I find this more than slightly interesting about Romney

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Do you want to know who Mitt Romney really is, well, he is the weak sister that let the fat pig of CNN, Candy Crowley ride him like the donkey’s butt he is at his debate with the Surrender Monkey!!! Now...that is the kind gentle review of him...Mitt Romney.

But.........truly the Mitt Romney of the real world is a Traitor, a Turncoat, a low life piece of human scum & vermin, a political backstabber with no loyalty to any one but
himself and last, a true, dedicated servant of both SATAN & CORRUPTION

But....tens times worse then Him, are the voters of the state of Utah that elected this “Benedict Arnold” and now will do nothing to broom and dump him overboard into oblivion where the SOB so rightfully belongs. Shame on you all in Utah, do the right thing!

If Cofer Black, Willard's handler, told him to wear a chicken suit in the senate, he would.

Mitt has enough money. He chopped up companies and moved jobs overseas.
Not the "populist" we need in the WH.

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