I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...


How about you try to figure out what it means instead of trying to make it mean something it doesn't.
If you are still having difficulties ... Maybe we can work out some kind of Read Aloud version for you.

Its either a typo or more craziness.
Folks, this is either a supremely deluded person or a foul liar.

We simply do not like you and do not want to be associated with you. We will go our own way and expect you to do the same. What is so hard to understand about that? You have made yourselves extremely unlikable and we don't like you and want you to go away. Fair enough. You decide what your rights will be in your country, just as we will decide out rights.

I understand why you all are scared of the prospect of losing us, since we are the makers and you are the takers, but I think you might have thought of that before you made yourselves the odious pigs you have become.
Why are you just talking about secession? Work to get it done!
You soiboiz are going to be the ones who can't figure out how to keep the lights on. Lets see you show up at the oilfields in your red flannel plaid jammies, with your soi lattes, and figure out how to get the energy out of the ground. They're called "roughnecks" for a reason.

This is rich humor, folks.
If looking at Texas, your post is ironic con-sidering what happened last winter with "keeping the lights on"....:heehee:
I really want Texas to secede. And when their ecomy collapses due to total deregulation (we've already seen how they run their energy system), and they beg to be readmitted, we can say no. Maybe Mexico will take them back.
Let's remember Texas history. They begged the U.S. to annex them for 10 years because they were broke.
If the state in which those companies have infrastructure and do business voted to secede, those companies have two choices.

(Jesus H, what do they teach kids in school these days?)
Exactly. Choice B is obviously non compliance.
Again. You believe the US would allow You to confiscate their assets?
Dumb again Pene....

Texas for decades has paid in MORE than they got in federal spending dippy. ONly recently have a few years been where they go more federal spending then they paid in supposedly---the reason MILITARY SPENDING is added to the federal spending in.

Texas leaving the union--means new rules for illegals who would be given nothing saving TEXAS taxpayers millions in food stamps and other welfare bennies, schools, and the criminal system that the illegals and their trash offspring cost.

The US is dying----our best days are long behind us. The growing national debt and influx of the worlds trash with them and druggies paid to breed ensures that the US will not survive---a break up of the country is coming. The sooner the less damage long term----the longer it drags out, the weaker we will become. Think Russia is right--eventually we see the US divided into about 10 pieces. Texas and Alaska will be countries all to their own------and I don't remember the other confederations but they were made of just a handful of states...

Texas has enough resources to survive on its own--------other states will want to join them.
Sounds good. You are helping support Texas as it secedes, right? Get er done!
That is precisely why it would never happen. The most you’d control is the west Texas wasteland.

There's no need to go there ...
Texas and some other Gulf States could choke out those foreign territories before they ever got through drawing lines.

TEXAS is flooded with military bases made up of Troops past and present who find our current federal government corrupt-------You think the federals would still have controll of all of these trained troops?
Yes...they would move them out and demand some kind of restitution for the land.
TEXAS is flooded with military bases made up of Troops past and present who find our current federal government corrupt-------You think the federals would still have controll of all of these trained troops?
You think those troops would still be there? If secession was to be voted on and set in motion, it would not be an overnight thing. At that point, the military will issue movement orders and move all troops and equipment out.

There's no need to go there ...
Texas and some other Gulf States could choke out those foreign territories before they ever go through drawing lines.

Huh? Exactly who is “choking out” who in your delusional scenario?
You believe the US would allow that?
How do you imagine the gulf states would counter a couple of carrier groups parked in the gulf?
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Those bases were always gonna remain in Afghanistan..

And no....Texas will not keep theirs -- because it was not "theirs" to begin with..

Which is why the post says "Conservatives don't really know what secession means"
They may get to keep the land and buildings. Anything not nailed down can and would be moved. Stuff stayed in Afghanistan because it was more expensive to move than to replace. but moving from one state to another is a different matter.
Huh? Exactly who is “choking out” who in your delusional scenario?
You believe the US would allow that?
How do you imagine the gulf states would counter a couple carrier groups parked in the gulf?

What do you mean my "scenario" ... These are all your wet dreams.
I never supported Secession and have always said it would end in bloodshed.

If you want to talk about fighting, and how that is going to go ...
I'll let you deal with the fuckers in the FBI and won't be sending you a cake with a file in it down to Gitmo ... :thup:


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