organized by the NKVD. At least one witness testimony says that during round-ups, armed Jewish militiamen were seen to be guarding those being prepared for deportation to Siberia. A total of 22,353 Poles (entire families) were deported from the vicinity.[19][20] Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, undercutting nearly everyone's material needs.[10] The Soviet secret police accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens, both gentile and Jewish, and spread terror throughout the region.[8][21] Waves of arrests, expulsions and prison executions continued until June 20–21, 1941
Dumbass can't even read his own link, here are your fantastic Poles:

On the morning of July 10, 1941, by the order of mayor Marian Karolak and the German paramilitaries billeted to the town,[1] a group of Polish men from around Jedwabne and neighboring settlements was assembled.[28] They then rounded up the local Jews as well as those seeking refuge from nearby towns and villages such as Wizna and Kolno. The Jews were taken to the square in the centre of Jedwabne, where they were ordered to pluck grass, attacked and beaten. A group of Jewish men were forced by the Germans to demolish a statue of Lenin that had been put up earlier by the Soviets (as in Kolno),[29][30] and then carry it out of town while singing Soviet songs. The local rabbi was forced to lead this procession of about 40 people. The group was taken to a barn,[19] killed and buried, along with fragments of the monument. Later that day, most of the remaining Jews, estimated at around 250[19] to 300 (IPN final findings),[31] were led to the same barn, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene from the former Soviet supplies (or German gasoline, by different accounts) in the presence of eight German paramilitaries, who shot those who tried to escape.[19] The remains of both groups were buried in two mass graves in the barn.[19] Exhumations led to the discovery not only of the charred bodies of the victims in two mass graves, but also of the bust of Lenin (previously assumed to have been buried at a Jewish cemetery) as well as bullets that, according to a statement by Leon Kieres, the chief of the IPN, in 2000, could have been fired in 1941 Walther P38 type pistols.[19]

German photographers, seen by many witnesses, photographed the pogrom. Some sources claim that a movie made by the Germans during the massacre was shown in cinemas in Warsaw to document the alleged spontaneous hatred of local people towards the Jews.

Jedwabne happened because your Jews were oppressing, and killing Poles with the NKVD before this happened.

You Jews think it's your God given right to f*ck with people, and then can't grasp why you're hated, and killed.

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, Józef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the NKVD and preparing the next deportation transports to Siberia.

Jan T Gross is a Jewish retard who said Poles killed more Jews than Germans.

There were German shells found at Jedwabne.

Most sources say only 10 - 20 Poles even took part in Jedwabne.

The reason why some Poles took part in Jedwabne is because local Jews were collaborating with the Soviet NKVD to send Poles to Gulags
Lying about what happened and historical revisionism won't help either.

What Wikipedia has to say about Jedwabne.

Jedwabne pogrom - Wikipedia

Described as a massacre or a pogrom by postwar historians, it resulted in the death of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages,[2] locked in a barn later set on fire. A group of 23 Polish males was involved, after being summoned in Jedwabne by a German paramilitary group known as the Ordnungspolizei.

At first, many Polish Jews were relieved to learn that the Soviets, rather than the Nazis, were to occupy their town, and unlike gentile Poles, publicly welcomed the Red Army as their protectors.[10][18] Some people from other ethnic groups in Kresy, particularly Belarusians, also openly welcomed the Soviets.[18] Administrative jobs were offered to Jews who declared Soviet allegiance. Some Jews joined a Soviet militia overseeing deportations of ethnic Poles organized by the NKVD. At least one witness testimony says that during round-ups, armed Jewish militiamen were seen to be guarding those being prepared for deportation to Siberia. A total of 22,353 Poles (entire families) were deported from the vicinity.[19][20] Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, undercutting nearly everyone's material needs.[10] The Soviet secret police accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens, both gentile and Jewish, and spread terror throughout the region.[8][21] Waves of arrests, expulsions and prison executions continued until June 20–21, 1941
Dumbass can't even read his own link, here are your fantastic Poles:

On the morning of July 10, 1941, by the order of mayor Marian Karolak and the German paramilitaries billeted to the town,[1] a group of Polish men from around Jedwabne and neighboring settlements was assembled.[28] They then rounded up the local Jews as well as those seeking refuge from nearby towns and villages such as Wizna and Kolno. The Jews were taken to the square in the centre of Jedwabne, where they were ordered to pluck grass, attacked and beaten. A group of Jewish men were forced by the Germans to demolish a statue of Lenin that had been put up earlier by the Soviets (as in Kolno),[29][30] and then carry it out of town while singing Soviet songs. The local rabbi was forced to lead this procession of about 40 people. The group was taken to a barn,[19] killed and buried, along with fragments of the monument. Later that day, most of the remaining Jews, estimated at around 250[19] to 300 (IPN final findings),[31] were led to the same barn, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene from the former Soviet supplies (or German gasoline, by different accounts) in the presence of eight German paramilitaries, who shot those who tried to escape.[19] The remains of both groups were buried in two mass graves in the barn.[19] Exhumations led to the discovery not only of the charred bodies of the victims in two mass graves, but also of the bust of Lenin (previously assumed to have been buried at a Jewish cemetery) as well as bullets that, according to a statement by Leon Kieres, the chief of the IPN, in 2000, could have been fired in 1941 Walther P38 type pistols.[19]

German photographers, seen by many witnesses, photographed the pogrom. Some sources claim that a movie made by the Germans during the massacre was shown in cinemas in Warsaw to document the alleged spontaneous hatred of local people towards the Jews.

Jedwabne happened because your Jews were oppressing, and killing Poles with the NKVD before this happened.

You Jews think it's your God given right to f*ck with people, and then can't grasp why you're hated, and killed.

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, Józef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the NKVD and preparing the next deportation transports to Siberia.
Meh, nobody cares what a blog blogist moron says. Epic fail.
Jan T Gross is a Jewish retard who said Poles killed more Jews than Germans.

There were German shells found at Jedwabne.

Most sources say only 10 - 20 Poles even took part in Jedwabne.

The reason why some Poles took part in Jedwabne is because local Jews were collaborating with the Soviet NKVD to send Poles to Gulags
Lying about what happened and historical revisionism won't help either.

What Wikipedia has to say about Jedwabne.

Jedwabne pogrom - Wikipedia

Described as a massacre or a pogrom by postwar historians, it resulted in the death of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages,[2] locked in a barn later set on fire. A group of 23 Polish males was involved, after being summoned in Jedwabne by a German paramilitary group known as the Ordnungspolizei.

At first, many Polish Jews were relieved to learn that the Soviets, rather than the Nazis, were to occupy their town, and unlike gentile Poles, publicly welcomed the Red Army as their protectors.[10][18] Some people from other ethnic groups in Kresy, particularly Belarusians, also openly welcomed the Soviets.[18] Administrative jobs were offered to Jews who declared Soviet allegiance. Some Jews joined a Soviet militia overseeing deportations of ethnic Poles organized by the NKVD. At least one witness testimony says that during round-ups, armed Jewish militiamen were seen to be guarding those being prepared for deportation to Siberia. A total of 22,353 Poles (entire families) were deported from the vicinity.[19][20] Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, undercutting nearly everyone's material needs.[10] The Soviet secret police accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens, both gentile and Jewish, and spread terror throughout the region.[8][21] Waves of arrests, expulsions and prison executions continued until June 20–21, 1941
Dumbass can't even read his own link, here are your fantastic Poles:

On the morning of July 10, 1941, by the order of mayor Marian Karolak and the German paramilitaries billeted to the town,[1] a group of Polish men from around Jedwabne and neighboring settlements was assembled.[28] They then rounded up the local Jews as well as those seeking refuge from nearby towns and villages such as Wizna and Kolno. The Jews were taken to the square in the centre of Jedwabne, where they were ordered to pluck grass, attacked and beaten. A group of Jewish men were forced by the Germans to demolish a statue of Lenin that had been put up earlier by the Soviets (as in Kolno),[29][30] and then carry it out of town while singing Soviet songs. The local rabbi was forced to lead this procession of about 40 people. The group was taken to a barn,[19] killed and buried, along with fragments of the monument. Later that day, most of the remaining Jews, estimated at around 250[19] to 300 (IPN final findings),[31] were led to the same barn, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene from the former Soviet supplies (or German gasoline, by different accounts) in the presence of eight German paramilitaries, who shot those who tried to escape.[19] The remains of both groups were buried in two mass graves in the barn.[19] Exhumations led to the discovery not only of the charred bodies of the victims in two mass graves, but also of the bust of Lenin (previously assumed to have been buried at a Jewish cemetery) as well as bullets that, according to a statement by Leon Kieres, the chief of the IPN, in 2000, could have been fired in 1941 Walther P38 type pistols.[19]

German photographers, seen by many witnesses, photographed the pogrom. Some sources claim that a movie made by the Germans during the massacre was shown in cinemas in Warsaw to document the alleged spontaneous hatred of local people towards the Jews.

Jedwabne happened because your Jews were oppressing, and killing Poles with the NKVD before this happened.

You Jews think it's your God given right to f*ck with people, and then can't grasp why you're hated, and killed.

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, Józef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the NKVD and preparing the next deportation transports to Siberia.
Meh, nobody cares what a blog blogist moron says. Epic fail.

Jews killed way more Poles than vice versa.

Maybe even 10,000 Poles were killed by Jewish Soviets, most notable being Jakub Berman, and Salomon Morel.

Your completely disgusting Jews just kick, and scream about Jedwabne, which didn't even come close.

I've not encountered a more disgusting people in my life than your Jews.

I have not one ounce of sympathy for Jews.
Lying about what happened and historical revisionism won't help either.

What Wikipedia has to say about Jedwabne.

Jedwabne pogrom - Wikipedia

Described as a massacre or a pogrom by postwar historians, it resulted in the death of at least 340 Polish Jews of all ages,[2] locked in a barn later set on fire. A group of 23 Polish males was involved, after being summoned in Jedwabne by a German paramilitary group known as the Ordnungspolizei.

At first, many Polish Jews were relieved to learn that the Soviets, rather than the Nazis, were to occupy their town, and unlike gentile Poles, publicly welcomed the Red Army as their protectors.[10][18] Some people from other ethnic groups in Kresy, particularly Belarusians, also openly welcomed the Soviets.[18] Administrative jobs were offered to Jews who declared Soviet allegiance. Some Jews joined a Soviet militia overseeing deportations of ethnic Poles organized by the NKVD. At least one witness testimony says that during round-ups, armed Jewish militiamen were seen to be guarding those being prepared for deportation to Siberia. A total of 22,353 Poles (entire families) were deported from the vicinity.[19][20] Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, undercutting nearly everyone's material needs.[10] The Soviet secret police accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens, both gentile and Jewish, and spread terror throughout the region.[8][21] Waves of arrests, expulsions and prison executions continued until June 20–21, 1941
Dumbass can't even read his own link, here are your fantastic Poles:

On the morning of July 10, 1941, by the order of mayor Marian Karolak and the German paramilitaries billeted to the town,[1] a group of Polish men from around Jedwabne and neighboring settlements was assembled.[28] They then rounded up the local Jews as well as those seeking refuge from nearby towns and villages such as Wizna and Kolno. The Jews were taken to the square in the centre of Jedwabne, where they were ordered to pluck grass, attacked and beaten. A group of Jewish men were forced by the Germans to demolish a statue of Lenin that had been put up earlier by the Soviets (as in Kolno),[29][30] and then carry it out of town while singing Soviet songs. The local rabbi was forced to lead this procession of about 40 people. The group was taken to a barn,[19] killed and buried, along with fragments of the monument. Later that day, most of the remaining Jews, estimated at around 250[19] to 300 (IPN final findings),[31] were led to the same barn, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene from the former Soviet supplies (or German gasoline, by different accounts) in the presence of eight German paramilitaries, who shot those who tried to escape.[19] The remains of both groups were buried in two mass graves in the barn.[19] Exhumations led to the discovery not only of the charred bodies of the victims in two mass graves, but also of the bust of Lenin (previously assumed to have been buried at a Jewish cemetery) as well as bullets that, according to a statement by Leon Kieres, the chief of the IPN, in 2000, could have been fired in 1941 Walther P38 type pistols.[19]

German photographers, seen by many witnesses, photographed the pogrom. Some sources claim that a movie made by the Germans during the massacre was shown in cinemas in Warsaw to document the alleged spontaneous hatred of local people towards the Jews.

Jedwabne happened because your Jews were oppressing, and killing Poles with the NKVD before this happened.

You Jews think it's your God given right to f*ck with people, and then can't grasp why you're hated, and killed.

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, Józef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the NKVD and preparing the next deportation transports to Siberia.
Meh, nobody cares what a blog blogist moron says. Epic fail.

Jews killed way more Poles than vice versa.

Maybe even 10,000 Poles were killed by Jewish Soviets, most notable being Jakub Berman, and Salomon Morel.

Your completely disgusting Jews just kick, and scream about Jedwabne, which didn't even come close.

I've not encountered a more disgusting people in my life than your Jews.

I have not one ounce of sympathy for Jews.
"Jews killed way more Poles"

You see, when you utter vomit like that, you just prove you're just mentally insane and ignorant, just like the other antisemites. Carry on, donkey breath.

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