I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...


Texas could actual back their currency with oil and natural gas reserves.
They don't have to tag it to imaginary money, and the promise of citizens paying their taxes.

They would not need a new currency. There is nothing the US can do if a country wants to use the US$ as their official currency. And unless there was a constitutional amendment, The new Texans would retain their US citizenship. The US recognizes dual citizenship.
There is a county in MS where 1/4 of the population is on Social Security disability.... Is Mississippi going to take care of them on their own? The most interesting conversation in the universe would be the governor of MS asking Texas to help out.... Should be priceless.
Mississippi can't take care of their own now.
Yes because
1: Most soldiers are serious about the oaths they took.
2: They know Texas doesnt have the abitily or funding to maintain a standing army.
Apparently Turtlesoup doesn't believe that American soldiers take their oaths seriously. Sounds like a person who don't take oath seriously themselves.
Tell your prog politicians, media and entertainers to start to back off. There are a high percentage of Deplorables and Dregs who have done you no wrong. When it comes to wealth, there is paper wealth and foundation wealth. Fruit and Vegetables and livestock and minerals and energy and water and so much more for Deplorables. While you have paper wealth in the cities.
No....tell your whitey rightie politicians, media and entertainers to push for secession. It would be a win/win.

Oh my goodness ... I can buy a bucket of beer on a beach in Costa Maya with a US $5 bill.
The value of money resides simply in what someone will give you in exchange for it, at the point of sale.

Oh...Mexico's entire economy is dollar based now?
US Dollar has its value because you can pay your taxes with it.....outside of that, it has no intrinsic value...

And whatever currency the country of Texas comes up with, will have even less value than that....
...again. Just like 1845. :heehee:
Texas hun has the resources to support themselves as a country---OIL, AGRICULTURE, and BIG TECH to just name a few of the industries that TEXAS is profiting off of dear. TEXAS's economy is big and diverse......
Sure they do. So there's nothing stopping you. What are you waiting for? Secede!
They may get to keep the land and buildings. Anything not nailed down can and would be moved. Stuff stayed in Afghanistan because it was more expensive to move than to replace. but moving from one state to another is a different matter.
Just like we did when we left the Philippines. We stripped every building on those bases, even taking the lightbulbs and copper wiring and pipes.....:heehee:
Oh...Mexico's entire economy is dollar based now?

Just stop ... I said I could buy a bucket of beer on the beach in Costa Maya with a US $5 bill ...
Just because you can, and to demonstrate the $5 US bill's value on the beach in Costa Maya, is still worth a bucket of beer.
Its actual value is not restricted to the United States.

If you go to tripping yourself up trying to make it mean something it doesn't ...
you're just going to confuse yourself some more.


What do you mean my "scenario" ... These are all your wet dreams.
I never supported Secession and have always said it would end in bloodshed.

If you want to talk about fighting, and how that is going to go ...
I'll let you deal with the fuckers in the FBI and won't be sending you a cake with a file in it down to Gitmo ... :thup:

I mean, your scenario. The one I responded to.
There's no need to go there ...
Texas and some other Gulf States could choke out those foreign territories before they ever got through drawing lines.

You’re not very good at this.
They would not need a new currency. There is nothing the US can do if a country wants to use the US$ as their official currency. And unless there was a constitutional amendment, The new Texans would retain their US citizenship. The US recognizes dual citizenship.
They could certainly stop the flow of currency into New Texmanistan and deny citizenship.
More craziness...

Carry on ... I don't mind watching you struggle with the obstacles you intend to keep on building for yourself.
That square peg still isn't going to fit.

I am not going to stop you ... Just play through ... :thup:

In my small conservative town, the last time it snowed much, the school was let out early and the boys wrestling team all got on their ATV's, attached the blades and plowed the driveways of the town's senior citizens. Do you really think we don't know how to take care of our own? How many senior citizens in the big blue cities ever got their driveways plowed by the young, strong men of the city? They're more likely to get their homes invaded by those young, strong men.

Do you really think that we can't take care of our own?
That's a nice little story. :heehee:

Carry on ... I don't mind watching you struggle with the obstacles you intend to keep on building for yourself.
That square peg still isn't going to fit.

I am not going to stop you ... Just play through ... :thup:

Y’all are doomed.
Far righters always threaten to secede. But if you actually talk to them, they tend to not understand what that means.

I was talking to a trucker from Texas who said after Texas secedes they will be better off, and when I pointed out that if they secede he'll have to get a visa tokeep working as a trucker. He said that he wouldnt need one cause he's an American. He was dumbfounded when I pointed out that if Texas secedes and he claims Texas citizenship, he forfeits his US citizenship, and would legally need a visa to work in the US .

I've met a few like this eho think they will retain the rights of US citizenship if their states secede.
You can have dual citizenship. DimTards made sure that you can do that. Plus they want Illegal Aliens to vote in elections now, so what does citizenship even mean any more?
I mean, your scenario. The one I responded to.
You’re not very good at this.

Sweetie ... If a computer glitch can shut down delivery and bring the East Coast to a halt influencing market conditions.
What the heck do you think would happen if they just said ... "No More".

It wouldn't take that long for the pipe to run dry ... :thup:

Talk about delusions ... There are a lot of folks sitting in a house of cards,
yacking about a hurricane coming and thinking the government can actually save them.

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