I don't think Secessionists know what seceding is...

It's not a question of IF hun---its a question of WHEN. Again, I think the Russians were right decades ago and history is right---when a country starts destroying itself from within with corrupt and inept leaders like the US has now set the path for-----BREAKING up into smaller pieces is the historic norm. The US is going to be breaking up forming loose smaller confederations ----I don't know if it will be succession or called something else---but I think it is coming.
"The Russians were right" Well, there we have it from the whitey righties, folks. Taking their lead from the Russians. :heehee:

Sweetie ... If a computer glitch can shut down delivery and bring the East Coast to a halt influencing market conditions.
What the heck do you think would happen if they just said ... "No More".

It wouldn't take that long for the pipe to run dry ... :thup:

Talk about delusions ... There are a lot of folks sitting in a house of cards,
yacking about a hurricane coming and thinking the government can actually save them.

You’re missing the point. That would never be allowed to happen.
In case you can’t see what that implies, it means assets would be tasked to maintain control. Assets that your AR toting rebels would have no power over.
You realize that Texas would not be alone. The whole southeast all the way up to Pa would probably go. Then there's the Midwest and Rocky Mt. regions that would probably go too. What's left is NY, New England, the wacky west coast (that's the western halves of Cali, Wash, and Oregon, we'll take the conservative eastern halves) and the weirdos in Minnesota, Illinois and New Mexico. They would become the Blue badlands. I'm sure we could make some accommodations to have the illegal aliens and hard core liberal radicals in cities like Philly, Detroit, Miami and Austin, be moved to blue states. It would take a while but, in the end, everyone would have a shot at having the country they want. We'll even take all those cops off your hands because we're nice people.
Talk Talk Talk..............no action. What a bunch of whiners. :heehee:
You’re missing the point. That would never be allowed to happen.
In case you can’t see what that implies, it means assets would be tasked to maintain control. Assets that your AR toting rebels would have no power over.

I wouldn't suggest some AR toting rebels won't be ready to greet you when you manage to walk your ass to Texas ... :dunno:
If you bring some salsa, and happen to pick up some skirt steak for the grill coming through Kansas ... You might just live through it.


I wouldn't suggest some AR toting rebels won't be ready to greet you when you manage to walk your ass to Texas ... :dunno:
If you bring some salsa, and happen to pick up some skirt steak for the grill coming through Kansas ... You might just live through it.

What do you imagine will be?
What do you mean "when you have to eat it?" All you are doing is whining.....take action!

You touched on a decent point and one that escapes a lot of people.
What folks yack about online doesn't necessarily reflect all the actions they have already taken.

There are a lot of people that have been in a somewhat defensive posture for quite some time.
They diversify their assets, build support networks, account for the need to adapt and innovate ...
And simply don't put all their eggs in one basket.

When you say ... "What are you going to do".
All they have to say is ... "Come get you some".

They just don't much care what you are going to do ... :thup:
I'm not trying to be overly offensive ... It's defense, not offense.

You assume that TEXAS couldn't sell its good to other states still if they left the UNION, which would be like saying that states can't buy goods to other countries. You also assume that you spiteful welfare libs would have money if not for the conservatives wanting to leave you behind. Or that TEXAS wouldn't as it already does----Trade very successfully with other nations.
Go right ahead. Still just talking, I see. :heehee:
Da Dems made us hate da blacks and Messicans.
Look at the way blacks are mowed down like rats in a barrel in Baltimore, NY, Philadelphia, Minneapolis,
St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, etc. every single week!

I don't think there is the slightest doubt about who "hates" black folks.

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