I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...

You DO know that -22 is WELL below freezing....WELL below what happened in Texas. :heehee:

Yeah.... the same experts in health (they told us that vaccines will kill you), Election Security (they told us that there was massive voter fraud), International Trade (they told us that we would easily win a trade war and exporters pay tariffs) are now telling us that secession will be fun and exciting for the whole family. Their record is so flawless...I don't know why you doubt them.
And where will your "federal dollars" come from? Most on your side of the fence will be sitting on your asses sucking the government tit while those on our side will be building factories and running farms.
You won't have any money. You will have to create your own currency and strike deals with the U.S. government to export your goods. You will have to sign a trade agreement with the nation you seceded from. It's a losing proposition for YOU.

All the lies you've been radicalized to believe will be shown false in the harshest way.
You won't have any money. You will have to create your own currency and strike deals with the U.S. government to export your goods. You will have to sign a trade agreement with the nation you seceded from. It's a losing proposition for YOU.

All the lies you've been radicalized to believe will be shown false in the harshest way.
Sure thing. Whatever you say.
They "want" an authoritarian strongman to run their country, too.


I don't think that is what they want.

What they want, is the same thing the Bernie Bros wanted.

These folks are just so damn tired of an UN-elected bureaucracy, and global corporations making all the decisions, and the people not having a voice in their own government anymore.

The courts, the regulatory agencies, the intelligence agencies, the multinational corporations, and international institutions have more say over folks lives, than they feel they do. And it really doesn't matter who the hell a person votes for, whether it is a person on the left, or the right, the implications for their lives will probably be the same.

. . . so if some demagogue comes along and makes promises to finally end that sort of madness? And actually represent them? What the hell do you think will happen?
If Texas secedes, it would be a mess for the USA, but an unmitigated disaster for Texas.

America would withdraw its infrastructure support, its open-bordered trade, its currency, power, water, and its military and Border Patrol support. Without these institutions in place, Texas would be helpless (at least for a while) to prevent an absolute flood of Cubans and Haitians, but also Mexicans, many or most of which would be mobsters, criminals, and thugs feasting on the filthy rich (Texas's GDP is higher than all of Mexico's) Texans, ripe for the taking. There would be a lot of violence as native Texans fought back, but it would be a losing fight.

It would also essentially open the borders into America completely, as the Border Patrol couldn't possibly patrol the increased length of the border. The crime would also spill over, as the Mexican cartels realized their massive new, unguarded market. The question of Texan support would bitterly divide Americans, which would still share a strong cultural bond with the Lone Star, and, of course, would still deeply desire both the oil and the deepwater port at Houston.

Eventually, I think Texas would be readmitted after a decade or two, but those would be rough years, with many deaths and a colossal price tag.
Far righters always threaten to secede. But if you actually talk to them, they tend to not understand what that means.

I was talking to a trucker from Texas who said after Texas secedes they will be better off, and when I pointed out that if they secede he'll have to get a visa tokeep working as a trucker. He said that he wouldnt need one cause he's an American. He was dumbfounded when I pointed out that if Texas secedes and he claims Texas citizenship, he forfeits his US citizenship, and would legally need a visa to work in the US .

I've met a few like this eho think they will retain the rights of US citizenship if their states secede.
Hopefully this nation can avoid breaking apart. Much depends on the next two elections, the midterms and the Presidential in 2024.

If this nation breaks apart the remnants will no longer be considered the most powerful nation in the world. In a decade or two the Chinese will take over much of the world and portions of what was the United States (the blue states will sell out). The Russians will make a move on Europe and restore many nations that left the USSR to a new Soviet Socialist Republic. Our grand experiment in a form of democracy in a republic run by the citizens will finally end in failure.

Plus if the nation breaks up what happens to Social Security, Medicare. Medicaid and a host of other programs we enjoy today.

It almost seems the Democrats are trying to break the nation up. Therefore the simple solution is to vote democrats out at all levels of government — local, state and national. If we boot them out as they deserve, perhaps the survivors can restore the Democratic Party to what it once was and stop pushing Marist socialism and castrating law enforcement and the justice system.

Sure thing. Whatever you say.
If you are no longer a U.S. state, your U.S. currency can't be used unless you make a trsdde agreement. And you just aren't going to get to just drive into other states. You will have a border wall constructed around you and if yiu tried sneaking into the U. without the proper documentation, you're an illegal immigrant. That's what secession means.
Hopefully this nation can avoid breaking apart. Much depends on the next two elections, the midterms and the Presidential in 2024.

If this nation breaks apart the remnants will no longer be considered the most powerful nation in the world. In a decade or two the Chinese will take over much of the world and portions of what was the United States (the blue states will sell out). The Russians will make a move on Europe and restore many nations that left the USSR to a new Soviet Socialist Republic. Our grand experiment in a form of democracy in a republic run by the citizens will finally end in failure.

Plus if the nation breaks up what happens to Social Security, Medicare. Medicaid and a host of other programs we enjoy today.

It almost seems the Democrats are trying to break the nation up. Therefore the simple solution is to vote democrats out at all levels of government — local, state and national. If we boot them out as they deserve, perhaps the survivors can restore the Democratic Party to what it once was and stop pushing Marist socialism and castrating law enforcement and the justice system.

You right wingers are trying to destroy America.
You right wingers are trying to destroy America.
Of course I disagree.

It isn’t the right wingers who were out rioting and burning down our cities In 2020. Trump Deplorables could have burned down the Capitol Building but they didn’t in the January 6th riot.

Right wingers are for prosecuting criminals while the democrat DAs are for not prosecuting most crimes. Right wingers are not involved in drive-by shootings and therefore one DA doesn’t want to prosecute drive-bys anymore because black shooters vastly outnumber white shooters.

Plus the Democratic Party is pushing to change our nation into a Marist socialist worker’s paradise. They would destroy our great experiment in individual freedom and the nation itself. Of course many of the fly over states would secede rather than join a Marist socialist government.

If our nation breaks apart eventually the Chinese will take over. If you think blacks have it tough today you will find the Chinese don’t give a good shit about how blacks suffered for 400 years. You and everybody else will be slave labor for the Chinese. The Chinese will teach all of us what true racism is.

If you are no longer a U.S. state, your U.S. currency can't be used unless you make a trsdde agreement. And you just aren't going to get to just drive into other states. You will have a border wall constructed around you and if yiu tried sneaking into the U. without the proper documentation, you're an illegal immigrant. That's what secession means.
That is basically why I hope we can avoid this nation breaking apart,

The best way to prevent it from happening is to vote all democrats we can out of office at all levels of government, local, state and national.

The way I see it is the next two elections will determine the future of our nation and if it continues to be a republic run by its citizens and elected representatives or a Marist socialist worker’s paradise run by a pack of communist dictators.

If you are no longer a U.S. state, your U.S. currency can't be used unless you make a trsdde agreement. And you just aren't going to get to just drive into other states. You will have a border wall constructed around you and if yiu tried sneaking into the U. without the proper documentation, you're an illegal immigrant. That's what secession means.
We will be a country. I doubt if we will be the US, but then neither will your side of the fence. No need for US currency so that point is moot. Currency is whatever we agree is currency, and what we will use as currency is of no concern to you on the other side.

You're terrified. Admit it. We are the makers and you are the takers and you're terrified that the tit will dry up. You speak as if your side is the majority, but all that you are is loud. You will be the outlanders. Get used to it.

It's charming the way you guys think you will be the bosses, the legitimate government. You've gotten away with pushing your will for far too long and that will stop.
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You won't have any money. You will have to create your own currency and strike deals with the U.S. government to export your goods. You will have to sign a trade agreement with the nation you seceded from. It's a losing proposition for YOU.

All the lies you've been radicalized to believe will be shown false in the harshest way.
But let them go anyways.....then we can point and laugh. Wait.............we point and laugh already. :heehee:
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If you are no longer a U.S. state, your U.S. currency can't be used unless you make a trsdde agreement. And you just aren't going to get to just drive into other states. You will have a border wall constructed around you and if yiu tried sneaking into the U. without the proper documentation, you're an illegal immigrant. That's what secession means.
Well, Texas was created by illegal immigrants in the first place, except for the original 300.
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Of course I disagree.

It isn’t the right wingers who were out rioting and burning down our cities In 2020. Trump Deplorables could have burned down the Capitol Building but they didn’t in the January 6th riot.

Right wingers are for prosecuting criminals while the democrat DAs are for not prosecuting most crimes. Right wingers are not involved in drive-by shootings and therefore one DA doesn’t want to prosecute drive-bys anymore because black shooters vastly outnumber white shooters.

Plus the Democratic Party is pushing to change our nation into a Marist socialist worker’s paradise. They would destroy our great experiment in individual freedom and the nation itself. Of course many of the fly over states would secede rather than join a Marist socialist government.

If our nation breaks apart eventually the Chinese will take over. If you think blacks have it tough today you will find the Chinese don’t give a good shit about how blacks suffered for 400 years. You and everybody else will be slave labor for the Chinese. The Chinese will teach all of us what true racism is.

How many cities have been burned down?
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Of course I disagree.

It isn’t the right wingers who were out rioting and burning down our cities In 2020. Trump Deplorables could have burned down the Capitol Building but they didn’t in the January 6th riot.

Right wingers are for prosecuting criminals while the democrat DAs are for not prosecuting most crimes. Right wingers are not involved in drive-by shootings and therefore one DA doesn’t want to prosecute drive-bys anymore because black shooters vastly outnumber white shooters.

Plus the Democratic Party is pushing to change our nation into a Marist socialist worker’s paradise. They would destroy our great experiment in individual freedom and the nation itself. Of course many of the fly over states would secede rather than join a Marist socialist government.

If our nation breaks apart eventually the Chinese will take over. If you think blacks have it tough today you will find the Chinese don’t give a good shit about how blacks suffered for 400 years. You and everybody else will be slave labor for the Chinese. The Chinese will teach all of us what true racism is.


More than one of the them were arrested and chanrged for trying to plant bombs.

and they were planning on assassinating the Vice President and members of Congress, and wanted to overthrow the government. And his isn't just "Trump Deplorables". It's the entire Republican party, aside of a few ACTUAL Republicans, who stood by and watched it happen, and enabled Trump and his cult, and then tried to rewrite history and claim that the attack was committed by democrats and crisis actors,

It's clear that the vast majority of Republicans would not shed a tear if Trump had succeeded in overthrowing democracy in this country.

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