I forgot how useless Congressional testimony really is...

The left wing silence on this thread is deafening. I am glad you guys agree. Now vote these assholes out of office, you idiot sheep.
Dims have made a mockery of Congress.
Congress mocking itself isn't a Party thing- Republicans have had ample opportunity to change everything Democrats are for, and haven't. IMO there hasn't been a decent congress critter since Davy Crockett left office.

When the camera's aren't around they're getting drunk with each other (*their friend across the aisle)- 30 second sound bites and "hearings" are political theater and BOTH sides use it as a tool to keep voters divided.

That "aisle" is for show only. It exists only for the show. BOTH subscribe to the same monetary policy, the same foreign policy and the same domestic policy. They use different rhetoric and actors but the results speak for themselves. We the stinky tourist are living the results- they ALL over step their constitutional boundary.
And we the stinky tourist play along because of the Education System they BOTH subscribe to because we don't know any better- we the stinky tourist, fall into one of two camps- tool or enemy- either/or makes we the stinky tourist acolytes for godvernment. Being an acolyte requires deference to a higher power and voters (BOTH sides) defer to their favorite Elder(s) in the church of godvernment.
Dims have made a mockery of Congress.
Congress mocking itself isn't a Party thing- Republicans have had ample opportunity to change everything Democrats are for, and haven't. IMO there hasn't been a decent congress critter since Davy Crockett left office.

When the camera's aren't around they're getting drunk with each other (*their friend across the aisle)- 30 second sound bites and "hearings" are political theater and BOTH sides use it as a tool to keep voters divided.

That "aisle" is for show only. It exists only for the show. BOTH subscribe to the same monetary policy, the same foreign policy and the same domestic policy. They use different rhetoric and actors but the results speak for themselves. We the stinky tourist are living the results- they ALL over step their constitutional boundary.
And we the stinky tourist play along because of the Education System they BOTH subscribe to because we don't know any better- we the stinky tourist, fall into one of two camps- tool or enemy- either/or makes we the stinky tourist acolytes for godvernment. Being an acolyte requires deference to a higher power and voters (BOTH sides) defer to their favorite Elder(s) in the church of godvernment.

They are the ruling class. We are the useful idiots.
Barr was brought to testify for the Dims to try to get dirt on Trump for impeachment.

Didnā€˜t work.

I love the Dim narrative that everything was PERFECT until Trump sent in his federal troops....forcing peaceful protestors to burn down buildings. :laughing0301:

My God, liberals are so stupid.

If everything was perfect, Trump wouldnā€™t send in Federal troops to protect federal property.

Trump didnā€™t send Federal Troops to Savannah, Georgia because rioters arenā€™t attacking federal buildings in Savannah.
Should we all try that with our spouses? Ask them a question, and then when they start to answer, yell, ā€œReclaiming my time!!ā€
If this is the tone these Congressional hearings are now going to take, the faggot Republicans had better do the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING to the next witness who the Dims sucking up to.

Jordan should play a montage of all the times the Dim Assholes screamed ā€œRECLAIMING MY TIME!ā€ to Barr AFTER ASKING HIM A QUESTION.

Dims are some scared of Barr going in dry on Obamaā€™s corrupt DOJ.
This was an opportunity for soulless vapid ignorant Dims to get video snipets for campaign ads.

What a shameless display by the rabid partisan Dims. Disgusting.

Thats really who you fucking lefties want running the nation?

Fucking NADLER who said the riots were a MYTH??????

What the fuck??

...the Dims are not asking Barr questions in which they seek actual answers for the purposes of garnering new information.

They did nothing but makes speeches, grandstand, and berate Barr.

I really love how they blame Barr for George Floyd.


Clearly, the government of Minneapolis is racist if they hire and keep racist police. For how long have liberals run that city? 50 years?

Pure dog and pony show.
...the Dims are not asking Barr questions in which they seek actual answers for the purposes of garnering new information.

They did nothing but makes speeches, grandstand, and berate Barr.

I really love how they blame Barr for George Floyd.


Clearly, the government of Minneapolis is racist if they hire and keep racist police. For how long have liberals run that city? 50 years?

Pure dog and pony show.

Did ANY Dim let him answer without interrupting?

They are so scared of him, itā€™s hilarious.
...the Dims are not asking Barr questions in which they seek actual answers for the purposes of garnering new information.

They did nothing but makes speeches, grandstand, and berate Barr.

I really love how they blame Barr for George Floyd.


Clearly, the government of Minneapolis is racist if they hire and keep racist police. For how long have liberals run that city? 50 years?

Pure dog and pony show.

Did ANY Dim let him answer without interrupting?

They are so scared of him, itā€™s hilarious.

Nope, it was a joke
Has anyone seen the liberal news spin on the Barr testimony?

Do they like that the Dims only gave speeches and didnā€™t allow Barr to speak, or did they actually want to learn from Barr?

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