I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...

Nah. I see getting rid of Blue states more like having an operation to cut the cancer out. Democrats want to remake the country and Republicans would rather work with what our founders gave us. Why shouldn't we both have a shot at what we want and believe in. You can have all the illegal aliens, take everyone's guns, defund police, allow riots and crash and grab theft, have thought and speech crimes, mandate wearing masks and vaccines for everyone, vaccine passports, lockdown everything you want ,go 100% renewable, teach your kids the evil of White people, raise taxes, inflate prices and maybe you will even be able to agree on everything that is racist (math?) and finally rid your utopia of White supremacists for good. All we want is freedom and a shot at the American dream.
Still just talking, I see. :heehee:
Idiots who demand such things are beyond ignorant. They have no idea what it would cost. First, taxes would go up. Way up.

Costs of maintaining highways for one example, would be born entirely by the State. You may say that isn’t a big deal, but think it through. It costs over a million dollars to scrape and resurface a single mile of highway. A million dollars for a single mile.

And no help from the Department of Transportation. How many millions of miles of roads are in Texas? And that money will have to be spent in the next ten, hell make it fifteen years if you don’t mind broken roads.

So what does Texas have to sell? Oil? To whom? There would be negotiations on trade agreements with the United States. Figure a couple years at the minimum, because it’s now an international trade issue.

Medicines? If Texas doesn’t make it, then it has to be imported, and without a trade agreement on prices the Tariff’s on exports would be rather expensive wouldn’t they? Unless you think that the companies will be thrilled to be reasonable on price.

Oh and companies leaving Texas. Toyota as one example. Until there is a trade agreement, the cars and trucks manufactured in Texas can’t go anywhere.

Military equipment? If you’re not going to steal the equipment, you’re going to be buying it from the United States. Then of course you’ll need parts to maintain the equipment. We already know what happens when Texas in paying for their National Guard themselves. They cut all the funding they can to everything else, and still end up screwing the soldiers out of pay and benefits.

So Secede. The US will wait while you founder and fail.
They’ve had a hair up their ass ever since the lost the war they started to prove they were better than the slaves .
Who is "they"? Don't forget which party left the union over the issue of slavery (among other things)
and which party, under Lincoln, fought a bloody war to keep the union intact.

Secession is a fairy tale, by the way. Tearing the nation in two because you hate the left, as most thinking
people do, is short sighted and the classic example of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.
Far righters always threaten to secede. But if you actually talk to them, they tend to not understand what that means.

I was talking to a trucker from Texas who said after Texas secedes they will be better off, and when I pointed out that if they secede he'll have to get a visa tokeep working as a trucker. He said that he wouldnt need one cause he's an American. He was dumbfounded when I pointed out that if Texas secedes and he claims Texas citizenship, he forfeits his US citizenship, and would legally need a visa to work in the US .

I've met a few like this eho think they will retain the rights of US citizenship if their states secede.

Sounds typical of the right.
Visa's aren't a huge concern, just an inconvenience. Am I for secession now? No. I don't think it got that bad yet. Do I support a secession under the right conditions? Yes, but it needs to be much more planned out than the first secession of the 1860s South.
Ah was spending a problem under the REPUBLICAN Trump then? You are eager to condemn it when Biden does it, so what's your opinion when Trump did it?
Spending above revenue levels is a problem regardless of which figurehead is sitting in the oval office.
The self-perpetuating federal bureaucracy has become to large and powerful for any POTUS to reverse our overspending problem.
Spending bills originate in the HOR.
So, you whine and whine and threaten "cleansing"? What a thuggish snowflake you are. :heehee:
Are you mentally deficient? :cuckoo:

Just stating the way things are from a historical perspective, not how I'd want them to be.

Ideological differences are such now that they have reached almost religious proportions (particularly on the left) so I'm not seeing a peaceful resolution in the cards at this point.....Just a downward spiral that ends badly for everyone.

As a example take this afternoon....Tater is going to give a speech in GA on the "voting right" scam the left is trying to foist upon America and relay his support of changing the Senate filibuster rules to that end.

Now you would be correct in assuming that the right-leaning and even some on the left (like Manchin) don't want anything to do with it as we see it for what it is, the aforementioned scam with 0 mandate.

But here's the kicker, the far left (like Stacy Abrams) is boycotting his speech saying they don't want speeches, they want action. There's no talking to people like that.

LOL.....Maybe she's looking to be the gap-toothed Lord Humungus. ;)
If Texas secedes, it will be annexed by Mexico...and we'll all just stand by and laugh!!!!!
The light s went out because of an over reliance on windmills. California has rolling blackouts in perfect weather...lol
No. They went out because the generating plants weren't weatherized to Federal standards, and the gas heads froze stopping natural gas to the generators. Neither has been fixed.
During Texas’ first strong cold front of the winter this past weekend, natural gas production in the state’s top energy-producing region dropped by about 20%, according to a report from S&P Global. And while the lights largely stayed on across the state, the gas system’s performance during a brief cold snap raised more questions about the grid’s ability to handle extreme winter weather.

A separate Bloomberg report said gas production in the Permian Basin region of West Texas plunged to its lowest levels since last February’s deadly winter storm.

A number of natural gas companies reported to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that they had to unexpectedly flare off gas last weekend because their equipment froze.

Meanwhile, the Railroad Commission, which regulates the oil and gas industry, said it didn’t know anything about the sudden drop in gas production. An agency spokesperson said the commission is “currently evaluating available data on natural gas production during the weekend of Jan. 1 and 2.”

Natural gas fuels a majority of power generation in Texas, and some power generators reported disruptions to their gas supply — but they said it was not enough to impact generators’ ability to produce electricity. Gov. Greg Abbott said the state’s main power grid operator was prepared with extra power supply online.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the grid operator, said there were no significant power outages around the state.

But the disruptions to the natural gas supply during a typical Texas cold front calls into question whether the state’s gas companies are ready for extreme winter weather, a concern energy experts and power company executives have expressed in recent months after lawmakers didn’t require gas companies to immediately prepare their equipment for extreme cold.
No. They went out because the generating plants weren't weatherized to Federal standards, and the gas heads froze stopping natural gas to the generators. Neither has been fixed.
You should have picked a better article. Natural gas doesn't come out of the ground, straight to being fuel.

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