I Don't Understand NUDISM...

None of the views of me in your post are accurate. Thanks for illustrating for all the world to see how you are. You irritation and anger is YOUR work to do, not mine.

BTW Unless I was a precocious ten year old, (I was still climbing trees) I am not old enough to be your mother.

Now back to the topic. Nudism is naturalism, and its not about sex.
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None of the views of me in your post are accurate. Thanks for illustrating for all the world to see how you are.

I am well-acquainted with my issues and failings, and I've never tried to cover them up with a bunch of passive aggressive pseudo pacifist bullshit, you self-deluding twit.

God, grow the fuck up.
Keep going if you wish, catz. Let it all out. Tell us how you really feel.

I'd rather discuss nudism. You're a bore.
What a childish post, catz.

Fear not. I don't find you the kind of person I want to be vulnerable with in any way.

That said, you've had all the attention you're going to get from me today, you ego masturbator.
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I believe that widespread nudity would actually kill my sex drive. Hence, i'm not a fan. I want to see one person naked, and that's pretty much the extent of my desire for nudity. Give me a man in a pair of soft faded 501s, and I'll melt.

Even if Michael Moore was wearing them? :eek:
Nudism is no different than those who wear all leather, latex, etc.. It's just a lifestyle, but nudists tend to be the least perverted people I have ever spoken to, so I like them.
Merely not wanting to see other people nude is not a sufficient reason to outlaw public nudity, in my opinion. Many of us wouldn't want to see an extremely obese person fully clothed, yet that's hardly rationale for banning public sojourns by those who are obese and clothed...for most of us.

I'm sorry, you're mistaken. I do it because you continue to demonstrate stupidity and an inability to learn. Consider, for instance, your recent question on the pedophile thread. Had you actually taken the time to read the linked article, you would clearly understand why I have concerns. But of course, you couldn't be bothered to do that. You consistently demonstrate an inability to debate, lack of reading comprehension, and an irritating level of stupidity.

I would completely stop bashing you were it not for the ongoing nature of your annoying tendencies, which never seem to improve.

What pathetically hypocritical idiocy. :lol:

The pedophile thread where you made claims about another poster that were clearly rebutted?

Or perhaps you mean this: Minor Womans' Rights - Political Forum

Or this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/948913-post167.html

Or this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/immig...of-illegal-immigration-an-exaggeration-5.html

Or better yet, this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/health-and-lifestyle/66070-youth-rights.html
I am well-acquainted with my issues and failings, and I've never tried to cover them up with a bunch of passive aggressive pseudo pacifist bullshit, you self-deluding twit.

God, grow the fuck up.

Lol. Catz, you are the shit.
And I don't mean catshit.
Someone should have told you that "old" doesn't mean "grown-up", nor does criticism equal insult. You not only view women as an adolescent would, you clearly also view debate the same way. "You mentioned my daddy! Don't you talk about my daddy!"
You ignorant slut... you implied my FATHER had PORNO laying around...
Cecilie1200 said:
sneaking your dad's porn magazines.
... so don't EVEN try and wiggle your way out of that asshole. You insult me, and then you insulted my father. WHO doesn't know how to debate? Go look in the mirror pee brain.

Newsflash: women are complex human beings, not just sex objects, and if your dick is ruling you to the extent that you cannot think of them in any other terms, you are the one with the serious problem, not the people who have learned to confine sexual reactions to sexual situations. They grew up. You just grew old.
You ignorant moron... how did you go from talking about NAKED women to my dick? You got some kind of unhealthy fascination with cock? Well here's a newsflash for you skippy, it's a natural reaction for a man to be aroused when he sees a "NAKED", get that chief, "NAKED" woman. No one is talking about women in general here. The topic was about "NUDISTS." Now get with the program and stay on topic, or find another thread to spew your fucking insults and pent up sex problems. No one needs it here.
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You ignorant slut... you implied my FATHER had PORNO laying around... ... so don't EVEN try and wiggle your way out of that asshole. You insult me, and then you insulted my father. WHO doesn't know how to debate? Go look in the mirror pee brain.

You ignorant moron... how did you go from talking about NAKED women to my dick? You got some kind of unhealthy fascination with cock? Well here's a newsflash for you skippy, it's a natural reaction for a man to be aroused when he sees a "NAKED", get that chief, "NAKED" woman. No one is talking about women in general here. The topic was about "NUDISTS." Now get with the program and stay on topic, or find another thread to spew your fucking insults and pent up sex problems. No one needs it here.
:clap2: Beautiful.
Nudism is no different than those who wear all leather, latex, etc.. It's just a lifestyle, but nudists tend to be the least perverted people I have ever spoken to, so I like them.

I wouldn't classify them perverts either. I think they believe that what they're doing is legitimate. My only point is that I think when people are walking around naked 24/7, it takes away from the sexual aspect of finding the opposite sex stimulating when naked. I mean people are visual, whether some here will admit it or not, and nakedness is a turn on. Put a man in a room and have a fully clothed woman walk in and there's no sexual stimulus. Put a man in a room and have a naked woman walk in and instantly there's a sexual stimulus. That being said, if the man was a nudist and around naked women all day and all night, the naked woman wouldn't have a fraction of the effect it would on a man that wasn't a nudist. That ruins it for me. I think women are beautiful, and I don't ever want the sight of one naked to be just some mundane, everyday occurrence to me.
The thought of nudists doesn't bother me. I don't care that they do it, and I don't really judge them for it. I just prefer to have my interactions with other people be fully-clothed, for the most part.

That's pretty much what it comes down to for me too catz. It's like staring at Christmas presents under a Christmas tree. They're all wrapped up and you have no idea what they are, and the anticipation of unwrapping them makes the unwrapping a very enjoyable event. Much like a person wearing clothes. It's a hell of a lot more fun to unwrap them too than to have them naked all the time.

I don't care that nudists like to be naked either, I just can't quite understand why they do it, and there hasn't been any good reasons given here either.
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That's pretty much what it comes down to for me too catz. It's like staring at Christmas presents under a Christmas tree. They're all wrapped up and you have no idea what they are, and the anticipation of unwrapping them makes the unwrapping a very enjoyable event. Much like a person wearing clothes. It's a hell of a lot more fun to unwrap them too than to have them naked all the time.

I don't care that nudists like to be naked either, I just can't quite understand why they do it, and there hasn't been any good reasons given here either.

I can remember being on my third date with my boyfriend. He was fully clothed, but every so often, he would move his arm, and I'd catch a glimpse of this golden hair along a firm, tanned wrist. I remember staring at that wrist for at least 5 hours (we talked, and talked, and talked, and ate oysters and watched basketball), and wondering what the rest of his body looked like, and what it would feel like to have his big strong hands on me. We held hands, and looked into each other's eyes, and damn...

It was SWOONY. Still one of the best dates I've ever had.

I'm a huge fan of delayed gratification. it's ever so much more gratifying when you finally get there.

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